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Everything posted by Ibtisam
^are you telling me to do the same
^ North and Juxa, I live in East London- it is either Bengali or Somali. I tent to think the Somali is more fresh and CLEAN.
^^^An empty claim there S*S. I KNOW in real life waxaad ka qalinsaan so many la indhin didiey Computer said No style. :rolleyes: Humiliation iyo keen ciid ku taaqan ba la idin damayeh
AT&T See what I mean (I bet you don't because you did not read my last post)- now you are onto my supposed more sophesticated and articulate way for defending SL. :rolleyes: Hal ka ku xidh this sheeko-
Oodweyne: Walaahi dacad baan uu qosli. lol As you were then- best intentions and all considered. Qudhac: lool, no that is North, not me. I know where and what is what- I just pretend to be fish now and then to see what nonsense people try to ram down my throat. Northy- like you are any better- don’t make me do a man count- we’ve had few sons since
Ibtisam, Sadly, when it comes down to the verdict and judgement of between a 20+ diaspora girl and a 65+ veteran intellectual of Professor Buuba's stature, I tend to agree with the latter without blinking an eye. Have you listened to him last week when he set out how the SNM was founded (he was among those who founded it) and why it is futile to seek secession? Or you are rather content with the delusional "recongnition-on-the corner" talk of JB and Jaaliyadaa Somaliland ee London? One would have hoped the multiculural environment you live in and your academic exposure would make you a bit wider in scope. A&T you write for the sake of reading your own random based on assumptions you based on thin air- what is worse is your do not read what people write and respond to it- you just keep moving like a train on track which has lost its break. I fail to see the connection between my responses to you above and your come back here. I don’t feel the need to defend views you have assigned to me, while you don’t read waaxan ku idii. Keep it moving atheer. I don't know why you always feel the need to bring in the fact that I grew up in the west or have western education masked as your semi insult. Maybe you are forgetting your own background which I've never brought up. Please try to stick to the topic and leave who I am outside of it. Uztaad- what makes your knowledge and understanding of that region so in-depth and that you feel you can speak on their behalf while they are still living and making a heap of noise all on their own. Johnny Boy: what you wrote above is not what I said- it is your own extension to the argument. I said their support of Somalia is not helping Somalia rise- so nor will its lack of support make SL fail. Put your Oookiyaal on before you change my words.
Juxa the Hilb man is a relative and he always cuts corners with me "na inaadheer naga da, I have people waiting for me" style :mad: Norfsky I need some info about flights to SL via Dubia and how I can make the arrangements from here. How frequent/ reliable the flights are now. I'll PM you haadow.
Now now easy there, between you and Ngonge you are going to alababaad ii laaba and ruin all the attention I get by continuously implying that I am the original cajuusa of all times! (Despite the fact you both mean it well and in a highly complimentary way
Again you are basing you whole idea on I have met many people from Burco/ Hargisa, ya UZTAAD what percentage of the SL population do you think you have met? Insignificant really. I am standing here as none support of Somaliland, but nor do I oppose it enough or have reason big enough to oppose it to pick a side. So my statement stands that regardless of whether WE as Somalis from the SL area support fully or not matters not, because even if we don't- when push comes to shove we won't fight it.
North then what is the use of going to sit in a hotel and then saying I've been to burco JB isku dirir Oodweyne Strange, but I could not agree more- taking the best of everything can only give you the very best!
Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: Ibtisam, what you wrote there is pure nonesense. Of course, recogintion matters for Somaliland and it is not self-given. That is why Egypt and IGAD are entities that matter. When you speak of SL also you speak as if "somaliland" people are all for independence. It is one clan and even the unionists in that clan didnot get the chance to promote their cause. SL is there because Somalia is in shambles. The day you have a proper government in Somalia, AWdal, Sool and Sanaag will be part of it in a minute and the debate will rage in the triangle. It is only part of your TOLKA who want indepence Ibtisam. Let us not confuse people with facades. A&T, I am not arguing with you because what is nonsense is basing a whole argument and the wellbeing for the Somali people on THE DAY you have a proper government in Somalia..." Also notice I said that people in SL are either supporters of the ideology or don't oppose it enough to fight it. Sure maybe if there was a viable Somalia, there would be an attractive reason for some to resist, but certainly people will not kick up a fuzz to join the chaos, nor will they risk their lives for "the day Somalia has a proper government" nonsense.
^^^ Yeti needs snow, and apart from once when Red sea claimed it was snowing in Hargisa- I don't think they get much snow. SL boys- SL is trying to cope with its human population, so why is a supposed gorilla in the news :rolleyes:
Morning people. I need a weekend to rest now. I've decided being a house wife is nasty work. I had to cook three meals on Sat and Sunday, shopping and take the skin of chicken and season lamb and pack enough for a month into the fridge. I feel like I am going to puke if I see raw meat again and I could swear I can still smell raw meat on my hands. On a good note- my edo is back alhumdulilah.
Egypt and IGAD FULL support and recognition of SOMALIA has not helped Somalis, nor has it stabilized the country or contributed anything significant to the chaos for the last 22yrs. In the same breath, their lack of recognition or even hostility to the idea of SL independency cannot hinder the ideology of SL independency for as long as those who hold the ideology stick to it. The world has had the same responses for the last 20yrs about SL and it remains in balance because its population either firmly believe the independency ideology or they are happy with the status quo. Let me know when something interesting happens- that goes to both parties: Pro landers please post a thread once someone actually says they are “changing views about the Somaliland case” and anti SL people, please post a thread once Egypt or any other countries says that they are so against the idea of independent SL “that they are going to Bomb and attack the place to destroy the ideology and the power base” till then NOTHING NEW.
Abokor Omar, Head of table maxa keeney- now now, maybe population wise but otherwise naga fadiista. Oodweyne, any women looking to a movement for power (men or women) is going to be waiting a long time. I think most women figured by now that regardless of what the movement achieved they have to start and win the movement inside their homes. What is the use of a successful movement if your household arrangements is still in the dark ages. Particularly in the Somali case in the west (Somali women back home are the head of the house and the man dare not get into issues aside from when the family moves and where the Geel grazers) but here in the west- so called Somali men are even involved in how much barris she cooks and how much she spends on school uniform. So I am sure you can now understand why I am proud of a sister who is playing the orginial intended role of Somali women, which they rightfully held long before the white women started tossing garments and hanging for equality. In fact I would go as far as saying that since arriving in the West, our rights and role has been eroded- I’ve been busy trying to figure out who I should sue for this erosion.
Originally posted by -Lily-: CL, that was harsh…and whilst its untrue to say all Somali women are beautiful it’s about making the best with what you’ve got. If you want to talk about looking unoriginal, there is nothing original or beautiful about the herds of women who clearly get their daily fashion dose from Look/InStyle/and Vogue, all wearing the same blue/pink/green/rainbow coloured swing coats, detailing chicken legs in skinny jeans, or layering on ‘edgy’ studded biker jackets, looking like hookers with their ‘oh so gorgeous’ above the knee boots whilst being dressed from head to toe in purple, add a bright red lipstick for daytime look to complete this seasons horror ‘look’. Your hijabi comment was uncalled for, a woman who wears hijab made a conscious decision to cover her beauty so that others cannot pass judgment on it. As for your so called movement, perhaps the younger generation actually practise their faith unlike their parents who got by on hearsay. Original poster, everyone can look better with a little effort. Then again, if you aren't doing it for yourself, it's sad that you would need to be admired/aproved by others in order to validate yourself. Lily you go girl. Lol @ how you got the Look/ style to the T. P.s. People always say what I am trying to say better than me! Wa natural talent
^^Nogobi, thank you for that. I know a few but mix them up. , I shall learn that too, then the sahab and the tabicin. Blessed lol, you came in here with you budh ready eh Oodweyne: Women power right there- gacaan baan uu tagey- even if it means you miss out on Burco
Loool Ngonge bey isgu taagen- leave the Arab alone fours hours is a start North goes to Burco and sits in a hotel- too scared to go out ruunta sheeg. Cowke is going to be so pi*ssed off when he sees what become of his thread.
What on earth is going on with Khayr- I don't think it is the same guy. I think he did a red sea on us- when he got married, he donated his account to someone. No way can it be the same guy :eek:
Well I’m glad you finished your rant CL, Now let me take you back to basic. You seem to have brought into this only maintain beauty consumers bulshid which has brain washed so many. You see beauty in every sense of the world is not how you look after you finished abusing your body and face with creams, scrubs, bleach, hair dye, hair pulling, plucking and god knows what else. Beauty is a natural state and regardless of how much you pull and push and scrub- wa lo kala daasha (We are born with certain level) Now Lily often says that if you have to diet your whole life to maintain a certain size- the natural conclusion is that this is not your natural body compatible size. I think beauty works in the same way- if you have to spend obsessive amount of time and effort into looking “good” then you either have the wrong definition of what looking good means, or you have a complex about your looks, or you was born on the other side of the scale and need to find a different path to looking good. Now when I say natural beauty- then Somali women do not have a problem. Things like weight and clothing do not factor into natural beauty (because beauty is based on features, skin and genetic makeup) you can always lose weight, but if you have ugly features- even if you are stick- you would just be an ugly stick. So put fashion and weight aside, these things are add on which differ from society to society and based on individual perception. There is nothing to say that your high heels and fabulous coordinated sense of dress is more beautiful than my mismatched multilayered, multicoloured creation that I sleep walked into- it depends on where we are and who is judging. Moving on to artificial beauty of facial, eye brows trimmed and all other extra curriculum activities that most women indulge in, I know you call them necessities, but I see them as nothing more than a waste of time and money. Most women can do without these so called necessities, Because guess what for centuries people did do without them, and up to this day, the vast majority of women do get on with their life looking beautiful without putting on a fake-borrowed-till-my-next-treatment face. Now as for your little digs at hijabs and my supposed blindness of beauty because I judge it on who sleeps with her hijab and reads Islamic verses, well what can I say people with high Iman tent to shine and glow more than those of us blacken with sins. Mashallah dhe- don't jealous them. P.s. I cannot believe you think Somali girls are ugly- What is wrong with the forehead :eek: :mad:
Nehanda ones sounded like a bunch of white people speaking in old English and doing the Irish dance, with boring suicide church music in the background. I cannot believe if getting teary :eek:
Are u guys still talking about tax Bloody crooks! stop trying to find now new ways to cut corners!
^^^LOOOOOOOOOl @ Waa Qoti Aan La-Afgaraneynin Ee Hala Eryado!!! North I agree with Oodweyne- You must know- even though you probably won't need it or use it much. At least you know where the thin lines are and don't step on anyone’s toes. Ngonge! JB is a modern man- wa daqan aan doofin- AKA the fish and chips of Hargisa.
I'm up for it if it has black people in it- even a few will do- but if theya re all black, write my name down. I aint seen the orginal nor do I know what it is or who is in it.
^LOL People have far too much time and too much hating on women. I cannot help laughing at some of these. When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her. Lee Majors After marriage, husband and wife become two sides of a coin; they just can't face each other, but still they stay together. Al Gore By all means marry. If you get a good wife, you'll be happy. If you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. Socrates Woman inspires us to great things, and prevents us from achieving them. Mike Tyson The great question... which I have not been able to answer... is, "What does a woman want? George Clooney I had some words with my wife, and she had some paragraphs with me. Bill Clinton "Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays." George W. Bush "I don't worry about terrorism. I was married for two years." Rudy Giuliani "There's a way of transferring funds that is even faster than electronic banking. It's called marriage." Michael Jordan "I've had bad luck with all my wives. The first one left me and the second one didn’t.â€� The third gave me more children! Donald Trump Two secrets to keep your marriage brimming 1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it, 2. Whenever you're right, shut up. Shaquille O'Neal The most effective way to remember your wife's birthday is to forget it once... Kobe Bryant You know what I did before I married? Anything I wanted to. David Hasselhoff My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met. Alec Baldwin A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong. Barack Obama Marriage is the only war where one sleeps with the enemy. Tommy Lee A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: "Wife wanted". Next day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: "You can have mine." Brad Pitt First Guy (proudly): "My wife's an angel!" Second Guy: "You're lucky, mine's still alive." Jimmy Kimmel Honey, what happened to ˜ladies first? Husband replies, Thatâ's the reason why the world's a mess today, because a lady went first!â€� David Letterman “First there's the promise ring, then the engagement ring, then the wedding ring...soon after....comes Suffer...ing! Jay Leno I don't think the names of who said them is correct though- Bush can hardly get a saying right- let alone a joke