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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^^Soup addict, and you don't know anything about reer miyi, we like caano not maraq silly. LOOL @ Ngonge. where is CL, she got my mind working about something and run off! Juxa is good at multi-tasking like me.
  2. ^^You see, they will just raise an eyebrow and move on. :eek:
  3. ^^^ Juxa does nice soup, it did not even look green- I hated soup, but I'll have hers again. Never tried Maraq though. Ngonge: I am too reer miyi to think or recording the damn thing. I'd probably get myself in trouble, may allah never put me in such sitution in my life.
  4. ^^^raise an eyebrow to someone being burnt alive in front of you?? CL: I know you are human, in fact I thought I was trying to remind you that you are only human!! I agree about not ruling your life- experience your emotions, do what you can and keep it moving. Underground relationship Gosh I have some many images haad, baal be more specific. Do you mean starting a relationship at Oxford Street while on the tube and ending it when you get to Camden, or having a hidden relationship?
  5. ^^^Nice of him not defend his actions, and say this is hala Bollywood. I did not know Aaliya likes Bollywood! lol They don't even speak english I doubt they know the rapper. Often I offer to change it for them to a normal Phone ring.
  6. Waad iska ciyaari. Now you tell me you don't experience certain emotions. If you say it was like watching the traffic light and you forgot about it before you crossed the road, then waan ku sign garaney that you have no time for such things. Otherwise you are just the same as everyone else, privileged or not. In any case so in control, good on ya.
  7. ^^^Morning. CL: I didn't ask you break down or cry or mould over it, something can impact on you without doing any of the above including staying in your memory, loss of sleep, depression, nightmares, shock, rage, anger or any other emotion or action. But to say it did not impact at all- i.e. it was the same as seeing the traffic lights changing colours is a different matter- maybe that is a privilege for the few who can shut down completely
  8. aaawww at the kids effort! Mashallah. CL :eek: OH my god, do you have a heart women!! :eek: :eek: North, that is sad
  9. Jafe: I tried replying to you, but your inbox is full. This article is too long in Somali, it will take me an hour to read it!! I'll give my view in 3yrs time when I learn more Somali- unless you want to give me a short summary.
  10. ^^^It is called coping with difficulties, his duca if nothing else, reminds them to make duca for their loved ones. Don't become judgmental on the tragedies of others
  11. ^^^LOOOOOL @ Hello, Hello. Aboowe Mcaanoow taleefanka ma iga qabatidooo" Naughty voice!!! lool- maybe your shock just made you think it was naughty. Old somali ladies who their kids give them phones crack me up. The kids put hip-hop or R&B on at top volume. Then it takes them so long to answer the phone!
  12. North you are becoming a hard hearted man Ngonge stop crying its just a damn flu I bet Hi CL. North Juxa is not here yet- miyaad kuu riyotey, her and CL play tricks on me too- similar picture.
  13. ^^I don't know Fake Pleasure VS Real Pleasure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNJPWpfPats&feature=related Canjeex: May Allah reward you for posting that talk: It is one of the most powerful talks I watched in a long time. I really needed it. The one I posted above is a segment of your length one for those short of time.
  14. Val, She is very pretty in her pictures. His eyes are in Love no doubt. Inshallah khyir I'm happy for him, just concern about the distance thing. Welcome back Val Morning peeps
  15. ^^Lol, thanks. I had a lecture who once told me that while I was a bright student and I could really go far in life, he believed my attachment to religion to explaining away things hinders the ability for my mind to be free thinking. He advised that for my own good, I should be smart enough to realize I have been brainwashed and be a free thinker. This was five years ago now.
  16. Cynical lady because it is, I don't think that is reducing it, it is just taking it back to basic. Or is it any less valid because it is rooted in religion. For some everything is rooted in science even when science offers who information on that subject. I on the other hand think religion has an answer for everything in society- including in this case complexity, insecurity, greedy and humans being brain washed into ideal forms of beauty. Fu-fu lol, indeed I am.
  17. ^^What have you against Fat people?? CL people have money and don't know what to do with it. But I have another theory which is that people who don't follow allahs ways and his religion will never be happy, they do all kinds of things to attain the ever illusive contentment and happiness, from changing colours to butchering their bodies.
  18. People from Puntiland should not feel the need to defend the actions of the “government” when it is so out of line and wrong. ONLF has no fight or problems with other Somalis, so if we are not going to aid them, we should not hinder them. I am sure the normal Puntiland civilian has been caused embarrassment and discomfort by these arrests. Talking about kicking an entity when they are down.
  19. Dear grim reaper, so far this year, you have taken my favourite celebrity, jade,my favourite dancer,michael jackson, my favourite actor,patrick swayze and now my favourite singer stephen gately! Just to let you know, my favourite twins are john and edward! Lol Saw this on facebook! So mean!!
  20. ^^^She does not troll during the day time anymore. Why what did you find for her? Good to see you in a good mood!! try to stay like that all day (okay maybe that is pushing it, half a day with out cursing sheh)
  21. I don’t see what is so special about someone miles away that he has not seen for four years. She could be a different person all together. Why can’t he just marry one from across the road. Haad it brings problems for him, waste of money and a marriage with 1weeks holiday benefit. What is the point. :confused: Plus it is almost impossible to bring someone over haad, so he is going to be in between lands.
  22. Come on, let’s do it, let do it again somewhere in the middle of the third Raka’ of the Maqrib salat in a mosque. LOL waalii.
  23. ^^^Loool see!! Juxa!@ Basaas for ceyrta!! Maybe Juxa, I think wuu laqaabsan weye the girls in this country, we shipped him over from Burco three yrs ago. He's been working none stop since, even we don't see him, let alone girls- Apparently the girl was in his school back when they were 18 and he was still in Burco, they've kept contact since and she moved to Kenya. Now we know why we worked so many shifts and worked so hard! I don't know what the big plan is, I would not have contributed to bring him here for him to go back home after he affords his wedding. Maybe he'll bring her here or something.
  24. Faheema; You took it on the train too!! dedication and a half!! Would love to, but Juxa and north London is holding me hostage. Lool @gabadhan waa baruur lugo iyo gacmo looyeelay!! Oz have fun. Speaking of Nairobi, got the semi shock of my life- guys are so useless. My cousin is marrying a women in Nairobi, I only found out because the merher already happened yesterday. Imagin finding out someone is getting married today from Burco and they live down the road from you. Lol yaab. Anyway I hear so many stories about girls in Nairobi with multiple Diaspora husbands and one living on the other side of Kenya that I can't shake the suspicion off. What if she is taking him for mug, I will kill her you know.
  25. Edit: ^^^So I could be a fat girl with a six pack!! Fu-fu anigu I've never told people not to eat, but sometimes I don't get to eat; Yesterday for example; I got to work and had cornflakes for breakfast, and tea. I had snack of grapes, I missed lunch and at 3.00pm I had cornflakes again as it was only thing I could eat without going shops (had not time for shop) by the time I got home at 8.30pm I was ready to pass out; I had chicken and pasta (may Allah bless my edo). So it depends on the day. As for mana cayishid, you should not believe what everyone tells you. It is not true. :cool: Juxa, lol okay. I can meet anytime after 4pm, I have a meeting with the management of a Somali celeb who is coming to our event at 6.30pm at Camden.