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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Waxba. I'm planning my cake feast for tonight. Che- Cirid madoow is qurux in Somali culture- Pink cirid is unhealthy. Is you said biishin madoow you would be accusing me of smoking though
  2. ^^You did not ask a question. I am not going to debate about a minaret. There are million Mosques in the world without a minaret and shock horror they function normally. This is really a none-issue.
  3. ^^^There is no point argue with one who thinks that Mosques= Minarets Johnny. Also, maybe you missed my post- I don't think the minarets are of importance, political or otherwise. They had a purpose, the purpose is no longer needed, so it is irrelevant whether the swiss pass a law or not, the fact remains- we were not using it anyway. You cannot get upset over the banning of something that was not being utilized anyway. But it is a lessons for Muslims to get active and be participants to protect their interest, because otherwise things that matter and effect them will be banned.
  4. ^^How do you know he was married?? coz he was so persistent? lol Sorry to hear so Lily. I don't mind farahs on foot, but the curb crawling farahs who lean out of their car and shout over freak me out. Shiid. I feel like they are either going to kidnap me or do a run me over. Why do they think you would agree to get in their car or let them carry your shopping. :confused: Lily was it my area? or when you got back to yours? LOOOL.
  5. Faheema you drove to work, imagine getting on the tube and people were reading this- I had one of those moments where you feel the urge to shout "STOP LOOKING AT ME I'm awake and on my way to work" but I played the Sri Lankan/ Bengali card I'm not suprised about their case- just that they are gloating to the sun.
  6. ^^^LOOOL. The old school of thought goes something along the lines of the main purpose of marriage is to produce kids- so you cannot use birth control as a long term solution- only to space your kids out or for health reasons. Juxa: Lol I'm not excusing them for the 8kids and jobless part, just the house they got. The sun says the alaab is with the house- come a built/ walk storage for clothing- how is that somali. Somali is plastic bags and black bag for storage You should see the comments on the suns page
  7. Faheema, it sounds like something from a horror story, that is just nasty!!! And NO I am not trying it!
  8. They are jobless most probably because of lack of education, and because the wife is too busy having babies than spending time to learn or train now. Indho the pills are free in the UK, maybe she is old school, birth control is haram though. As for the furniture, it comes with the house because it is temporary housing.
  9. ^^^What is Cambaabur?? Sounds like a lump of fat?
  10. ^^What is?? I'm sorry, but it is not the Somali family's position to defend the house they have been given. They did not steal it, they went through the normal means of getting a council house. I blame them for agreeing to appear on the cover of the Sun though.
  11. ^^^Are you feeling better?? Did not eat on Eid, well does tea and toast count as food?
  12. From the front page of the SUN: Why did the father pose for the sun and let them into his house. :eek: Talk about shooting yourself in the foot!! The title nicely implies that the taxpayers pay for Somalis free loaders in general. I spotted people reading it while on the tube this morning. Taxpayers are forking out £1,600 a week so Somali mum Nasra Warsame, seven of her kids and her pensioner mum can lord it in central London for free. Their pad has FIVE storeys, SIX bedrooms - some with balconies - THREE sitting rooms, FOUR bathrooms and a spacious, superbly fitted-out kitchen. Luxury touches include leather sofas and other designer furniture, a flat-screen TV and huge wall-length wardrobes. The home, like something out of Channel 4's Grand Designs, costs £83,000 a year to rent. Nasra, 40, and husband Bashir Eden, 50, are jobless. Source: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/
  13. ^^Parts of London look more Islamic than the city centers of some Muslim countries. I look more normal and fit in more in East London than I did in the high class areas of Syria. Even some primary schools have prayer rooms now, I remember not long ago we were fighting for prayer rooms at university level.
  14. lol Somali leaders will be a typical Somali leader.
  15. Well what do you know, he has admitted his crimes but his supporters are still defending them
  16. ^^Yeah they will kill you and then eat you for few days for lunch and dinner. They have this myth that people of far away clans taste nice and can cure disease such as malaria which is very common in those areas. Beware of a place called Burco, they have psychic powers, they will know within seconds if you are not one of them and they will play football with your head and kick you in your shin before it is lights out for you. Good luck P.s. So your parents brainwashed you and now you are asking strangers to do the same. Dude best way to learn is to go and see for yourself. If you come back alive then you will have your answer. Don't be fuuley. :cool: P.s.s. The Issa clan is already a minority in SL poster
  17. Geel Jire: This is good for us as Muslims- It forces all kinds of issues out. Don't forget your role is to educate people now on Islam. For a non-Muslim they do not know that one is more fundamental than the other. There is where we come in. These debates are healthy and we should promote them as much as we can.
  18. It is going to snow, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees maybe then it won't be so bloody cold!!! Anyone wanna snow fight. chubacka how about snow fighting for a sport
  19. ^^^The Swiss-Muslims speaker is only loud enough for people INSIDE to hear. In the UK you can hear the athan from 20mins walk away for all the prayers in the summer and in the winter at least 3 of the prayers. BTW Johnny B, the west cannot point back at Muslims countries because remember We Muslims are the backward intolerant one's. We never claimed or pretended to be anything. Also you are incorrect the minaret has NEVER symbolized conquered, captured land- I think you are confusing it with a flag maybe The purpose of the minaret was so that people can hear the athan when there were no microphone/ speakers and so that even people who were too far can see the imam up so high and know it was time for prayer. I wonder why they picked on the minaret and not the DOME of a mosque.
  20. May Allah have mercy on him. A loss to the Somali Community. His lectures will be missed even for those who did not know him personally. Naxariisti Allah.
  21. Congratulations and Mubruk KK. Speedy recovery and good health to you both.
  22. Bit of an overreaction on the part of the Muslims. Lets review this constructively; There are only just FOUR swiss mosques that have minarets the two main ones being in Geneva and Zurich and the Muslim population only make up 6% of a population of 7.5million. The Majority of that 6% are refugees from the Yugoslav wars (this has its own implications) My most important point is in Switzerland the call to prayer is banned so what is the use of fighting for a minaret. :confused: In fact the function of the minaret has ceased to exist since the invention of Speakers, even those mosques that do have it- it is pointless decoration. So banning it won't harm the Muslims, but it proves how ill-educated the general public and the political figures are about Islam. For example the MP for the Swiss People's party thinks that "the minaret is the POWER symbol of Political Islam and Sharia Law" lol I think it is a positive move even for the Muslims for the following reason: - It further defines the lines between the communities- and all those hippies who think we can all hold hands can come out of their lala land - Muslims particularly those who do not get involved in the political arena are forced to think about their role and significance in the west if any - Muslims seriously start considering their future in the west and stop seeing these countries as home, if the west start making life a little bit more difficult for us. We either part take and fight for our slice in the political cake or we pack up and go. - It forces the issues of Islam into the forefront of the media and the public agenda- but this time “the terrorist, watch out for the terrorist” screams are a distant over used memory- WE (as Muslims) can focus the debate on what is Islam- an opportunity to educate the masses.
  23. ^^^SOMALI women and Children have been killed in their 1000s for 20yrs, think about that for a second. She lived to tell the tale. ONLF situation = by a so called Somali government, who claim to be elected and in control White women kidnapped = by Criminal gang who answer to no one and represent no one. It is a No brainer! really.
  24. I agree with Ngonge ( Well she can eat some ice cream- goes down better than the sugar, but same concept!)