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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. I told a girl she is fired this morning and not to bother turning up for work and now she keeps calling and shouting/ ranting at me and then slaming the phone down before I can say anything. So many freaks in this world. :eek: :eek: Hey DD, so how u been?? is the malab-moon over?? when you coming back to see us? I hear you been back and gone a few times. Try to make time for old friends next time yeah.
  2. Hey DD Wlc back. Sinc eyou came back same day as Marx I am worried you are one of his creations too Big hug and kiss to the real DD though.
  3. ^^Howdy Juxa, I hope that place has nice cake
  4. ^^^Loool @ you want small bridge, or higher one. Xaaram allah ka baaqa and B wax xuun lama sadsad. I think you need daqan ceelis so ciyaal xaafado shidball ha kugu ciyaaran. Nuune that is in 3rd world country, you must pass with flying colours the first time, this guy is in the west, even a D or 3rd is considered a pass or grade :rolleyes: so it is impossible to fail for him dhee
  5. You are going to jump because you failed two exams. dude in this age, I've seen people resit the same exams 5times, just show them the money (or geel) and stop crying. Uuuf hating seeing anyone above 3yrs old cry. :mad: Makes me wanna give them something to cry about for real. :rolleyes:
  6. BNP leader Nick Griffin has put on a defiant face as campaigners claimed the far-right party had suffered its "greatest humiliation" at the ballot box. After 580 results in the General Election, the party had failed to win a single seat despite fielding more than 300 candidates. The BNP could only increase its overall vote by 1.83% to 514,819 after a year of increased national exposure thanks to Mr Griffin and colleague Andrew Brons being elected to serve as MEPs and the leader's appearance on BBC's Question Time. Mr Griffin, 51, was told to "pack your bags and go" by Margaret Hodge as the BNP leader slumped to third in his bid to become MP for Barking in east London. Weyman Bennett, the joint secretary of Unite Against Fascism (UAF), said: "The BNP's vote has been paltry. This just shows that the party's increased exposure has exposed them for what they are. The BNP fielded more candidates than ever and yet the party has gone backwards." The BNP had been extremely active in Barking and Mr Griffin polled 4,916 votes. Mr Griffin was heckled throughout his speech with chants of "Off, off, off" and "Rubbish". But, raising his voice over the jeers, he said: "I would say this to the people of Britain: it is going to be too late for Barking, but it is not too late for Britain. Get rid of our masters before they get rid of us." Speaking after her victory, Ms Hodge said: "This really is a great moment in our history. On behalf of all the people in Britain, we in Barking have not just beaten but we have smashed the extreme right. "The lesson from Barking to the BNP is clear: Get out and stay out, you're not wanted here and your vile politics have no place in British democracy. Pack your bags and go." http://uk.news.yahoo.com/elections/news/article/bnp-leader-defiant-after-defeat/N0171721273214538579 A
  7. ^^^I guess then you will agree with people who say it was the Zionist who planned and made the holocaust happen, so they can create the fear in Jewish people and the need for their own home land. I am not really too fuzzed about the numbers either way a lot of people died and the suffering was huge, what fascinates me is that those peoples life is deemed so important that it used as an excuse to minimise the suffering that the Zionist are causing now. I don’t have a problem with Jewish people, nor do I take issue with the problems they faced in Europe, the Zionist now becoming the new Hitler on maskeen people is whaty bothers me. And yes I appreciate that being Jewish is not the same as being a Zionist and I am making that distinction. I am well aware when the movement started, but before the holocaust, aside from a historical claim and the need to return to the promise land, what pressures/ pressing need/ reasons did they have to persuade UK and America to give them Palestine?
  8. Key point Val, "working", all the ones on ciida will be shipped back, leaving behind only the working men and young women. All the hooyoyin and the loser welfare mans, send them back.
  9. I dont think Val is in the UK, but if she is, you must ask certain person for permission, still too early *ducks from val flying shoe* Lool Not only you, but all Somali euros
  10. Looool @Wax walba hurguf and see what crawls out. Hahaha lool. We can't all madax ku soco!
  11. It does not feel like a friday Jumca Mubarak and w/salam I am working on sunday (SOl needs a crying pic) If the blues make it, all the somali Euros have to go back
  12. Loool @ have strong opinions and at times can be quite scary. anigaba ka cabsaday. So not true, I can listen to people even if they are saying the most crazy offensive thing and wont get upset. Okay Val, what do you say to your new position of ciyaal xaaf kaal ceeli all day?
  13. 5am :eek: :eek: I am working, Rat race dear. I might join your life style. Waan iska jaafey saririta at 7.30am. My alarm had been going off since 6.30am
  14. Juxa, dont you think I will be a good mediator Okay maybe Val then. P.s. I am taking full payment for the apology Tuujis made for calling people gaal when they dont say I am gaal. I feel proud
  15. SalamAlikum people. wlc the back door deals and madness that comes with hung parliament..........
  16. ^^Hear Hear^^ Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: Ibti, Everything I said in reply to your post was strictly in reply to your post, which I still find wack no matter how many times I go over it. What I said isn't an observation about you in general, but about that post which denotes an attitude I'm criticizing. I never said I'm not interested in a conversation, I said I don't have the energy to argue with you when you come at me with a very rudimentary understanding of my faith and then try to say "well, look it's so different than mine!" How could you know it's different when you don't even understand it? LOL, what? Are you suggesting I believe in more than one God? Or that I don't believe in the hereafter? Or in all of God's prophets and all of his books? I couldn't care less how extreme you are in your beliefs, but please do inform yourself before you start mocking saints. Just as your comment about the model Iman shows, you assume that I'm as ignorant about Islam as you are about Christianity, you're projecting your ignorance on me. Think again. All that being said, please do know that I like you as a person (from what I see on this forum) and I wish you only good things in your life. Sherban, Strange we seem to be saying the same THING but from different points. - I said and still saying you do not understand what Iman is in Islam, hence why you can claim or argue that a saint or even you can share the same components. - You are saying I don’t understand your religion, and hence why I am arguing it is different to mine and cannot share the same principles. As for my ignorance of Christianity, I know the basic, I took one lesson a week in school for five years and I have done few extra reading, so yes I am sure a Christian person will know more than me, but I know the difference in the fundamentals between the two religion, and this is why I decided to be a Muslim and not a Christian. (Yes, I decided as a young adult on my own, despite taking my family religion as a child) So if you want, when I have time during the weekend, I will show you WHY I know the principle of Iman is NOT compatible with Christianity, saint or otherwise. You then can respond based on your knowledge as to why you think it is. I maintain that if someone shares and believes in the principles of Iman as they are in Islam, then they are a Muslim, not a Christian or catholic saint. You might find that offensive, so if you are going to get upset later and take it as me bashing you or Christianity, then I will keep it to myself. Regardless of what YOU as an individual think or believe in terms of how the alike the religions are. Yes there are similarities, because the fundamental message of Islam is exactly the same as the original message of Christianity and every other book before it, but I think on this principle at least there are vast difference. What or how much you know about Islam as a whole is neither here nor there, credit to you if you know Islam as well as some Muslims, maybe you can take something away in the end to add to your understanding and likewise for me, because even if you dedicated your whole life to any religion, even years of study, you can never know enough.
  17. C&H, he is not only one who says 6million is too much, and since it is an estimate, then there is no need for him to have proof that it is not so, it is a guess and maybe an educated guess, he is doing his own guess work, along with other people. The holocaust argument was used by the Zionist to lay a claim on Palestine and justify even today why they must at all cost have a country of their own. The logical answer is that since Europe was responsible for the holocaust, they should give them a country in Europe, rather than the Zionist now committing a holocaust on Palestinians. There is nothing ****** about this argument either and again has been made by intelligent people since 1947.
  18. I am not the defender of all Gaalos, Acuudbililah. I just said we should all make our points without making everything personal or having to get a forum name written in blood to ensure they are blue blood. This forum is crazy.
  19. Aliamos. While there is no specific legislation about the niqab, covering the face in public - even with a motorcycle helmet - has been outlawed in Italy since 1975. Cities controlled by the Northern League have used this law in the past to ban Islamic veils. Read more: http://www.montrealgazette.com/life/Woman+fined+wearing+niqab+northern+Italy/2986829/story.html#ixzz 0nBvEBoEO You see the ban in Italy had nothing to do with Muslim women. I can even tell you why it was first introduced, but you might already know.
  20. @ Lazy. Your post above I agree with and makes sense to me, wax kale from before is confused.com. In any case I have been defending people and attacking ones who easily or have a habit of calling others gaalo, waaxas oo trouble adiga, cara, Aliamos, Naden, Beer Gaal and few others baa ii geliye because I have to keep fighting with people not to call you gaal or this or that, and YOu want me to thank you. Ciika uu bood and send me cake What I most agree above, "A good Muslims by example" All his shouting and labelling. Sherban, I read your post, I dont agree, I do not think your main point is valid, I dont think you are interested in a convo or discussion so I am suprised that you even bothered in the first place. Also I think you have me confused with someone else, unless when you say YOU, you mean it in generally rather than my attitude or what I do. :confused: In ANY case you said you was not interested, so I will let it go.
  21. A young patient died after operation. I can't help feel sad
  22. Lool juxa, you can probably get them to do anything u want!! So much of working from home, they been calling me so much for basic things, it is pis*sing me off so much so that I am going in now to just do it myself! :mad: