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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Muslim driving school is on BBC2!! Loool haha
  2. Lool Naden I love the way you say things. Aside from fulfilling the basic criteria, you can do what you like extra and top of that; be it cover your face or eyes or carry your shopping on your head and underneath your Hijab. On this one i agree with Layzie, because as i understand it, she is taking Islam out of the Burka and not the other way around, hence she is right on the money as we know the Burka Islamic connotation that is shoved down the throats of many Somali girls who'd think , without it , they'd be 'gaal'. Why i do disagree with Ibti, is that in my understanding she is gluing the Burka to Islam and wholly for the ehem ehem "wrong" motives, namely , that it is no-Muslims that (mostly) criticize it so i STICK to my sisters. No Johnny, Somali Muslims girls are not as ****** as you’d like to think, they do not think they will be gaal without niqab or Burka. In fact lack of hijab cannot take you out of Islam; let alone the type of hijab you wear. Stop making shid up and you are insulting the very people you claim to be defending. Muslim women are smart enough to know that they can cover the basic minimum and be an obedient servant. And no, I am not gluing the Burka to Islam for the wrong motive (i.e. So can oppose none-Muslims) I support it because they who wear it freely do so either because they just feel like it or because they think it brings the closer to Allah because they have gone the extra mile. Indeed the hijab, niqab and jilbaab are all clothing that go a little beyond the conditions. We can all wear the same thing, and we like to have options and choice in what and how we meet those Islamic requirements. I certainly don't want a man or women trying to tell me what is best for me or how I should fulfil my deen.
  3. lol Someone sent me this already!!! LOL
  4. lool @ This thread. Shariah rule will not work Somalia or any other place at this time without a whole new Islamicly educated, honest sincere, faithful people who apply the laws of sharia generally, fairly and across the community regardless of the circumstance. Islam as a rule of law works perfectly, we know it does because history tells us that during the time of the prophet and the four following generation it worked. The question is can the same system be replicated in today’s conditions and environment and still produce the perfect society (for its time) it once did. I think not, because there is too much corruption, dishonesty, sins and murders who have not paid for their crimes. Let’s try a different system: I’m up for the rise or Araweelo in Somalia.
  5. No C&H eats well and is always on a diet. Get her some green leafs and grilled chicken and a bottel of water.
  6. ^^ LOOOOL @ God's gift of high-cheekbones and tribal glory. I guess they just don't look or feel it. Aliamos ha, ha ha ku nooqon the firing squad. That is why i said they are still searching for a replacement. Btw I expect a cake for taking you from an Alien to Nomad; of those 86posts, at least 50 is a response to me! so diyaari my cake in 20 posts.
  7. Naden all the Somalis that visit us from Canada always tell us how good and nice that place is and how everyone is so kind to them. Are you serious. They already the fire squad headed by Ailamos, Ailamos had second thoughts and they are still looking for replacement.
  8. ^^ He'll be here. The train is never late. Errr Acudbika, A God using a man made invention(microphone) to let us know he is god (you brain was not even creative enough to assume if he made the world, he surely will have a way to communicate so that we can all hear) :rolleyes: CiC; Aliamos here feels too important and not bothered enough to justify his/her belief or choices in life to anyone and particularly not to Sayid; You would think that God does not care what little people like you and I think. Particularly as it is he who can punish us and we hold no power to resist. Naden join the part sis, I don't know about the moon, but sure have a lot of marks from SOL
  9. ^^I don't like that old G, his language is very flowery for an old man, and Somali bad words sound so awful Ngonge is boycotting the general section. CL please get him back.
  10. ^^Not good enough, try again. I know you really do believe that most humans are ****** and follow crazy men. But try to be reasonable.
  11. Cicero is still alive and kicking; Haadya comes from Allah. Telling him/her you are going to kill him makes him think you are sub-human and your religion is crazy. Cicero your example really is pants; I know you can do better. :rolleyes: Sayid if you was nicer to start with, you won't have to keep saying sorry all the time. plus I like messying with people
  12. Aliamos; The video should come with a warning. I feel sick! :eek:
  13. ^^I have a father, and it is not SOL :mad: If it makes you feel better; yes Shitan was racist. Does that mean he only tries to tempt black people? So white people don’t have shitan whispers? I should’ve been white after all. Lool they should let you teach again- out of our hair. P.s. I am not Sikh :eek:
  14. Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: Well, maybe not around schools and kindergartens, but everywhere else sure!
  15. ^^No man, they think "prophets" were Schizophrenics individuasl or had so sort of psychological disorder, or they just wanted power. Aliamos, I think it is the opposite; Sayid really likes you, he wants to provoke you, so that he can have a reason to PM you (to say sorry) and have his opening. He is looking for a 2nd wife and has a habit of running into all nomads till he establish and writs them off his list because they are: 1) Atheist 2) Male 3) Married 3) over 50yrs
  16. @ Sayid: Err Satan was not racist, it was pride. Had nothing to do with colour, just that Adam was made from mud (unless you are saying black people got the dark mud which white people got white beach sand) Che, they don't believe in prophets how can they accuse them of racism?
  17. ^^^ :confused: Che yaa? No, I don't know what athiest would say, I don't speak for them you know
  18. ^^^Yes, if I want pray 10times a day or wear a Burka it is my right to do so, give me the space and the freedom I need. Even if you don't believe that I should be praying so much or be in a mini dress. Cara: My first language is not English, it takes a while for people to get my point. I think maybe even online, the niqab is stopping me from expressing myself clearly
  19. One of Adam son (the one who killed) was darker
  20. Lool Cara I'm here. But Somehow this week I've been allocated to hold the front for the waados, the rest are on holiday somewhere. So between writing essays to them, I don't get much time to troll. But I'm here now, hayee?
  21. ^^You are a proud, ignorant man
  22. ^^Are you wondering if she is still scared for her future?
  23. ^^Johnny it is not a huffy statement, the conditions me and Lazy already agreed on, drawn from the translations she posted. And we already agreed that the garbasaar (providing it is it not see through and covers the hair (not starting from the shoulders) is also hijab. So why pick on one form of hijab. The Indian Sari does not count, the belly shows. You and Lazy can never be "us" because wa complete different end of a different stick. At least me and her are holding the same damn stick. P.s. Even if there was a direct command for the niqab in the quran on the first page and it was repeated five times, you argument will simple be, I don't believe in this book. So you are the weird opportunist busybody. This is a personal issues, at best it is a Muslim women issue. Why then do you feel you can give you 2cent or even try to say which type they can wear.
  24. Ailamos; in this case if Sayid practiced Taqliid, he would be acting perfectly, but instead he is following his hawa and emotions. Somalis have a saying about the dacwo that left its footprints yet could not reach that of the hyena. Lost in the middle. I understand, I think something’s need Ijtihad, other things just need perfect taqliid, no need to re-invent the wheel if the conditions or circumstances are the same or similar. Sayid: assumption is the mother of all [insert word here] So take baby steps before you call such serious names. Hence why I mentioned your paranoia in page1
  25. Juxa: Lord help the women who ever give Sayid a present, he will think the Thank you message is a marry me. Juxa, adiga you work with Somalis, you will never get a diamond ring even if you get them lots of money, even a thank you xaata. Malika, dhee are you going to tell me how we are related or what? I tried finding you on facebook, goormaad ii delet garaisey?