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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. ^^Money knows no religion dhee. Although I am not sure your idea that everyone wants the correct sharia is true. I would argue that people want their version of Sharia, which is why they have so much mess as a result. Compare the Sharia law of Iran, Malaysia, Neigeria and any other country which claims to rule by sharia and tell me, really is any of them sharia compliant, or even close enough for us as Muslim to put our eggs in their basket. Of course I can say the same for any western country struggling to follow the model. Aliamos okay then, as you were. P.s. Aliamos reminds me of Castro when he first joined. It is the strangers thing. :eek:
  2. Salam people. Today I went around city in a motor cycle. My back and legs are killing me. But Alhumdulilah.
  3. Ibtisam

    Today I....

    ^^^Another 2-3weeks. :eek: No Ayurveda here, will check when I go back to Mumbia. How about baby milk powder- saw a lady using it- but I would've thought the sweet taste would attract more :confused: Thanks.
  4. This thread is funny!! Lool B you will never be homeless in London. They have so many support groups and housing associations and council etc, only way you can be homeless in London is haad tahey qof adunyaad ka dahacey, drunken, alcoholic isku kaajeey- although even they get wasted people accommodation.
  5. Looool, Bob, you should send him to the baadiye and make him eat with his bare hands and buy a snake and put it in his shoes dhee. Play along, put fake and wooden rings on your ears and nose and pain your face, carry a sword and etc
  6. ^^^And everybody knows almost doesn't count. Sayid you already have a soft spot for notherners dee, so I am suprised it is not more than almost. I would hate to be in that meeting, saadex ba inaad maadax iisug duufata bey ahead.
  7. Ibtisam

    Today I....

    ^^The aole vera creams have skin whittening in them (don't even ask, so does shampoo) Baking soda (as in baking powder?) Goes off to search again...*
  8. Chubacka, ELM have become hardline since a C4 dispatches argued that they are the base of a take over attempt and islamisation. buzz words my dear. As for Muslim Aid, they are going through what INTERPAL went through- which went as as far trying to take away their account balance and close they Llyods account.
  9. Loool I am in pain dude, :mad:
  10. I don't know about where or what he is now, but Anwar Al Awlaki was one of my favourit plain speaking shikes whose blogs I use to find informative and challenging. I think he is one of the best debaters on Islamic issues, whether you agree with him or not you cannot help respecting his arguments. Have not visited his blog since his fight with Shike Choudrey. May Allah guide him and protect him.
  11. ^^^That Somali is not Somali, it took me a while to decode. What I am trying to say is that at least the countries of the West have the protection of the rights of all living within their borders embedded in their constitutions. The practical applications of these are a different matter but certain countries, perhaps Canada or the Scandinavian countries have applied them to great extents. If anyone resident feels violated they have the ability to take the government to court, this is the rule of law in a secular nation. Do you think this would be the case in a system that is dictated by some people's interpretation of divine law? I think not. The rule of law in secular nations is dictated by peoples interpretation. This is why laws are always evolving (or rather going backwards in this age of terrorism). The fact that any other model would suffer from peoples influence is the starting point. Mida kale, adigu why is it every discussion thread regardless of topic it ends up being a debate about where you are going or you leaving the deen or your bed time habits. Maxad uu entertain garesy these randomness. People who object to you and what you may or may not follow iyo the discussion hala kalo saaro. Lastly if you are trying to win a battle about what certain individuals view of the west is, then I guess that individual will speak for themselves. However if your argument is that western systems are more perfect that divine rule or that western systems have less flaws than this or that, I am happy to hear it. As for myself, I believe democracy is an integral part of Islam and fits in fine with no contradictions, with the except of the limits of free will. Islamic philosophers have spent a great deal of time on democracy in Islam and the compatibility of divine rule with democracy. I'd be happy to recommend some reading for any one interested once I reach back home inshallaha. As you were...
  12. loool @ 15hrs after the fact but people should have reported it. B, attention seeking baad raabta. Report what you want or care about, cut the whole everyone should and must feel this or that. Your thread title sucks and offensive to polish people. How is somalis not knowing more sad or sadder as you say.
  13. Ibtisam

    Today I....

    ^^^can't find grapes either. Today I need to find something that cools mosquito bites otherwise I will scar myself for life.
  14. I could peel my own skin off, can't cope with this mosquito madness. I have severe headaches every evening from 7pm, so searching for symptoms. Howdy peeps.
  15. Loool, I could notget past the saving up job seekers allowance to start an internet cafe. How long did that take you?? 10years loool Somalis always do the same thing.
  16. Why was not reported?? It was in the news, Somali BBC 7pm iyo 9pm. :eek: As for SOL, Err you just did. In most Somali people cases, it is like the man who runs out of his burning house with his family still inside and upon seeing the guy next door struggling to reach his family, forgets his own and dashes to help the guy out. Sad day for Poland. P.s. B, Most people in Poland won't care if Somalis supported or felt for their loss, in reality it means nothing, we can't bring the dead back nor can we give them any other support be it finance, training or planning to fill the vacuum left. Farrurow maaxa berbera ku geye? Dhee faaduul.
  17. so I ask you awoowe, what is wrong with a secular system of government where the rights of ALL are protected? where Muslims have the right to go to prayer during the work day, where you hear athaan everywhere five times a day and where the minorities fully protected because the law says so and prohibits discrimination based on religion, gender, orientation, ethnicity, age and social class... where the basic fact that we are all human being with the right to a decent life is what binds us and where the government does not favor one group over the other... Where does this happen dear Aliamos?? I would like to move there. I have not read the thread, just bits here and there, so I might be jumping the gun in which case ignore me. Truth be told humans as we are will create faults with every system, regardless of whether it is sound in theory or not. Aliamos or rather western model is still progressing and in no way does it in practice or even theory what he has written above. Fact is every individual that makes up the system whether Arab, Islamic or western will add a little bit of this and that while claiming to be within the limits of their said ideology. So point and argue all you want, all the models in application at least and complete failure as it stands. Which one is more susceptible to change or can be more easily manipulated is a different question.
  18. Salamalikum peeps. I'm not sure being different is a good thing. I use to swear it as a great thing before. Arrived in an old British City, looks like a mini version of North London, just with more pretty churches and parks.
  19. when is the election?? have they set a date yet?? I might as well be in space.
  20. Loool @ all this shopping talk from married ppl. No shopping or window shopping allowed whatsoever. Ngonge loool a bit of both to be honest. Juxa, I am going to see it tomorrow, have not seen the finished stuff yet myself.
  21. ^^^Lol, I have not taken any photos yet, nothing worth taking a picture off- wa uusgaga socoda. I will post bits of me back starting next week. I should arrive fully by the end of the month. How u keeping?? I saw a somali Lady yesterday- she was chatting loud on the phone and in dirac and koorgard. She did not register me as Somali and i was too to tell her.
  22. salamAlikum people. Just waiting to get on a train for 2days and 1 night. It is suppose to be faster than getting on a transit plane. :eek: Don't know what I will do with myself. I finish reading all my books already, I need to find a book store before I go maddish- I started writing to pass time. How is everyone doing?? How long is the game away? where are my fellow Arsenal supporters?? This time difference thing is killing me.
  23. Salam and hello. It is too early for reer UK to be awake I guess? I'm too tired but can't sleep at night as it is too loud. Maybe I should go back to the none-muslim area. I feel like singing that somali song, "something something aan xoox oodan jira iyo dugagan weheshada" (where is Aaliya, she will know thw words) I wake up with a spider looking at me, a midget on my hand, some other insect making eye contact and this huge fly buzzing in the corner. They have become my loyal friends, no matter how many I kill or kick out, the replacement keep coming. :eek:
  24. Lily I took those things, they are not working, I got some more stuff here too and I'm still being eaten- even during the day time. No net and Ac is always open, to stinking to open windows here anyway. Got to go, good nyt
  25. Salam, Anyone here?? I need tips on mosquito bite, I am being eaten alive. Also how long would it take for me to develop malaria after be bitten?? I have few more weeks here.