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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Abwaan, yes in Tower Hamlets, a few more wont hurt. Lazy, today of all things, you call me a Secessionist propoganda iska dheh while discussing British politics? IF there were more northerns running, it is not a big suprising, there families have been here since the 1940s, and they form the oldest Somali community in the UK. It is not a suprised that the guy in liverpool and Cardiff are on their 2/3rd term, their communties are more intergrated and are 2/3rd generations. Resis: I have not seen their pay check, that is just what I heard from them. Allah knows best.
  2. ^^^loool, Resistance: No, a month, council tax, rent allowance, expense and payment.
  3. ^The few I can remember are: Mohamed Ali- Liverpool Kultuun something- Bethnal Green & Bow Awal Olad- Labour Holborn and Covent Garden Abdiwali Mohamud- Liberal Democrats- Kentish town Asha Affi- Tower Hamlets- Respect (I think she lost though?) Libax, they get paid £10,000 (in money and allowance) a month for going to one community meeting a week, hardly volunterring.
  4. ^^Come on you know the rules, attack one REAL female Soler and you have attacked all. Which ever one is online will respond.
  5. ^^I thought he is gone because he is Marx Script but maybe he threatened/ abused xiin
  6. ^^ Did you notice the quoation marks. I just translated what your friend Fufu said in af Somali. So dont shoot the messenger.
  7. ^^YOU know u are asking for it right??
  8. ^^Never went to wedding while in Miyi, I had lots of shaqo to do, could not afford to party all night.
  9. ^^Or a fight will break out, kind risky dont you think. I've seen women xaanqa due to buraanbur. My last family I went to, some one played a joke or something and told the buraanbur lady the wrong clan for the family. Everyone was looking around thinking errr and then laughing. the islaan yaar spent the whole night aamining Qabil aan loo diran.
  10. ^^Is that the Sufi Buraanbur?? :eek: lol I only know the @inanku iyo inatu wey kudboonyhi, AND wiix bisin lagu bilabi barako ma leeh
  11. Ngonge: You are so mean. Malika, once I had to learn it for my cousins wedding, one of the clans that are known for it baa naga guursadey and we did not want iin nalgu ciyar football buraanbur when the old lady does the aman for us and no one dances. Anyway, a whole week baan guriga dacaska ka iidleye practicing. EDIT: Errm Malika, the whole thing is about clan iyo amaan about family. why dou you think they shout iska ceel iyo ii kacey diiga aya ii kacey Not a friendly dance at all.
  12. ^^^Lool I was wishing you did not fall for his trap!! Oz, af somaliga sii fican ayan uu aqanan, can't you see. :mad:
  13. ^^But it wont' make sense any other way, if you died to live (though this is in effect what real jihad was)still though can't see how else it could be. I don’t agree that living is dying slowly. That is only valid if you look at death as the end of it all. I think death is just a continuation of your life as your soul does not die, and once you are judged then pretty much for eternality you are continuing on living (or if you’re in hell, living and painful deaths in cycle) Think of death as the next stage of living.
  14. ^^ You reminded me of Cara just then. where is that girl these days? Hello Baluug, hi Malika. No bashing, just me and Juxa, she is complaining and I am doing supportive listening. Or as Somalis would say, waan uu jiibin
  15. The fact that life is short is a comfort ONLY if you think you are going to a better place. Since known of us can KNOW for sure where we are going or what I await us, it is more of transition. Bit like standing at the platform waiting for a less crowded train to pull up, but more often than not you get pushed on randomly and suddenly, and you just hope you land gracefully without getting hurt or hurting someone, on your feet with your bag. It would be a comfort if I KNOW that at the next stop everyone gets off but me and I will get 5* treatment, but since it is just as likely that there might be a stampede, then it is just a necessary transition where I am hoping to get from A-B with the least damage and surviving the journey but landing a good spot in the end. I fear and look forward to death in same measures, I always had the feeling that I would die young, but I'm still here for the time being. I embrace it because there is no alternative (not like you can run away,) but I am trying to fill a little good bag at least, bigger than a take away, while trying to keep the weight of the other suitcase. Maxaatiri, depressing or too much thinking at least, is that for uni?
  16. Men are more likely to be lazy, the perfect word in Somali is wee tan yaryhiin in everywway. So they are out of capcity in hard work, patience, thinking, anything aside from food, sport/cars iyo women that is. Kuwaas capcity wa loo haaya.
  17. ^^^I think it was the fact you said men wa sub human. Resistance, iitaalka I was on you's side, trying to say you are all just lazy
  18. It is only natural that if you have such low expectation, then you will only get those low standard. Wa good pyschology, tell them you expect the world and moon and you might get a little flat, but if you say you want a little flat, you will get a box outside tesco.
  19. I expect a LOT from myself, so it is only faire I have a long list for them, otherwise what is the use of having them IN your life. I worry for you, always making excuses for them like they are only sub-human. stop expect shitty things from them, they just might suprise you if you squeez the living days out of them
  20. ^^Attention seeking behaviour should not be encouraged in children, let alone grown men Juxa. I agree (for once) withj Ngonge stuff love strategy. a bit of bullying would have made him transit from a boy to a man, haadi kaal he is just going to be stuck at the boy stage. Every boy needs a big push
  21. ^^YEp, Queen of the Freaks here, and married at that too, you dont want to go there.
  22. ^^My advise will be that you should NOT chat up anyone online at least. Talk about setting yourself up nicely with a freak or a man
  23. So what if he came clean and confessed, I dont see why he could just not stop using the other accounts and stick to one. I think the confession was part of the plan, he only confessed AFTER creating another 10 scripts,6 of them female user names.
  24. NOT a sound, too quite at work, making me sleepy. Max banned for using 10 scripts and boasting about it! :eek:
  25. Farax on Total Wipe out, so http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00lpnkd The whole show was funny. Cheers Faheema.