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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. This article belongs in the qashin. :rolleyes:
  2. ^^^Backlash for the community, there is more likely to be a backlash about the benefit fraud dude rather than this CL. That is the bigger picture. The bigger picture is that we have turned this into a massive issue and it does not earn us any brownie points, and we have rolled all our problems aside and apologiesed for something we have no control over. IF and I know it is unlikely but IF they kill the couple, do you think it would matter if we were against it or not. The media have a very short memory and we are free game- it will be open season. Lol, you are funny Ngonge, Aside from our inability to unit for anything else, Somalis in the UK have never bothered to do anything about the bashing they get in the media, even small media campaigns that need less than 100 people to make a difference we have not managed. Does it not bother you that the one time we are able to do or say anything about something that is not even for our well being. Does it not bother you that these two individuals take precedents over a whole country which is standing on its head and has been for 20yrs. Some organizations were talking about raising money from the community for the couple’s family. :eek: Really? as if we don't have enough starving people of our own. As for the demo, you would never have heard of it, even if it was on your door step. The couple will be free regardless of what drums we beat or not, if Binyum Mohammed made it out of the US and Gbay because of demos and pressure I assure you that these will too.
  3. Here we go again. The train is never late. :rolleyes: Anaga aya walaan out of the lot, leave Johnny and Lazy to do their bashing. Wax uu sheego wuu uga tara you know. What I do interesting though is this part …; he opposes religious radicalism and promotes a “republican Islam” focused on France; he is ecumenical; and he favors dialogue with France’s Jews. And then later in the article French Islam is dominated by the original nationalities of adherents, who remain close to their embassies, and to political trends imported from the Middle East. “When you have an Islam divided into trends, manipulated by foreign states, you have an Islam of nationalists,” he said. “But here most Muslims don’t want that; they wish to have an Islam of France, adapted to their lives, and an imam whose sermons are in accordance with their own problems.” an Islam of France would basically just replace the original cultural/ nationalities with French culture. I think he fails to grasp that in France they will always be strangers. Look at the France black population who have tried to blend in so hard yet much like the Muslims remain marginalized. It would be interesting to see how and what ideas if any he has for his community aside from the Burqa bashing.
  4. CL it was clan lines, I was there when they split right down the middle between Wed-Friday the coalition fell apart and the major clan split off to do their own one the following weekend, which they had to cancel in the end because of the snow. I agree stup1dity did win. I'm not missing the point, I get it, we are showing we are humans, but how often must I read "we as the Somali community in the UK are sorry and deeply shocked yad yad ya"
  5. ^^It is not good PR because they are dragging the issue out in the media for weeks now as each community center wants their bit, and Somali problem becoming a priates issues is not what we need. Ngonge: Nevertheless I don't see why it takes the whole community who are otherwise useless come out in full force for an issue that is easy enough to slove. Pay the damn money instead of paying the oldies here and the couple are free to go. Much do about nothing, It just annoys me to no end. And I'm pissed off coz everyone I've ever worked with kept calling me for a demo or meeting or type this or the other. Get lost!. :mad:
  6. ^^Really, PR is fine but to use all your resources?, a small press release would do to state your position. They've been falling over each others feet to get on the news and papers to speak of this issue, not one of them has used the opportunity to highlight the multiple problems that people face back home. Each one with his bad English (Where on earth are the ones who speak English?)just says this is very bad and we are against it, we are working to end this (doing what I'm not sure) and we are sorry (unless they are getting kick backs from the priates I hate the apologist) for this. :rolleyes:
  7. It pisses me off that Somalis are spending more time united for these couple than they have ever been for anything Somali. Even the demo for the Somali students in the bomb spilt into clan lines and who should have the organizing “honor/ responsibility” depending on what clan lost the most. In the end they had one cancelled demo and one for a specific clan. :rolleyes: Stupi*dness and a half. They should spend more or their time and energy on their falling apart community and the hopeless situation of their people. That does not mean I don’t have sympathy for the couple and their family, but they are only two individuals and therefore insignificant in the face of the problems back home. I guess because they are white their life’s are more important and worth more than the other innocent Somalis. Very very angry iyo baad weliba.
  8. LOOOOOOL @ Sheh! Yes it is 5mins walk from Bethnal Green station. Lool looking forward to seeing you inshallah.
  9. NinBrown sounds very interesting. I hope it goes well and good luck with it inshallah
  10. ^^Opposit the big Tesco you walk pass everyday you old man.!! :eek: If you can't find Oxford house, you will not find Hays
  11. ^^^It starts at 6, meet the lady and chat and then 6.30 speech and discussion. Are you really back?? Miyad coming? No way? I'm excited.
  12. She is from Burco, you know I am Burcawist (like Qabilist, but just Burco), I will buy 10 of her books and tell her well done.
  13. ^^^It is local and friends with the organiser, so I promised to bring food and make up the numbers. Bring your kid baal, I want to meet the one on facebook. Why would you go on friday and Sat?? Sayid he is not coming, he has to babysit on Sat, family wedding.
  14. ^^^HAHAHA!!!! Fighting with someone like him would be the only time I xagxago and qaaniin, no point punching/kicking him you are going to knock yourself out in the process and hurting yourself!!
  15. Juxa keep it, I am going to need it for an orphan fundraiser next month inshallah. Just planning it now. I can get you book?
  16. You and LSK are the only mods left Adam lool you know now that you mentioned it..... we've seen few ideas on SOL that never passed the planning station. I hope you have our baby daughter you know!! :eek:
  17. @ Adam. Hmmmm True there is no point half living. I guess I just find him terrifying- looks wise. Would not like to get on the wrong side of him.
  18. You thought it was so important you quoted yourself
  19. Daji, the jimici was waxa iil waley, I went swimming yesterday, so crazy lady bunched me in the side of the head while trying to learn to swim. :mad: Since I started this jimici business I feel like someone beats with budh and each morning I need to get out of bed anigo cabaday. Loool @ Juxa!!! Sheh Wlc back, I missed your crazyness walahi, waxa iga qosliya I need and I can txt at 3am to annoy with ciil Juxa are you coming to the book thing with me and lily iyo Faheema and co?
  20. This story was published in 2008, it was FAKE; What happened was the brother (who was not Somali btw)was at the bus station and people were waiting at the bus stop for him to leave. Then he prayed in the empty bus while they could see but it was still his resting time. He pulled up to the stop, some people were too scared to get on and others had already phoned the police.
  21. ^^^yeah stranged Xasid one as well. I think It is the change of diet, I have headache all day and can't sleep at night, then I have headache the next day because I'm tried.
  22. Juxa lol, you see me in a dress all the time, when I try about 200 dresses on You feel sorry for her, it is she is doing it on her own, no one is forcing her. She's been same size since she started dating him 3yrs ago, so I don't see why she needs to strave really. Adam, Maybe so, but I know it is not good for his life and health in general and all those things he is popping will affect him in his later life. C&H: I've started blogging about the weight I did not wanna lose to record my struggles and pain. I really feel sorry for people who diet for a living! Lol @ stunna iyo tunna
  23. Hello All. By the time I managed to get shut my eyes my alarm was going off for salah and work. I prayed and went back to sleep. I woke up at 11am, walked around the house before deciding to cook myself a feast and clean the house. So I went shopping, came back made breakfast and now eating it. Then I will cook a mean meal, eat and chill. Maybe I'll take a week off.
  24. Long nyt n I'm starvin like no mans business. Different lang on troll