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Everything posted by Ibtisam
Still sleepy.... yawn. Juxa and Faheema you are both getting old if everyone is starting to bother you. I can give you ear plucks
I can't wa xaaran Was waiting for delivery, which has now arrived, feel sleepy though, lool @qaxqaxdeeda
Working from home today, billing.
Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: quote:Originally posted by *Ibtisam: quote: Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: quote: Originally posted by *Ibtisam: ^^Wa la bahey, I have to come back and read this thread when I have time. Did she really say a saint struggled with Iman and a "great" one for dying as a catholic loool I'm sorry, what's so wild about a saint struggling with Iman? Sherban. She is not talking about a saint struggling with the model Iman, but rather an important principle in Islam which determines the strength of the believer. It is made up of separate and hierarchical components, the lowest component being removing a harmful object from the street. The whole principle can ONLY be implied to a Muslim who is attempting to at least fulfil the compulsory components (six). So yes it is Wild to apply this to a saint, who not only falls outside of Islam but has no wish, understanding or compulsion to fulfil Islamic components (which are contradictor) to his faith. He would probably find it insulting. 1. Iman? Do you really think I'm that thick or was that a joke? 2. I fail to see how these Islamic components are contradictory to his faith. 3. Unless you know him personally and have talked to him, you can't know if he would find it insulting. If he were to find it insulting, he'd be called a fool, and not a saint. Saints aren't pedophiles, or people who trash talk Islam, or who knows what you're imagining. Saints are saints for a reason. I don't have a problem with you thinking your faith is superior to mine, and if you think I don't deserve the same rewards you do, then I ask you to pray for my salvation. What I do have a problem with is your divisive discourse. Like Muslims and non-Muslims are like oil and water. Keep driving these wedges between people, so that they become even larger than they are today, until there is an abyss between them. That will be the beginning of the end. Sherban, it is not a matter of being thick, it is a matter of you not fully comprehending what Iman is, much like lazy, your respond to me above shows why, but instead of asking me WHY? you have already going defensive. I don’t know the saint, but I do know Islam, and I know what parts IN Islam which are not acceptable in Christianity. I never said he is a pedo or this or the other, those are your words, so please don’t fob them off as mine. Perhaps you are use to people saying that or maybe you worry about that too much, but I was referring to the compulsory components of Iman, (maybe you fail to see the contradiction because you dont know what they are? To mention a few; 1) To believe in Allah, alone (not trinity, not saints, not Jesus or Priests who has special link to God, Believing in God has further components (two main categories) which define his lordship) 2) To believe in the hereafter, hell and heaven and the characteristics of its people ( I doubt he thought he was going to hell) 3) To believe in Angels (This is the only component he could share/ believe) 4) To believe in all the books, including the Quran, (he who disbelieves in one has disbelieved and to believe that the Quran is the last word of God revealed to Mankind)(Saints cannot believe in the Quran as the only preserved Book of God in the original form existing in the world now) 5) To believe in all the prophets (26+ mentioned in the Quran, Mohammed as the last messenger of God, and Jesus is just a messenger) (He cannot believe in Mohammed PBUH,) You can search Quran Chapter 2 Verse 177 if you want to read it more about this. Okay, so if someone denies anyone of these categories or subcategories, then they are classed as deviating from Islam, as it says in Quran Chapter 4 verse 136, if someone denies Allah, his angels, books, messengers and the day of judgement has gone astray. So you see regardless of how highly you think of saints or how nice or respectful they are about Islam, from Islamic prospective there is no way he could have fulfilled the components of Iman, if he did he would be a Muslim. As for you, what you believe in, your reward or otherwise, I don't really think about it much, but since you asked, may Allah (SWT) guide you and me) Ameen. I know people who believe that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are pretty much the same and as long as you believe in God you are okay or equal, we can all hold hands and so forth. I have never claimed to be a liberal, I am extreme in MY believe. I do not think we need to all act like we are clones in believe to be able to have a discussion or respect each other, nor do I see why people get offended by what another faith preaches about you. Christianity, Judaism and Islam or even Hinduism preach that if you don’t follow this or that then you are going to hell or will be punished, it teaches that YOUR path is correct and everyone else wrong. If someone people have watered down their faith so that it is friendlier to other people who are not of that faith that is your choice, but it is not my role to change or adapt Islam. In nature religions are exclusive, not inclusive of everyone. So lets quit pretending. I would respect someone a lot more if they stayed true to what they follow, rather than cutting corners and trying to patronise me.
^Check her website, it is maintained by nice Canadian Somalis who direct info and funding to her from the diaspora. Drop them a mail.
SalamAlikum and good morning peeps
Subxanallah. Dr. Hawa is one of the few people in this Somali mess, who is a true Somali and has stayed to help maskiin people when everyone else fled. May Allah help her. Poster what can we do for her? Unless you are trying to reason with people who fund or have links with those who attack her.
I am really enjoying watching them fall apart, one member at a time. Hate, will kill you in the end eh.
The British National party's (BNP) beleaguered election campaign hit a new disaster today when its head of online operations quit the party and took the website with him. Simon Bennett, directed traffic to his own website, where he posted an outspoken attack on the party and its leadership, the Times reported today. Mr Bennett suggested the party was disorganised, amateurish and constantly wasting membership fees. "This will no doubt [sic] come as a shock to many of those that read this, particularly those who really don't want to hear it," he wrote. "However, I have a duty to the members and my conscience, but most of all to my wife and children, to tell the truth behind the spin." The website was briefly down yesterday afternoon before it was reactivated, but the comments quickly spread across the web. Party leader Nick Griffin and election fundraiser James Dowson w e re branded "pathetic, desperate and incompetent" by Mr Bennett. It is just the latest incident of infighting threatening to the derail the far-right party's general election campaign. Mr Griffin himself recently informed police that someone in the organisation was trying to kill him. The party was also damaged when it used an image of Marmite on an online broadcast, leading the manufacturers to serve an injunction against it. Mr Bennett said he warned the leadership not to proceed with the stunt, but was ignored. He claims to have been physically threatened over the website and insisted he would call the police if the threats continued. Diversity champions Emma projected a Nazi symbol onto the side of the Commons last weekend to warn voters of the danger of backing the far-right party in tomorrow's election. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/elections/news/article/bnp-in-turmoil-as-online-chief-sabotages-operation/1 9759643
Itlay has had a Face covering ban since 1970s, just no enforcement. And the reason the law was first introduced was NOT because of Muslim Women.
Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: quote:Originally posted by *Ibtisam: ^^Wa la bahey, I have to come back and read this thread when I have time. Did she really say a saint struggled with Iman and a "great" one for dying as a catholic loool I'm sorry, what's so wild about a saint struggling with Iman? Sherban. She is not talking about a saint struggling with the model Iman, but rather an important principle in Islam which determines the strength of the believer. It is made up of separate and hierarchical components, the lowest component being removing a harmful object from the street. The whole principle can ONLY be implied to a Muslim who is attempting to at least fulfil the compulsory components (six). So yes it is Wild to apply this to a saint, who not only falls outside of Islam but has no wish, understanding or compulsion to fulfil Islamic components (which are contradictor) to his faith. He would probably find it insulting.
^^^It is not, your probably tried to PM Admin instead of me I want my xaal public, since you attacked me publicly Loool @Ailamos waa Layzie oo caqli leh!!! :eek: Next you are going to claim Layzie is Ailamos script! Lool @ nin niikinaayo aa dhahee nabad doon. nuune wuu so ciyaar jabbi! Nuune dont call her gaal, till ay iyaad sheekgato. :mad:
JB having one of those "manga kuu xishooan days"
Loool, hadba geedi jiid miinka @ Tuuji, Aniga iyo Aliamos ba Xaal anan kaa raab. Nuune, You are fast become those people in the middle who agree with ALL sides at different times
Nuune adiga wax ka so haadey, He means, she means Af luumey tuurjuun all day. Next you are going to see your awaliya see lines written which we dont
^^Wa la bahey, I have to come back and read this thread when I have time. Did she really say a saint struggled with Iman and a "great" one for dying as a catholic loool
Ayoub: I could not believe that either, he must have slipped up, otherwise all week no reason uu la qalinyin.
HEllo. I dont know what to say maanta :eek:
Nuune please I want my xaal ASAP, caynka uu gaabsha haadi kale. As for B, I don't care dabbasheed if he wants, but some areas water is too deep and I know he can't swim. Malika, hence why I said MOSt of her thread; but where there is smoke, must be old fire, I just think, she is not seeing too good in the smoke yet. In a Islamic discussion maaxa keeny "what is wrong with being a gaal"?
^^^Lool Tuuji you owe me a Biiiiiiiig apology walahi. Meeshan people wareersan aa jooga. :eek: APRIL FOOLs day was a long time ago. B Adigu, coming or going? Buurti xawo taako ha ka diicin. Lazy Most of your post is stuff and waali (I say that as someone who has been at opposit ends with both you and ku wa wax tuujiya) Finding a middle group does not mean walking on your head dear sis. Baal hoorta ciyart naga dig meel.
I think I just might fit into that dress after all that. Have fitting this evening.
Juxa Good luck honey, I know u are smart Alec. First day back at work, They turned everything upside down, can't even troll coz I'm 6feet under paperwork. :mad:
^^What I heard different, things like you will be walking along the market and if you have nice earrings on or gold, someone will just run pass you, cut your ear off and run off with it before you can scream with pain?? :eek: (The story was told to me by an over protective friend a few years ago when I got a job there with an NGO) after a few horror stories I decided that I will be one of those place that I will have to take someone with me
Blessed Looooool :eek: lol @Wish you the death of your dreams, Tata
Lol @ Che. She has an alert on SOL Lazy, that train is never late, niqabs, burkhas, hijabs, dresses, athan, praying, in a few years Muslims will be only left holding a little box under the bed with a copy of the Quran. It is sad seeing an immigrant having the same views as the far right.