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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^Resist following the trend girl. Don't be bacaa yeah. Have your neither hair nor there and they will become somewhere.
  2. Lool @ Prison. CL His daughter asked for one. Adigu why on earth are you insisting? The guy is paying for treatment out of his own pocket- it would be wasted money if I get a Xalimo for him and he is too embarrassed to discuss all of his problems that he wants to address. Somalis have too much xishood to cross some lines. Thank the lord for that.
  3. ^^Yes dambi beey galeyan. Islam forbids even other women describing you in front of men. Let alone describing yourself in a forum full of men. For example: we might know that one sister is tall, light skin, Long hair and skinny (from two different threads) but this sister wears a hijab and covers herself fully. So it is best we talk in general terms. Fu-fu- there is a reason why YOU want them to describe themselves, so you can imagine them with the sexy long/ short jarrer hair when you crosses paths with them on SOL :rolleyes:
  4. Juxa, I went to a wedding last night and I got jealousy that 50% had hair pass their as*s, while the other half had a short bob. Haad everyone is two teams- so you decided to leave the middle camp and join the trends eh? Fashion slave NP: Girls you should not describe yourself/ hair in these kinds of threads- particularly the hijabi's.
  5. Juxa; It has to be a farax- medical translator if possible. Let me try the agency- I’ll Google them if I can’t find them- I’ll be back to you.
  6. CL Juxa is one of those annoying people who you meet outside the exam room beside themselves even though they have been revising for months, and you have to comfort them, even though you got in only 2days revision. Then when the results come, they run to you surprised they got top marks. Thank you, (but where did I go ) I need a male translator for an old Somali patient (he is in the Somali politics I think- or just rich ) coming to talk about his problems. He does not speak a word of English and I know what problems he wants to bring up- No way I'm translating for him, no no no- Pluz I am not a translator. He only has a daughter and he does not want to bring her- even though she made the appointment for him.
  7. ^^^I happen to agree. It looks great if you keep it short like her and don't brush it. Otherwise you would cry like a baby if they are like that and you have to maintain them! I've never seen a Somali girl with nabby hair. Most of us some confusing mix of Afro meets India that grows out like a tree like an Afro, but then grows as long as an indian. I mean seriously Haye Aaliya, adigu you have nice long hindi hair ee maxaad ugu diganeysa us qarafadog chicks
  8. SalamAlikum people. Girls sounds like you all woke up on the wrong side of the bed with madax xuun, bad mood and an excuse called one of those days. Shiid girls, cheer up, it takes less energy to be cheerful Qul Alhumdulilah ya banatii as my edo would say. Juxa, do you use an agency for Somali translators? I need a male translator for tomorrow 10am till 11am. - Faheema put some headphones on or tell her you need to think- time out. - Juxa, call in sick, take some painkillers, and two glass of water, nap for 1hr. When you wake study your socks off. Then go to sleep after isha at 6.45pm. Wake up at 4am and study till 7am. You will never forget what you learn in the morning. - CLTell me your problem and I'll give you a good plan Now all together breath and count to 10.....
  9. Nevermind about my one Castro- I'll ask the hindi to send me a sample one from India. Looool @ AAliya!! Your somali is xaasiid you know! lol Btw, serenity was just trying to get two for herself!
  10. Aaliay tell him he is your atheer too! Castro: You would be lucky if you or Ngonge's children turn out anywhere near me. It is better they are safe and little mad than running wild- don't you agree
  11. ^^^Post me one too atheer. We are related you know Ngonge lol, seriously! I had a beautiful childhood. Everything was so simple. It was either Gaalo- therefore Haram, or Hala. No manipulation or lies and therefore no shocks in adult life- just minor adjustments.
  12. LOOOl @ Ngonge!! :eek: Wax Waalan, don't confuse the child Castro good luck and don't get too cosy
  13. Aaliya tell him sis. Castro I do believe it or not, without crushing toes
  14. Looool @ Castro, that is an easy rout out. Until she finds out you are lying from school or TV. Thereby thinks lying is allowed. Then you will wonder why your child tells you lies all the time Or when she finds out she will hate you Malika I so agree with you- but you have a pretty way of saying things
  15. I remind you of YOU @ Castro- that is scary!! I don't want to end up like you You are cool and everything, but cool is not my aim. Lool @ Ngonge- hence why I said just say it is Haram or Hala. Keep it simple. As for why, you don't need to afraid of Whys, there are reasons for everything. Otherwise they will get the answers to those "Why's from else where and you want to avoid that.
  16. ^^^You did not give me a chance to miss you Grandpa, you need to be MIA for two months at least!. How are the kids and your new wife? So maad fahiiman wax ku idii anyway
  17. ^^^ Castro You won't be the first. Join the que. Ngonge you are a soft father- and can I say your priorities are mixed up. You taught your daughter how to make tea for you at 6, and brain washed your son with football from 9months, yet you think they have a redundant mind for the details Islam. Next year she is expected to pray and if she fails her mum should beat her for it.
  18. ^^Atheer She is still too young to know the technical difference between Haram and Makruh. Some people have a hard time understand it even as adults. So as a child, it is better they think it is haram and find out the details of it when they are old enough. MiiMi on the other hand is a little older than 6
  19. BOB adigu if you are not bothering someone miyad diman?
  20. MiiMi, it is Makruh- disliked/ no recommended. Also if you keep a dog, one (some hadith say two) Qirat (a measure only allah knows) of the reward of your good actions are deducted daily unless of course you have the dog for one the three reasons you are allowed to have it for.
  21. ^^^I should've told you "Ohiin" Juxa you are slipping, Nuune still understands me!
  22. No far from it! Okay I'll try again: Mid ilmaada uun ka biisa (read it as bizza (does Somali have a "zz?") dhono Now do you get it?
  23. ^^^What would you know or care about an intelligent women, miid ilmaad uu ka biisa doono.
  24. ^^tell em girl, make up and nails, shopping and blond under that hijab. Keeps a smile on