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Everything posted by Ibtisam

  1. Jb yeah yeah. Resistance I already have a hard and demanding job, I came here to breath not tax my mind. I noticed and ignored the underhanded dig.
  2. ^^Adigu when do you work? All the time holiday iyo day off iyo weekend iyo celebration baad ku jirta! Resis: I know, but too much written Somali requires a lot of work from me, then it is not trolling, it is hard work
  3. lool ****** thread iyou ****** question ma finish ma nooqdan. Uuuf. women get a life, outside of this man and leave the poor chap alone, e-mail his family kulaah. wax miya ku dimian hoorta?
  4. Loool @ Reward her with sex! Ma pay cheque baa. Istupid waxaid. Khyr you have your answer, a toss between be old alone and happy or collect pay tokens to redeem from your kusband and slave all day. :rolleyes:
  5. So much Somali in troll corner. Today I can troll, come out, come out trollers
  6. Ramaasad: I think you need a head-butt too, your just compare Mohamed (PBUH) to David Cameron. I agree with ONE of Lazy point, (She is just making it very poorly) which is that as Muslims we tent to give publicity and stardom to people at our expense. These are stunts for people who could not make it any other way, so they think let me do something controversial, pick on Muslims they will burn some flags and attack me in response and I will set. We should not give them platform or legitimacy, now he is going to open a gallery and write on his CV “attacked for my creative and controversial cartoons”. Lastly I find it embarrassing that as Muslims we have been reduce to the level of throwing shoes and head-butting people who insult Islam, Allah or Mohammed. Even worse we become proud of that person for throw a damn shoe or jester and then stand back and say “yeah, we showed them”! Really? More like in a few years kabaha aya inaga damanaya. We have to find more sophisticated and creative way of taking out (I don’t necessarily mean literally) but removing people who upset our interest from public or at least achieving stardom. This small antics which makes more people want to use us as the stepping stone. What has these three people achieved? They made this guy work get in the news, they themselves got into trouble, they made other hateful people aware (who will now republish his work), woke up all the racist who will start the shallow fear mongering of “they are taking over” and lastly the work is still in existence. So really nothing was achieved. If we can find a constructive way of controlling our anger and challenging that anger to building the stepping stone that allows us to avoid these situations, we won’t need to spit, throw shoes or other pointless acts which don’t achieve any results. At my old university, one of our lectures was removed from post after lobbing by the Jewish society after he gave a series of alternative lectures in our Foreign Policy in the Middle East Class. We just showed up for uni one day and he was gone, the people who liked him did not even have time to organize a campaign in his defense. NOW that is efficient results.
  7. A BIRMINGHAM shopkeeper has pleading guilty to selling dangerous cosmetics which can poison the blood and kill. Tahir Mahmood, who runs the Islamic general store Amsons, in Coventry Road, Small Heath, was charged with 47 offences related to selling the potentially lethal make-up. Birmingham magistrates’ court heard the products were either incorrectly labelled or contained banned ingredients, such as lead, hydropuinone and barium salts. The maximum punishment for such an offence is six months imprisonment. The cosmetics were on sale at the general store, run by the 42-year-old, which also sells Islamic clothes, accessories and literature. The products were seized by Trading Standards Officers and tested in laboratories following complaints from customers, the court heard. One woman reported that her eye swelled up after using one of the Hashmi eyeliners imported from Pakistan. Julia Kettle, prosecuting, said that lead found in the products could have a “significant effect” on people’s health, particularly children. “It has been linked to neurological and breathing problems and can delay speech in youngsters,” she said. Head of Trading Standards at Birmingham City Council Chris Neville said: “They poison your blood, really. If you’re exposed to them enough, they can kill you.” He said the products were often found in shops selling to Asian customers, as they imported from countries that don’t have the same regulations as us. Mr Neville added that they had informed Mr Mahmood to stop selling them after the first raid, but he had carried on regardless. Edward Henry, defending, said Mr Mahmood was “profoundly contrite” for selling the products, which have damaged the reputation of his 11-year-old business. “His business is now in debt to £150,000,” he said. “His stock which he bought was regrettably found to be contaminated and has quite rightly been compounded. These cosmetics have been in existence for years and some people desired them.” The case was adjourned until May 28 for pre-sentencing reports to be compiled Source: http://www.birminghammail.net/news/birmingham-news/2010/05/11/birmingham-trader-sells-make-up-that-c ould-kill-97319-26419187/?sms_ss=facebook
  8. Originally posted by Baluug: 45 pounds is like $90CDN, kinda steep but I can afford it. A little harder to get would be the $1000 plane ticket to London. Sorry can't make it We'll make a deal, dahabshill will send the money and add it to the charity account with no commission. I will settle for $200! Tuuji Haada ayan heeshin, and now you are calling me a crook tuug? :eek: Resist It is for charity, and we expect people to contribute more than £45, that is just the start. I am hoping that everyone at least pays £100 through out the night. By no means I'm implying that people will get a business exchange for their money, it is a good cause so I expect people to close their eyes and just hand it over. Ngonge, I want double what you gave last time, I heard you got a pay rise dhee and I am your yearly sadaaqa. I will make sure I bring you some bakhlawa from Syria (or shisha filling?) Nuune Yes I noticed you said you are coming, so I am expecting to see you and your monies. KArl Words have no value, so pay for your ticket first.
  9. Wonder how this did not come up in dear lazy alert!! Lazzzzzzzzzzzzy, this is your department dhee, don't let it go. JB old news, this was a while back.
  10. ^^^And the south has been in choas because no one wants to rule miya?? double duck
  11. WASHINGTON—Citing a series of fatal malfunctions dating back to 1777, flag manufacturer Annin & Company announced Monday that it would be recalling all makes and models of its popular American flag from both foreign and domestic markets. Representatives from the nation's leading flag producer claimed that as many as 143 million deaths in the past two centuries can be attributed directly to the faulty U.S. models, which have been utilized extensively since the 18th century in sectors as diverse as government, the military, and public education. "It has come to our attention that, due to the inherent risks and hazards it poses, the American flag is simply unfit for general use," said Annin & Company president Ronald Burman, who confirmed that the number of flag-related deaths had noticeably spiked since 2003. "I would like to strongly urge all U.S. citizens: If you have an American flag hanging in your home or place of business, please discontinue using it immediately." Added Burman, "The last thing we would want is for more innocent men and women around the world to die because of our product." Millions of U.S. flag–related injuries and fatalities have been reported over a 230-year period in locations as far flung as Europe, Cuba, Korea, Gettysburg, PA, the Philippines, and Iraq. In addition, the company found that U.S. flag exports to Vietnam during the late 1960s and early 1970s resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, a clear sign that there was something seriously wrong with its product. Despite fears about the flag's safety—especially when improperly used or manipulated in ways not originally intended—sales continued unabated over the years, potentially putting billions of unsuspecting people in danger. "At first, we wanted one of our flags in every home in America," Burman said. "Unfortunately, the practical applications of this product are far outnumbered by the risks it presents. Millions have died needlessly, and when you ask people why, they point to the flag." Unfortunate casualties of Old Glory’s near-continuous 230-year use. Added Burman, "Frankly, we should have pulled it off the market decades ago." Studies conducted by the Annin & Company research and development department revealed that faulty U.S. flags have caused more than just injuries and deaths. During the mid-1950s, the flags were found to have the bizarre side effect of causing fear, paranoia, and hysterical behavior among millions of Americans. This was dismissed as an isolated event until September 2001, when similar symptoms reemerged on a massive scale. As hazardous as the flags may be on their own, Annin & Company officials claimed the products become even more dangerous when used in conjunction with other common household items. "When combined with alcohol, excessive patriotism, grief, or well-intentioned but ultimately misguided ideals, U.S. flags transform into ticking time bombs, just waiting to go off," Burman said. Manufacturers are addressing the flag's unsafe and potentially lethal alignment of stars and stripes by designing a revised model that they hope will cut down on deaths in the United States and overseas, where experts say the flag is nearly 1,000 times as deadly. In the meantime, Annin & Company is advising all Americans to either ship their flags back to the manufacturer or, if no time permits, dispose of them in an efficient manner. "I understand that people might be reluctant to stop using a product they have found to be reliable over the years," Burman told reporters. "But I can't in good conscience allow them to use something I know to be dangerous. We'll try to make adjustments soon and come up with something that benefits everybody rather than hurting them." Added Burman, "In the interim, I would recommend that all Americans
  12. ~^^You I saw your wajibook message. wlc back. It is seating arrangement and the management is breathing down our neck about health and safety iyo numbers. I will save you a spot for a fee P.s. We are not trolling, we are planning the event!
  13. ^^Yes, allah ha ku taayo, I forgot about that. I need the leaflets on waji book printed. Will get cambaro to e-mail you copy by the end of the week.
  14. ^^just one?? or a pack? Qar ba xaran aah with pork gelatine. Nuune I don’t eat KFC, I had it when in Syria and once in India (It was the cleanest in Indian environment) Juxa, I forgot about dahabshill, here I was writing down bank details for people. Dahabshiil igu ogo from now on.
  15. Juxa I need models, baal ta laftedid shaqo ka qabo please. I want girls so beautiful that people will bid for entrance and I can charge up to £500 Hahaha and of course you are one of them! Karls words iska illow, even if you dont attend you can contribute (not words)
  16. lol @ above convo! Juxa I thought you said check ur mail so I went and checked, nothing Nuune pay up, ducadan keen please. KFC fined over cockroach discovery, lol and I thought it was only in India! :eek:
  17. ^^^I dont care, if they pay I will sing their song. Faheema is formal and faster, she will get more than me.
  18. ^^Lool I thought that was the day you start days off, all this time aad 16th iila hoor caararsey!!
  19. ^^No, I want you to dig deep into those white peoples pockets please, lacgat ka so saar. a nice cheque baan raaba, Faheema will wear a suit and come and meet the old lady. The center is in Hargisa.
  20. Faheema: I've been meaning to call you since 7am but can't be asked. I had a few questions, some I answered for myself, the other was RBS is going bottoms up, have they replied to us? And do we have that meeting today? Juxa I dont have any time this week, unless you are going to send someone to my house after 10pm Faheema, please get a name, I dont like deleted, it is mean. 16 is nxt week, hang in there. JB; I had chicken with waffals and galic bread, why?? Juxa I have been meaning to call you too, can u dig deep for the charity at your work place please.
  21. Time: 4:00pm - 8:00pm Date: Saturday, 5th June, 2010 Place: Kentish Town Community Centre 17 Busby Place, London NW5 2SP 020 7482 3212 London, United Kingdom • £45.00 per person - TICKETS ARE LIMITED THEREFORE PAYMENT IN ADVANCE IS A MUST. Event Schedule Arrival & Registration: 3:30pm – 4:00pm Introduction: 4:00pm – 4:15pm Dinner: 4:30pm – 5:00pm Entertainment: 5:15pm – 5:45pm (comdey by Nabil Abdulrashid and Poets) NorMode Fashion Show: 5:45pm – 6:45pm Auction/Raffle: 6:45pm – 7:15pm Wrap up: 7:15pm – 7:30pm Please note: No Entry after 4:30pm and your ticket will NOT be refunded. To purchase your ticket please contact... • Sucad/ Zahra: 07525 867 983 Somali Centre for Education and Development; commonly known as SOCED Mission Statement The SOCED fights to alleviate child poverty, hunger, and illiteracy throughout Somaliland. SOCED focuses on helping impoverished and orphaned children and their caregivers attain, and maintain, a better quality of life through education, vocational training, orphan sponsorship and self-enablement programs. Objectives • Improve the quality of living among impoverished and orphaned children; regardless of status, tribe, age, sex or location, all over Somaliland through education, skills training and orphan sponsorship. • Ensure that all disadvantaged and orphaned children, whether in the urban or rural areas have an equal opportunity to complete an education. • Provide equal opportunities to impoverished and orphaned children, through vocational skills training, the ability to obtain employment or become self employed through a micro loan program. • Ensure that all impoverished and orphaned children have access to affordable medical care. • Empower orphan children caregivers with basic literacy and vocational skills; paving the way to self sufficiency. Values • The belief that all children are equal, and have an equal right to basic human necessities; including quality education. The belief that a ‘hand up’ is much more beneficial than a ‘hand out’. • Providing support that will have long-term positive effects on the communities, and society at large. • Implementing projects according to the needs of the communities, not the needs of SOCED.
  22. why faryareeda iska xirda? Do you think jiin ba igu jira?
  23. No, I feel like my skin is jactadad, like waan is kaley and my bones hid in my skin, like my skin has become sanduuq holding my bones hostage, like if I strech wa qub qac qaaac noise. Like budh ba la igu tuumey, like my body took a holiday and left my mind behind, like when your brain is running but your body is sitting down and wont move, so you imagine yourself running the marathon, like in a dream when you are running and racing only to wake and see you are still in your bed, like when you want to smile but you are too tired to move those muscles, or you want to laugh but the energy is not there or it comes out sound fake? THAT kind of jactadad.
  24. I feel jactadad. Morning peeps
  25. An 83-year-old Indian holy man who says he has spent seven decades without food or water has astounded a team of military doctors who studied him during a two-week observation period. Skip related content Prahlad Jani says he was blessed by a goddess, which gave him special powers Enlarge photo Prahlad Jani says he was blessed by a goddess, which gave him special powers Enlarge photo For 15 days, Jani neither ate nor drank and did not go to the toilet Enlarge photo Prahlad Jani spent a fortnight in a hospital in the western India state of Gujarat under constant surveillance from a team of 30 medics equipped with cameras and closed circuit television. During the period, he neither ate nor drank and did not go to the toilet. "We still do not know how he survives," neurologist Sudhir Shah told reporters after the end of the experiment. "It is still a mystery what kind of phenomenon this is." The long-haired and bearded yogi was sealed in a hospital in the city of Ahmedabad in a study initiated by India's Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the state defence and military research institute. The DRDO hopes that the findings, set to be released in greater detail in several months, could help soldiers survive without food and drink, assist astronauts or even save the lives of people trapped in natural disasters. "(Jani's) only contact with any kind of fluid was during gargling and bathing periodically during the period," G. Ilavazahagan, director of India's Defence Institute of Physiology and Allied Sciences (DIPAS), said in a statement. Jani has since returned to his village near Ambaji in northern Gujarat where he will resume his routine of yoga and meditation. He says that he was blessed by a goddess at a young age, which gave him special powers. During the 15-day observation, which ended on Thursday, the doctors took scans of Jani's organs, brain, and blood vessels, as well as doing tests on his heart, lungs and memory capacity. "The reports were all in the pre-determined safety range through the observation period," Shah told reporters at a press conference last week. Other results from DNA analysis, molecular biological studies and tests on his hormones, enzymes, energy metabolism and genes will take months to come through. "If Jani does not derive energy from food and water, he must be doing that from energy sources around him, sunlight being one," said Shah. "As medical practitioners we cannot shut our eyes to possibilities, to a source of energy other than calories."