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Everything posted by Ibtisam
^^So why do you keep pointing out that he/she believes that or the other if you don't care or can say this because they don't believe that, talk about walking contradiction. You say you don’t care, yet you say you don’t believe (You don't even know if this is the case) so your opinion does not count. Hunno you can say what you like, but at least know what you are saying. Read back what you wrote on this topic, if it makes sense to you still baal, maybe you can express yourself better- somehow. It is not about open mindedness at all, it is about character, contradictions and hypocrisy. So what haadu yahey qof somali ku hadlayo, would it make a difference if they were from China or England. :confused: As for my nose in every topic, if you can learn to make sense my dear sis, I would not mind seeing you share your own thoughts, especially if you think my nose is saying the wrong thing. Still you fail to understand how the whole forum thing works. Never mind and as you were.
^^Hello Sayid. I have a question for you; Do I scare you? apparently I terrify grown huge men. Someone is playing a joke on me, so I thought I’d ask all the guys I know if I scare them. So far 2 said a little, 5 said I am qumanyo and 2 said “don’t be silly, then laughed” Two of your friends are included in the 5 and they are all from your end. Are guys from your ends normally timid? I have yet to ask the few Burco ones I know. Also the shike, your friend keeps calling me, what does he want, did you not give back his stuff. I have not answered.
The site works fine.... for me at least. Try going via google then. Not a good sign though. Lool @ Cara, neither one sounds like a holiday I want to take. sherban lol, yes but safety is a big issue, lone women travelers are easy target. Plus I have already done the whole trekking on my own in god forsaken places, stumbling on randomness and getting blisters. For once now I want to go on a kick back holiday of just sea, sun and some fun without coming back in pain, bruised and blistered and in need of a holiday to recover from the holiday.
Lool. He must be a wind up, I mean seriously!!! Toaster, a postive news thread, I'll see if I can dig anything up although I doubt it.
^^^You spoke too soon, now it is shy and in hiding. No one is ill, Juxa is fighting with her exam papers hence the fatixa in troll corner.
^^Playing catch up, her holiday is over and she's got exams, fataxad uu maar
^^^Telephonka quran saar Malika, wa la haaya. North so quick?
Cute aah^^ You mean grown as* baby cry, if I knew him in real life I would've smacked him over the head already. Nimanki somaliaad wa laka sheegeyin
^^And why are you here wasting yet more time!! It was 30min, and I did not force you (nice to know I had that much power over you though), the first 5mins told you the whole story and you could have watched something else. There is a difference between not liking something and finding it boring. Maybe you should send your feedback to the BBC, then future programs about Muslims could take a different line, miis you are going to sit at home and cry about how much the BBC hates you.
^^It could only be someone in East Africa at that time. Afternoon all. North did my edo come back with you? Cara, great idea!
Benson, you did not watch the program. And I don't care if you watch anything I post or not, it is your loss. The program was not boring at all, it just followed the same old lines about who or what Muslims are, a perception that is on us to change. But you are busy crying and moaning about something you did not even watch. Lool @ you really wasted my time, I can see you are doing something so great and valuable with your time. Don’t let me waste any more of your important time, run along dear.
Aliamos: The thing with the saints and visiting tombs is NOT about paying respect, it is worship, People sacrifices animals for the dead, they ask the dead shike/ saint to bless them give them kids etc. That is worship, at its simplest form, they believe that these saints have more of a direct link with Allah or Allah is more likely to accept dua from them- bit like the role the priest plays. As for what these sects are doing, I was implying in this contexts I.e. worshipping Allah via something else. As for honor killing, actually interesting that honor killing in the west at least is more common in societies that engage with other old pre-Islamic customs; Turkey/ Kurdish, Asian, Afghanis, Iranians and the Shia in Lebanon/ Iraqi, compared to the more rigid/ religious societies such as Africans (including north Africans) and the other Arab countries. In any case in this day and age we are seeing the return of everything Islam outlawed in Muslim communities. I remember having a discussion with an Egyptian guy who said in the Quran it says don’t touch or stay away from alcohol, so I get my maid to set it up and drink it through a long tube/straw.
Originally posted by Benson and Hedges: ^^ in future, maybe you should be sure of what you post up. u didnt even like the programme u wanted us to watch. that shuddy if you ask me. Err I asked people to watch it so they can make up their own minds and then either complain or send a thank you. That is normally how it works dear. they don't run programmes by me first for my approval you know. :rolleyes:
Wow. The programe started off really well for the fist 5mins, then the rest was the usual guys in cimamad jumping up and down saying "I kill you" Okay not directly but the whole Britan is going to be a Shirah country, no more pubs, chop off hands, stone people, take down nude pictures etc. The worst thing was the guy was dead serious, he laid out a complete picture of what Muslim Britan will be! I could imagine BNP members using that footage in the campaign for the election. I did not like three Mohammeds, the other 6 were okay, a mixture of ones trying to change their names and struggle with identity and two guys who converted and then picked the name Mohammed after 9/11!
^^They have become too old with bother with the youngsters. Lool Threads in SOL change directions so fast. Sherban: Raamsade thinkings that the poor Israel is being bullied and needs to defend at all cost. Don't waste your time.
Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: My friend, I would ask u, ibti, and tuujiye to take a chill pill, all these outbursts from u three lately really makes you seem like people who are weak in their faith. If you are not ready for your faith to be questioned, don't engage in discussions about faith. I think you must have added my name just because you needed a third name. I don't do outbursts, nor do I have a problem what people question, I just hope you question with honest and do some basic research. I think I get what Raamasade is asking though, there is a sect of Islam who only believe in Allah, they don't believe in prophets, nor do they believe that you have to do any religious obligations or actions like fasting or praying or reading the Quran or anything else, they drink, sex before marriage. What they do believe is that your heart has to be good, you must love Allah in your heart and know he is the only creator, so they are kind like an extreme version of the Alibis’ in Turkey/ Pakistan and Eastern Europe. The answer lies in why we were created, had we been created for believe in Allah alone, it might make sense, but since we have been creator to worship the believe requires actions to back it up. Raamsade please look up the difference between Believe and Worship! For example, we believe in Allah, the prophet, Angels, all the books sent before Islam and the prophets that came with it, the unseen, but we only worship Allah. Aliamos: Interesting you say that, and yes it makes sense, but you are forgetting ISlam was sent down to get rid of all these practices, and rather than being an Arab culture, it went against everything they believed and worshiped (they had something close 90 idols when Islam arrived). If some sects engage in things that Islam came to outlaw, is it me labeling them, or has Islam labeled them?
:confused: we don't worship mohammed but you must believe in him, your worship is to allah alone.
^^WhaT? :confused: Read my post again. 1) Believe in Allah AND anything else = You will never ever go to heaven 2) Believe in Allah ALONE = you can hope to get into heaven (depending on what else you do) 3) Believe in nothing or something other than Allah, and your end is the same as 1)
^^^Okay, no personal attacks if you make sense and stop trying to mix water with oil. I will even learn to write perfect Somali the day you start to make sense and make logical credible arguments. Taliban, Al Shabaab, Hamas, Al Qaied, Salafis, neo Salafis, Wahabis are very different, so different in fact that some have very little in common, yet you seem to group them as one strand. You also think that wiping them all out is good for the world, yet you think that they are bloodthristy! Help me out here will you!
When I was in India, I had a such hard time telling the difference between who was a Muslim and who was not, I found out later in my trip that I had spent all/most of my time in the none-muslim areas. The Muslims I did meet was Shia and all had a heavy Hindu Influence. Raamsade, to answer your question, no Shirk is the one sin Allah does not forgive if you die in it. So you cannot go to heaven if you associate anyone with Allah, hence the first part of the Shahaad
^You sound like an idoi*t because waxa baad isk qaasi, if you don't know what you are hating on, then you are random hating. Go and pick up a book will ya and spare us the drama.
^^^You mean Muslims right, ruuta iska sheeg.
An airline pilot whose career was damaged by 9/11, a businessman wanted by his home country, a former member of Islam4UK, recently banned by the British government for its extreme views, and a female blogger with the name Mohamed. These are just some of the personal stories behind one of Britain's most popular names. Nine different characters all called Muhammad challenge the stereotypes of being a British Muslim. As the name Muhammad rises both in popularity and notoriety, an ex atheist, a white convert and a former skinhead ask what is really in a name. You can watch it live now http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00r8jd3
Wait; You cry, don't call us names, then in the same thread you agree that 1) Burco people steal kids 2) Burco people accept Pedos in their society Yeah makes perfect sense to me, I really don't know why anyone will pick on you. :rolleyes:
^^Castro, atheer miyaad walatey? :confused: A little sensitivity and consideration Abu Salman, may allah easy your pain and grant him jannah. I would not dwell too much on what happened afterward to his body, as we can never know what any of it really means in any case.