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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Allamagan, playing detective!! lol Poster, there are so many women in the world, find another one, whats with the calcal.
  2. Faheema, why you hit the door on your way in or you have a general headache?
  3. If you ever find yourself not joining congregational prayer, take a moment to at least observe the people participating. You will find many unusual, unfortunate oddities consistently happening, regardless of where the prayer is taking place. Observe and learn, because you might be doing one of the following things yourself: The politely-cloaked "You go ahead please": Even though the prayer has already started and the Imam is well into the second Surah, there is a standoff taking place somewhere in the back. This is between the people who don't want to move forward to a line closer to the front, but because there is a gap in the line ahead that needs to be filled, they offer other people the spot. They tell each other to go ahead as if they are giving the other a privilege, when they both know that neither of them really wants to move. These people need to understand that moving ahead in the congregational rows will not cause one any physical pain or abnormal feelings. Having the motivation to move up as far as possible even increases the rewards of praying. People should just move up and quit causing distractions for others. The Wave – Congregational Prayer Edition: In some quarters there is a misconception that one can only start their prayers once the person in the row in front of him or to his/her right or left side has begun. This ends up causing a lengthy, time consuming chain. People who are ready to pray are simply standing there waiting for their turn to start, even if the Imam is almost done with Surah Fatiha. FYI, as long as the rows are properly set, and the follower has heard the Imam start the prayer, (s)he can to start his/her prayer even if those in the front or on the side have not begun. The Reckless Lane-Changer: A Reckless Lane-Changer is a person who was unable to join at the start of the prayer, but still wants to participate. When entering a highway, there are specific guidelines as to where, when, and how you are to merge onto it; you cannot simply swerve over when you wish! Likewise, when joining the congregational prayer which is underway, a person cannot join during Sujood, Tashahud, or just any other time that one sees fit. If you are joining during the first rak'at, you can join anytime from Takbiratul Ehram up to the end of Ruku. If you join in the second or later rak'at, remember that you cannot finish your prayer with the congregation, as you will not have the sufficient number of rak'ats – a characteristic of... ...The Short-Changer: In this case you will have to carry on with your own prayer to complete the required number of rak'ats, after the congregational prayer has finished. The Speeder: This is the guy who will attempt to complete certain actions quicker than everybody else. He will reach the position of Sujood faster than everyone else, or he will stand up for the Qiyam of the next rak'at faster than everyone else, regardless of the fact that they will finish the prayer at the same time as the congregation anyway. Reciting dhikr faster than the prayer leader is permissible. However, performing physical actions before the Imam does will invalidate your congregational prayer! The Multi-tasker: This worshipper is interested in doing more than only offering prayers. Be it buttoning shirt sleeves, seeing if he have enough change in their pockets for a coffee, taking off a leather belt, strapping on the watch, or putting the cell phone on silent mode, Multi-tasker has a hard time focusing on what is only slightly most important – his prayer! But these are also the ones who do not put their phones on silent mode, and then the ringing disturbs everyone. Although most will quickly shut the noise off, there seems to be the rare one here and there who will actually answer the call in the middle of prayer! Hilarious to see, one more multi-tasking technique is to use the time during Qiyam to exercise the jaws. Because only the Imam is to recite the two surahs, some people think it's a good time to chew gum. Gum chewers: you can't eat food, drink drinks, or chew gum during prayer! The Overly-Enthusiastic Reciter: Then there is that guy who enjoys reciting surahs out loud along with the Imam. Please note that the followers are not allowed to recite the surahs in the congregational prayer loudly. [*edited] The Tall Grass in the Wind: You might notice during Qiyam that some people constantly sway and swerve back and forth. If enough people are doing this, it forms a group known as Tall Grass in the Wind, which is basically what it looks like from afar. The Physical Checkup: Oh yeah...remember the Multi-tasker? Another trait of his is to perform a physical checkup during prayer. During Qunoot, he finds it urgently pressing to check on the condition of the skin of his hands, and to see if his fingernails are clean or maybe in need of a good trim. During Ruku, he curls his toes and rolls his feet sideways to ensure a proper inspection of their soles or socks. During Tashahud, while the hands are conveniently placed on the thighs, some find this an opportune moment to brush away any small specks of lint or crumbs that may have gathered during prayer directly onto the person next to them. So next time you do join a congregational prayer, remember that all of these things are wrong and should not be done. Extra movement should be kept to a minimum, as it distracts the person praying, as well as others around them. And most importantly, excessive non-prayer-oriented movement will invalidate a person's prayer. And none of us want that. By Slaves of Allah on FaceBook.
  4. Juxa inshallah. Hi Serenity, how was your holiday? As for Ngonge, No. Why did you run him over on the way to work?
  5. ^^^Got home, prayed and slept like a baby till 4.30am. Suprised you managed to stay up!! :eek:
  6. ^^you should've just asked me juxa! LOL Catch up on your sleep? Feeling better?
  7. ^^Yep, Recent days I've met all sorts of people. Mashallah, it is like learning English again! How is it going?
  8. ^^Sup CL and good morning.
  9. It looks nice on some people, it depends on your head shape and face. Dark skin women can pull it off. Good luck. I shaved my hair off when I was eight, zero. Can't remember how I looked. lol
  10. ^^What would his girl ku faaley adiga :confused: Imagines JB chat up line: Hi baby, I like R Kelly- but I am the original love-baro, I have 8kids and a wife, but I have a good job and I don't chew, wanna party with me, maybe move from OZ to SL to have fun and party in Berber- if we get caught you must marry me”
  11. ^^^says the man who has been searching for this thing for the last two weeks!! :eek: No of course you can't, you was merely looking at their potential(beauty that is)for when they grow up.
  12. ^^^Looks sunny but colder than yesterday. Ngonge I thought about sending you the link, but did not want the dambi of all your perving Your not allowed to go dude, it is for 17-23yr old and four judges over 55yrs.
  13. Lily that is not like you!! :eek: don't do it Lool @ Ngonge advice. I'm getting old, read this on facebook Nothin wat u wana cum tru yea y nt lets get our money go cinema ... den nandosa looool i'm on it if ur on it wat u sayin ..... get at me aight Xoxoxoxxx Now can't resist deleting these grown people who insist on talking like that :eek:
  14. Loool @ Sheh going jum jag on the cantrabaqash advice given. Naden good luck and let us know how it goes inshallah, all the best. P.s. I like this no nonsense Sheh, this should be your new real life approach too!!
  15. Seeker, that is so creepy, but he is Italian, bunch freaks (creepy, show-off, sleezy or racist covers all the ones I’ve met, put me off going to Italy ever.) Loool Lily aah don't walk around South London, I always wonder how somali girls work and live in places like Bixton :eek:
  16. Morning Lily, How you doing? Hey Ngonge
  17. Morning, Juxa, all that abuse, your body has a right over you women! Hmmm Timir cake, I had a big one sat yummy. Now I feel like cake, not good at all. :mad: Morning people.
  18. D School teacher and kids here. Let it go boys. S*S Stop hating please, bet you wish you could write like him, don't cha? Oh oh oh wait, The irony of calling a Somalilander Af-weyne hehe
  19. Originally posted by Jalle Liqaye: Ibtisam would you not be debating with non-maharam as the education minister as well, indeed would not that be a position of leadership, that you have removed yourself from? I don't think you understood me brother, I said it is not the role (i.e. Education minister, health or whatever else) that is the problem, the role can be taken by a women, but rather the environment which will limit her. As for it being a position of leadership, again the problem is not with being a role of leadership, but rather Islam not allowing women to LEAD a nation. An education minister or any other position cannot be said to be leading or heading a nation. She just needs the space and environment to work, hence see my suggestion above about parallel departments.
  20. ^^^Looool @ Beat the shzt out of him. You are beyond mean. Che wax walaan :eek:
  21. Looool You guys are mad seriously! S*S and Co, you can run your mouth up to me any day, but you need a referral to chat to our men. And yes I am their spokes person when it comes to answering those with so called midget brains Seriously stop being ciyaal suuq, maaxa ku haadlesan. :eek:
  22. ^^I don't know AAaah, I know who he is now, but I don't know if he is the original or the new one, either way I liked both of them. Hello McC And of course he is right, why else would you put my name on the subject. Now you have my attention so maah JB you need to stop looking at pictures of my feet!!
  23. Uztaad, what people do and Islam in its literature are not the same. As for the roles women are allowed, it is not so much as the roles but rather the environment. So she can play any role aside from the leader as long as the conditions and enviroment remains islamic. Sitting and debating with a bunch of guys who are not her mahram is out of her normal environment, but it does not mean she cannot be minister of education. I will send you some links if you like. I'm sure you'll gain more form them. Oodweyne, it means you are too sensitive and hot blooded if you nearly came to blow with people over different of opinion. Are you sure you did not spend a few too many years in Burco I don’t think Abu Salma is like the Hizbu tahrir or Al Muhajurin in his theories, I just think maybe he did not develop his ideas fully yet. At least hear him out fully before you attack him. P.s. Even in Ramadan you could not take a break huh