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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Israel is not a Jewish state. Horta maxaad ahey, I am not even sure inad ruun tahey.
  2. ^^^Because I have access and they don't! It is who you know not how urgent You should come, it is not too far from your house.
  3. ^^It is how you drive it that can be the problem, not the car it self.
  4. I don't need inan the likes of you uu taffa xeeto, adiga ayaan ba wax la haadiin. Why on earth you think KK is going to support you on this is beyond me, but ciidad doontiid uu sheeg caqlilaantaada.
  5. I know the story is fake, but it pis*s me off that people like JB and the damn SL sites that keep reporting it wish it were true or think it is an option or seem to think it is something postive. Akhas caleky :rolleyes: Isolate fruther means, even the people in Somaliland will throw stones at you supporters.
  6. ^^^I think he meant the goroyo not JB problem. Ngonge, I am a British, SL won't even give me a passport (have not tried) or even a flag. Nor would Somalia, so I am a mutual, which ever boat leaves first to the Green land I am jumping on.
  7. Mr. Somalia, the fact you refer to people as nobodies is enough to say maskax faalooq baad qabta, so really you calling anything including monkeys a retard is not valid, you are the queen of retards. As for what I said, since you live up Ethiopian A*ss, I am sure you will enjoy the experience, you can get a better view and smell the canjeero. P.s. This is the one time you should probably cry with the door open, Allah ha kaa saaro your inhumane state.
  8. JB: No adgia (not you per say) aya usgag aah (don't blame politics) for dreaming about Israel. Your possibilities need to be sound and xalal. Israel is an outcaste, Muslim issue or not. SL will only isolate itself further by moving in that direction. Daji: don't enter my ocean, you know we don't get on
  9. ^^I am from Burco, always the Mucaarad to the bone, to everything
  10. ^^You are coming too?? shid house
  11. JB: Politics Islam miyu ka wenyah?? :confused: If you have Allah on your side you don't need other ally, least of Isreal. Allah ma Isreal baa ka xoog weyen?? Wa laiidin roogi hada xaqdaro sameysan.
  12. ^^^ , At least kaas albaabka ay xidhey, these ones they get on stage then cry.
  13. ^^Ciyaal fooqol ciyaal. Scarface, even I went to Number 10, met the Blair’s and I met the Queen too. so what? :confused: Malika, I am going to ask him a few things; along the lines of holding aid hostage, lack of planning, suffering of mainly women and children, should he throw the towel in since he is not improving the situation in the interest of the suffering, rather than his own interest of power, foreign intervention and actions of foreign troops he brought to the country etc. My key concern is the suffering of the civilians trapped between them and his lack of opinion and action in anything.
  14. ^^What has done to deserve so?? @ ScarF I said Questions, not randomness!
  15. ^^What is wrong with old, askagba wa old!! Qhalib congrats for having a Burco song on your wedding
  16. ^^Why? Miyaad Caashaqadey her/ her song?
  17. SL Supporters, Shame on you for even having nightmares about this crap let alone dreams. You would only shoot yourself in the foot with this baseless, ridiculous reports- forget Israel. Working with/for the devil is never an option of Muslims- and no it is not an Arab thing, it is a moral objection.
  18. The Puntiland Maafiya on SOL wax is daamey ma leeh. The sane ones stay quite, and the worst ones vomit everywhere with contradictions. Allaho ya Thankless, Duke, Mr. Somalia, and Cowke their friends in Ethiopia uu geeya for a few weeks. Waste of space. :rolleyes: May Allah make it easy for the brother, Allah ha ka so furfuro.
  19. Interesting that Bob is so pi*ssed off but understandable as it is his token label/picture of what they/we can do. It is just bad publicity for aid agency/ NGOs.
  20. I am meeting Shike Sharrif today. What shall I tell him? I can't throw things or attack him, so don't ask. Edit: what is with all the animal names on here? When did troll corner become the zoo
  21. At the responses. C&H, I think I want to try the selfish phase, but I need to move to the end of the earth first, otherwise they will think Jiin baa ii galey and I'd have Quran read on me Juxa! loool, I just might you know. Well done to you lady! North: Looool @ He wants money- now that I know is not true, the thing he did is just money on a platter. Either way I won't be here on that data, so no. As for going around with your other half; I don't know if I can be bothered and I want to do my own stuff for me and not have to discuss iyo consider someone else input, that is why I don't take group holidays. Kulimiye; lol A dream indeed, I wish you luck brother, you are going to need it in African development, also some strong painkillers and anti-depressant, and a lot of your own money. Stoic: Oh my, North there is your answer about going travelling with your partner- look at this prime example and he is newly wed too!!!
  22. Lazy there is a difference between who legitimately takes an issue with Islam and Muslims, and brainwashed (not because he changed religion, that’s is fine, but because he now identifies with his tortures (who despite admiring them so much, he did not convert to Judaism-although I assume he met the Zionist and not the Jews) It is classic case of psychological imbalance as result of prolonged torture, it is called Stockholm syndrome. [thanks sayid ] Lets hope his suppressed pain does not take him by surprise and he burns the house down, there is only so much your sub conscious can cover for you. As for the topic; since Muslims are hardcore conspiracies- how about this; He still works for Hamsa and he is going to do a tour of Israel before blowing himself up in IDF headquarters; (disclaimer: If this ever happens I had nothing to do with it nor knew of it) Now Lazy, waxan iska daayo, this guy is old news, how is it going with the reading material I gave you in the other thread my dearest sis? Aliamos: He read the bible, not the history books dhee Not much but enough, he should've converted to Hinduism or Buddhist. Going from Islam to Christianity or Judaism is like wearing your T-shirt back-to-front under you jumper- the difference particularly on the attributes of God particle the same- most importantly the message was the same, it is a matter of how much they have evolved.
  23. Wa meel barwaaqo aha, oh webi butaciyo, bataa so fatahyi, baarf iyo dabiley lahein. *serious dance here * iyo Ruunta uu jeeb. wohoo, this song is lovely, but I am so bias. Istaqfurllah: Warya JB, bax. I love his hand movements, reminds me of my peeps.