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Everything posted by Ibtisam
Mashallah, that is great news- its been long coming.
^^^Xaad ka rabat wa lo waxyoodey eh May allah have mercy on them.
Since I got in at 8.30something- everything has gone wrong. The air-condition is not working and making so much noise that my head hurts (repair guys aint here yet and it is freezing with out heat! :mad: ), I had to crawl under the table and reconnect the computer (the keyboard and mouse won't work for 20mins) and I’ve decided I hate my boss for this morning. So unorganized and random. I also hate consultants who live outside of London- I don’t see any snow but apparently they are snowed in and cannot get to work- so the few of us who made it have to deal with all the grumpy patients who want to get sorted before the holidays. I hate gaalad iyo their damn holidays. Today is my hate day! aaah Alhumudlilah Salamalikum people Juxa when you wake up at 12pm and you make it here, I know it is your holiday but please come help me out for the day I'll give you cake.
Sayid, between me and Juxa we could get you your black bag- hoi joog, hais waalin. All it takes is ONE call too many from people with same names
Sayid I don't remember that happening to me before- this happened at my local sainsbury. You and yours are on a different level all together, your another one an *d*a*b*ol laheen. Shidhouse I'm avoiding your wife at all cost.
Haadi sanka laga marmariyo, of course they are gonna have severe allergy :rolleyes: I blame the guys, wa qasabdey qabtey, don't know when to stop talking. Ngonge: Really old man, bimbow and waalan as well as mini harmless all within 5mins. Whats with all the put downs- Wife must be reading troll or something Normally he just calls me busybody.
^^^That is the evil side of you sheh!! Ngonge is Arab, he calls me airhead lovingly really- In fact I have a feeling he talks about me to his wife too- so I'm avoiding him and his family did you book your ticket Sheh?
I'm waiting for Fu-fu- He lives in Africa- I'm sure his food diet is not as bad as yours, at least iy would be more simple. When I go around peoples house- I eat whatever they give me- don't want to look reer baadiey- remember Juxa gave me soup and Xaar warabey and I eat that too. I hate cooking- make soup kulaha. I already give up on my new year plans of eating healthy.
^^^Loool @ empty qasacad Never happened to me before- I'd like to think this was a one off
CL I don't need to, He would know I don't put with up with randomness- I don't need to ask, I already know. I'm sure he has female friends (co-workers, old friends, friends of friends, wife or friend etc) I just don't want to hear about it, nor would I meet them or ask them to dinner. If he wants close close female friends, dinner, cinema, phone calls and endless meetings I will gladly donate him to her or them and they can keep him for good no big deal.
^^^Cut out juice- what do you mean- I thought fizzy drink was bad and juice good. What I'm suppose to wash my food down with?? Sheh: But thats 360 swing to things I never ever eat- some of the fish you listed I don't even know where they sale. Brown bread taste like sand paper and never tasted brown rice. Salads are for goats and soup is just hot water with milix. I don't want toe be a health freak- just normal, sheh your list is ODD, can't be normaly! C&H list looks more normal!
Loool @ Sheh!! CL I won't let him female friends before marriage- what makes u think I'd put up with them AFTER marriage.
ShehIf I take sugar and cake out, it will look like this: 10am breakfast: -Tea, orange juice, (I don't normally add sugar to my tea or even coffee) Lunch 3pm - Sandwich- always white bread or roll(Tuna & Salad) or bowl of Cornflakes (I have fruit after if I eat cornflakes) - Juice 8-9pm Dinner - Chicken sauce or grill chicken with chips or pasta, juice 12am: Water or juice. I tried that, I nealry died of gaajo- remember I told you I had cake free month- I changed the cake for Mango slices and Melon for a month. Now I hate both and the Mango made my tonuge sore :eek:
^^IF she was English she would not make me feel like that- if she did not act the way she did I would have no reason to feel anything towards her. CL Lool I try to keep the evil side in check. Serenity- is he guilty of anything?? Maybe the pressure of having baby and all is getting to them. Paranoia.com
^^^It still seems like a lot of hard work, specially in the winter and some pain by the looks of it. Okay here is my typical day. 10am breakfast: -Tea, orange juice, slice of cake or muffin 1pm snack -Tea & Biscuit. Lunch 3pm - Sandwich- always white bread or roll(Tuna & Salad) or bowl of Cornflakes (I have fruit after if I eat cornflakes) - Slice of cake or packet of crisps - Juice and sometimes fizzy drink snack 5pm chocolate 8-9pm Dinner - Chicken sauce or grill chicken with chips or pasta, sometimes with slice of cake, juice 12am: Water or juice. Looking at it now- I eat 6times a day!!! LOL maybe it is not so hard.
CL- she did not seem to know I did nothing- I felt like I was being asked to justify why he talks so much! Damn him- maybe she thought he was lying to her or something. The evil side of me was tempted to say "ME? I never worked on that project, no one we are good friends and go out all the time" That would teach him not to talk so much and her not to ask questions she might not like the answer to.
Yuck indeed- I've deleted his e-mail and number and I'm avoid him like sun avoids the UK. Not nice at all.
CL it made me feel and and just uncomfortable. I mean gosh! Juxa it was not funny, I was made to feel like I did something wrong or somehow contributed to a fight that was going on behind closed doors. Also I felt like she was being a bit too fake nice. :eek:
. Lool @ pretending to be walaalked. :eek: Akhaas and half. Married men should not have any females who they talk to more than once a year or mention her name. I recently run into a wife of a guy I did some projects with, this is how the convo went: Him: Xalimo this is Ibtisam who I did that project with a few months ago Her: Hi walalo leans in to give me a hug and kiss "my husband talks about you all the time" Me: err, smile at her Her: You've worked together on few things have you not? Me: Haa Her: Ha markii aad halki waxas ku qabteen na waan ogan Him: I invited you, but you was busy Me: At this point feeling like I'm stuck in some domestic situation. then she asks me about where I live, with who and if I am married Her: Haye what are you guys planning to do next together Me: At the moment I'm taking a break from community work, I don't know about farah Her: Ok, well you should come around for dinner- its lovely to meet the Ibtisam farah talks about markasta, you know put a face to everything. Him: Looking embarrassed " I just said wa gabad ficiina" you are going to make her think I say lots of stuff Me: I got to go, lovely meeting you sis Her: Okay, but please come around- how about this weekend, I'll get farah to come and pick you up. Me: I can't, sorry but we'll arrange something inshallah.
^^Yeah, I agree- she needs to show she is open minded enough to take steps to educate herself and then it may show she is receptive to what they may say to her. Now she just wants them jumping up and down to proof they won't explode.
^^^Music just makes people emotional and irrational. The women needs to stop being so self absorbed and get on with life, I'm seriously how selfish and self pity is not a good trait. All that calcal over some dude. Now they have song lyrics that don't make sense :confused:
^^^Err Naf yar means tii sii baqatisiey- wabey ka haadi doonta in a minute style. Now I ignored it the first time, don't try to justify and ha isku key tirin. 3K and 55K to you guys, rip off- can I sale that to the sun
Fu-fu and Urban How about if I want to keep eating chocolates and cakes and junk food- is there a way I maintain healthy feeling/ looking toned muscles? I don’t mind my weight as it is, I built my muscle mass already- I can feel them- but I can't get them to show? so now what? I can't eat 6meals a day, nor can I not eat before 6, I hate brown bread, race, oat and anything brown. I live on sugar and cakes. Maybe I will post my food intake and you can draw a picture for me.
Lool @ you too, so I am islan naf yar- hmmm Juxa it was about you guys taking 50% and the client getting 5%