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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^^Eid Mubarak, the day is much shorter now.
  2. ^^Why only juxa? Ms DD, well hurry and post the pictures of qardo iyo fardo
  3. Ms DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Helllllllllllllllllllllo SalamAlikum and Wlc back Xabibity. Mac iyo Mac. I'm glad u are back safely and before 1year!!! Are you in London??
  4. Thanks Lily- I thought as much since we are break fast for the other Eid. North, I just digged around and found that all the imams apart from Abu Hanifah (he says it is complusory) say it is sunnat-e-muakkadah and it can be offered on the 10th, 11th and 12th ‘Zulhijjah’
  5. North when does it have to be done? Today or tomorrow? I mean when do the animal have to be slaughtered? I'm ring my father and ask him to do one for me. North: You just confused me, it is sunnah one Eidul fitrah- so why do u do it on both? I miss my edo, did not realise Eid is so much work, she normally sorts all this out. I just wake up on Eid and follow her around.
  6. Loool This is so sad. When you compare a so called "state" with a war zone in an effort to score a point. All you low expectation puntilanders should be thoroughly ashamed!! There is an outrage against puntiland because the expectations are different and you keep telling us you are different and you have law and order and yad yad ya, so great, so successful, so yad yad ya, better, stable, just yad and some more yad. So it is logical to expect better conditions, treatment- heck kidnapping should not even happen there. Unless of course you are taking all that cantrabaqash back and saying puntiland is just as part of the chaos as moqdisho, and we should expect the same things that would happen in a war zone.
  7. ^^So far as in the Hajj season so far. Mashallah that is a lot. Dukey added the whole in ONE DAY thing to get a reaction
  8. Norfsky: The qurbani is uulxu in somali right?? Edo is away and I'm not sure if I'm suppose to send to relative and they eat it or are they suppose to give the meat away? Also if I miss it, is it dambi or is it a sunaah? Also this Eid: Is it the one where you have 3dates before you go to Eid prayers or is it the one you should not eat till you pray. I can't remember.
  9. Why does it matter, do they share their money with you, miis you want to cawiri them!!?
  10. ^^^It is a crime, you should dress up pretty in pink and have Ciid like everyone else. But you cannot always have what you want eh. I'm taking a Eid off the kids (if they are 10 & 16 they are not kids any more right)
  11. ^^^I'm going to the mosque inshallah for 8am, see my Muslim people at the mosque, kiss lots of random strangers who are very happy to see me on the way out. Call my family members and say Eiiiiid Muuuubarak. Then I am taking the carpets and curtains to the big laundry. Inshallah for the afternoon evening I am going to get take away and watch TV, do a bit of research and chill at home. What you gonna do; go to work
  12. ^^Loool. I just feel good- nothing specific. just lots of small things. Alhumdulilah. You have lots of time- the whole weekend and then some. so don't worry- be happy.
  13. ^^Allah ba uu qorey, its not time for her yet I guess. How are you feeling?? I have some good news and I feel cheerful this morning. Alhumudlilah.
  14. ^^ Apparently 11yr olds are fair game to some. Well done to the sister. I hope she is successful in this world and the hereafter.
  15. Lol Faheema, "Inna allah yarsuuqa maan ya shau" they need to make a living Don't worry. Pluz you don't get back till sunday and she's seen everything else. I was showing her some things she can get for Eid. Morning girls. CL most nice abayah places I know are in sisters houses, if you want a shop, you will have to go to any Asian Islamic shop- either in East London (around East London mosque or Upton Park) or there is always one inside mosques. But it is too close to Eid and I bet they only have the left overs with glitter all over and ill fitting.
  16. Do you guys get Hala Turkey?? Muslims in America also have Turkey and do Thanks Giving? Waad daqaadine AAliya you and Faheema name change baa idin warerinyeh! I came 8am because old women ripped out her neck catheter and wants to fight everyone. I think she wants to die or something. SalamAlikum & Morning. Today is the blessed day of Arafa- the day of forgiveness. Aishah (ra) reported: The Messenger of Allah (saw) said, "There is no day on which Allah sets free more slaves from Hell than He does on the Day of `Arafah.''
  17. ^^^Meaning you are coming to collect your dasaado?
  18. ^^Waxas iska daaf. Can you come and collect the collection boxes before Eid. I assume you are not going to ask people for money with a blue plastic bag or your cimamaad. I tried calling you many time, but no luck. :cool:
  19. Originally posted by Norfsky: ^lol Have a good loooong weekend. I'm off. Let the real cake eating, weather talking, 'heh' saying, busy body trolls come out My one month off cake ends today. I'm thinking of having couple cakes for afur, and two for suhur tomorrow. Doctors are so up their own ******************* One just sent me a LETTER to say I put an extra letter in his initials. Are you kidding me??? He butchers my name and I don’t make a fuzz. I will now, just to confuse him. In fact I should write back. Dear Dr. ……… Please accept my apology for the mistake, I have deleted the extra letter in your initials and attached the request again. Since we are on the subject of correction- You might have noticed that sometimes when you call my name I do not answer. This is because you call me by a name I barely recognize and which is far from my actually name. Please note that my name is "Xalimo" (the X is NOT silent- it makes a popular Arabic sound which I will be happy to demonstrate) For the time being I have attached the arabic alphabets and how they sound, so you can get some practice in till we meet next week. Maybe your basic knowledge of Hebrew will come in handy. Kind regards.
  20. Lily does it have to be one colour dress?? I saw Sheh wearing your dress on EID and she really dressed it up, heels matching bag, funky merged belt etc. They will think you look ethnic Faheema is back on sunday, I will let you know if I see anything you can pull off.
  21. ^^The green one looks horrid coz a white women is wearing it. Also she is going to a white man's do. She must blend in you know
  22. Lol, I only claim for things over £10, and I don't even need to fill in paper work or get it approved by anyone. Gaayo.com