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Everything posted by Ibtisam
LOZ, you always thought I worked for SOL, ruunta iska sheeg lol Ducaysane, why baad iis tiid harwosa yarrta?
Ducaysane, sidee baan badda uu paint garaeya?
^^^Loool Why? what did you think I did marakii hoorey?? I am still a semi slave Trying to get out of this 7am-7pm life style, so ended up with 7am-12am one for a little while. I am Jane of all trades, master of none Juxa lol waali.
^^^Come on a hindi beating me, my dad will cook him in the Briyani Somali men wa wax uga xararey, too many jokes about loving beating iyo black bags at shukansi stage :eek: :eek:
Juxa Well done!!! Baal eeg, you sound like you went for a little walk and lunch instead of an exam. Loooll @ kan aan isku dhiibey
Repulsive? Did you go too much into SomaLI clans HAHAH Keep it clean and relevant
^^You can be the first farah to travel across the world in 190days, make a show about it and raise funds for it too.
^^Small world, already wa lagu garanaey Did you think waada qarsonadey. I was trying to see which of the friends I've seen you with fits the "I am not somali" story Good luck, will check it out inshallah. I think you should call it current affairs (there might already be such show on their thoug?) Or survival (Your new avatar is worsen than the last, I find myself blinking, everytime farata iisha uu ka gelyo!)
I took Daallo in 2006, subxanallah :eek:
^^She always does, quran bey kuso akhirda, she is one of those who never studies, passes with flying colours and never looks stressed. Mashallah maskax iga dhe.
Errr you are complaning because more time ba lagu siiye? what mad lady :eek: Lily, I don't really have much choice about that in any case.
Ten people have been injured, including some with broken bones, when a flight from London to Los Angeles hit severe turbulence, officials said. Air passengers hurt in turbulence Enlarge photo United Airlines spokeswoman Sarah Massier said United Flight 935 reported severe turbulence over the Atlantic Ocean and was diverted to Montreal, Canada. The airline said nine passengers and one crew member were treated. None of the injuries are considered to be life-threatening. The Boeing 777 aircraft was taken out of service and inspected for possible damage. Ms Massier said another plane was sent from Chicago to Montreal to take the passengers and crew to Los Angeles. The plane landed in Los Angeles at around 10pm (0500 GMT), about nine hours later than originally scheduled. Some freaky things have been happening in the last few months and weeks, last week airindia crashed killing 109 passengers, before that the flight from Libya, before that Air France and so many others. This year is telling us we should not be messing with cirrka. I have few flights to take till the end of the year and I am feeling a little :eek: about them. subxanallah.
Manantaa aniga aya iskada ba waregiya and everyone wants a piece of me, what do I get?
Archdemos is this for Nomad radio?? miis another new one? Somali TV and radio is growing fast, hope they can break into the mainstream. Can you please do a show on media influence and creating news? You can cover issues like: How to engage with the media, what procedures are available for compliment and action when they make up stuff about our community (a hobby for local and tabloid), how we can create and influence what is reported about us, rather than always reacting to bad news. Filtering and making friends with new emerging journalist, writing on media blogs where perception and opinion polls are constructed. I think media engagement is key to creating a positive image about our community and we are so not even aware of it, we just moan to each other that there has been yet another article saying we stole and eat zebra from south London. :mad: That is my suggestion
Tuuji, already I am Xiiran ee maxa la shalen? I never wear watches or anything on my hands normally, makes my hand heavy and I forget it, too much effort taking it off everytime for wudu. Faheema, I like the peace and quite, tina said it is not in the car, so it must be with you somewhere.
Aaliya, your heart is set on something adiga, Allaho ha ku sahlo, aniga weeli SSC baad ii taba waada. Like seriously, Anigu SSC wax uuman diidin. I am glad you got that post about the MJ traders, but as you can see from the quote itself, I said to creat a hostage sitution so all parties have something to potential lose and therefore must talk; I never said attack and kill the traders. As for My Somaliland clan this and that, walali everyone answers for their crimes, anigu I have no say or influence over who kills or does not, so I don't take responsibilities for their actions (good or bad), same way I don't hold the current generation or kids of war lords responsible for their parents crimes. I am not Somaliland/secession, I'm in favour of 5 little mini states in place of mess that is Somalia. (Seriously, you put me in the same bag as Ducaale iyo JB??, those guys sometimes instead of saying Allahu Akbar to start salah, mistakenly say "Somaliland") I think we are going in circles because you refuse to stop being defensive, nevertheless I can understand why you are angry and can only focus everything about anything on that subject. Maybe when things calm down and SSC is not facing three dead-ends I will recommend you some reading (by none-Isaa*q, Somali and none-somali writers) about Somalia 1960-1990s. As for now may Allah make things easy for you and suffering Somalis. These boys are enjoying this far too much Bloody isku ***-***. Nuune I left the quotes out just for your easy read Boys get a life, when we disagree, it is normal discussion, idinku when you disagree you each start pretending you have an army or can ring the president of which ever corner you are fighting. You start saying things like, "You watch our SL/ PL/ Sharif/ Al Shababa will attack tomorrow while your cuuqdun sleeps and we will take over :rolleyes: I always wonder what the said poster does after writing this ?? watch a little TV, brush teeth and go to sleep, stay away for a few days, then come back and make more threats.
I don't feel lost without my phone, but I don't have sense of time without it. SalamAlikum akhyarata
^^^I think she did more harm to hereself then him, he got a free show as did 100 other men. I doubt she reacts like that to every guy who stares at her chest, she just wanted some air that day. :rolleyes: Juxa, the event is next week, there won't be any time fore promotion of tickets if we dont print them before this weekend. Baal see what u can do. I'm off too peeps, enjoy ur day
SOMALILAND: Canadian, American warlords, Al-Shabab vow to disrupt elections
Ibtisam replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Originally posted by AfricaOwn: We need this "US vs Them" Ma ka daaba siidanu?? Those American and Canadians are everywhere (when I opened the thread I was expecting to see white peeps!) -
^^^Why are you laughing about it. Ciil ayu uu diley ba la yidi. Speaking of crazy things, Somali guys beat up the Dahabshil guy and run off with empty suitcase, why they thought he would carry money in suitcases is beyond me :eek: Now that is daylight attempted robbery.
JB, that happened to a family member (it was his car, but he was not driving) three grown men fell off the back. Now they want us to pay for medical treatment for two and the blood money for the other. It makes no sense to me, but they say it is Somali culture. I refused to take part in the payment. Wa Accident caused by them jumping on when the thing was full :confused:
Originally posted by Safa: [QB] quote: Cuqdada iska saar Aaliya, I picked up on your comment because it caught my eye, I didn't read this guy aad iss hiisantan because madax igu xaanuna, he is always venting random things in most threads. If you want to argue with him that is your call, but anigu I don't fight with people who thinks they are part of ongoing conflicts in Somali soil while in the west. Ibtisaam, You don’t need to get angry, you started to comment on my post. I didn’t say anything about you, so you shouldn’t get very emotional and insult me personally. Yes we disagree on Somali politics, but we can agree to disagree with out insults and bad mouthing. The way you talking Ibtisaam, you are actually fighting in this forum. While you are in the west, so don’t be hypocrite and exclude yourself Runtii qofka cuqdada qaba waa adi adoo jooga west ayaa wali ka gubanasaa dagaalo dhacay in ka badan 20 sano ka hor Aaliya, I challenge you to FIND one post, that I ever made which told certain clans to fight or kill another. Go ahead, I will wait. You will never find me saying kill them or they deserve it, or punish them or where is there men. As for personally insulting you and yad yad ya, I did not, I told you to pick up a book and do some general reading, that is not an insult but a sound advice. As for ka gubanasaa dagaalo dhacay 20yrs ago, only when you try to re-write history while the first generation is still sitting. Otherwise I'm not fussed about it. that includes you and your "we have men to fight back" Daadkan aad isku tirsdid will end up losing their life, and it won't cost you nothing, so I guess it is easy for you to advocate for war Was the snm men you support not losing lives in 1988 and now while they are fighting the ssc?? I am getting tired of telling you this, read a book, there is no such thing as SNM now, if like Duke you are using it as a clan name now? In any case anigu I did not have a say when the SNM formed, and I dont support any sort of fighting, let alone on the only semi peaceful region. Are you not now angry and saying that people in somaliland were being abused in the 80s, justifying the snm men and their war with the Somali government? Are you not supporting the 88 war?? Mise shekadu wa marba say kugu baxdo… How do you compare history (wax dacey already a long time ago, which I have an opinion on) Which btw don't put words in my mouth, I said Somali people were being abused (scroll up) and there were other organistions which sprung with the SNM (miis you are not aware of them?) As for your other comment, without going into details about Somalia, walahi you sound ignorant and worse belittling the suffering of so many somalis (and before you say so, these people I speak of were not Isa*aq nor my relatives, but they were Somali) The Somali government was systematic in its abuse, maybe your family were fine, maybe you had access to education, health iyo waxad sheegety, but the majority of Somalis did not and on top of that were oppressed. Baal adigu pick up a book, any book on Somalia and do some general reading about when the Somali government started falling part. The SNM and other similar organisations just kicked a hollow ship over. First of all stop calling me names “ignorant” and the like and learn to share your view without name calling. Secondly, I did not belittle the suffering of any Somalis. Read my post again without preconceived notion abt where I stand in the current political issues. I said 1981 Somalia was established. I did not say anything abt the war that took place in 1988. And, everyone knows how Somalia was in the early 80s and how established it was, that is a fact. Okay, BUT I am telling you that Somalia as a government failed long before 1988, adiga 1988 bey kaga deegtey? And, now incase you are not aware of maybe your families are safe and sound in burco. There are innocent people who had no role in the Somali political chaos being killed in SSC regions by Somaliland government. That is true, hence why you don't see me forming an opinion other than SCC need to determine their own future. I don't have a role in either one, so to be honest you are preaching to the wrong person. No one cares what I think, nor do I live in SL/ Somalia, so I don't have to make a choice. ------ If you don't think that you have to make a choice then why are you choosing pits and pieces from my posts. Or, do you think you have a choice when it comes to certain topics and disregard others?? does it all boil down to your political stand?? I picked up on your comment about Somalia history, nothing to do with SSC, I asked you if it was not too early to re-write history. That is the only thing I asked you about, the rest adiga aya ii daaba waada. I think you are confused, I did not advocate for anyone to attack or invade budhoodle, and like abroken record you keep repeating SL ma raabno to me, to which I keep telling I don't care. I asked a rhetorical and valid question to the SL supporters. As for the current news, unless you have some inside story, I read that there were separate attacks, one with SL troops and the other with Ethio troops. As I said I was concerned about Ethiopians randomly attacking women and children (i saw a video of them chasing women which caused a stampede) and I asked why the two states which fight over them did not support them. If you disagree with me you don’t have to call me confused or broken record? Or do you have the tendency to use bad words?? Plus if you don’t care about my repeated words of “SL ma rabno” who asked you to comment on my post?? Or do you think I give abt your repeated lines of “oh hargaisa burco don’t want to be part of Somalia”. I don’t care either. Again you have me confused, search the threads, I have always said the same thing, ciidna yaan la qasbiin, and as for bad words, walalo I think you are taking things a little seriously (Borken record= repeating same thing over and over again regardless of the context) I don't see as bad words, but if you are offended by it xaal qaado, it is just an expression used because I aske dyou about something and you keep repeating something else. As for Burco and Harigas, there is record of me HERE of me saying Burco can be pro-somalia when they want; don't say things just to make sense of your "argument" Read what you wrote? And you did advocate invading buhodle by Sl ? when you wrote: Why would you not defend against the Ethiopian aggression? Exactly how will the very group (SL) that brought Ethiopian aggression in buhodle defend buhodle. Doesn’t make sense. Lol @ you read that above and took away from it, that I said invade Buhoodle, read again sis and do so without assuming. I said defend against aggression, how canone defend aggression by invading the people it is suppose to defend? In your haste to agree with a none existent point, A&T has led you to a dead end, again if you read Somali history you would know that Siyaad was not securing borders, he was stamping resistance out. ----- You might disagree but Siyaad barre was securing borders and defending the territory of Somali Republic. are you serious?? Would it not then make sense he attacked NFD Kenya and Ethios region? lool walahi this made me laugh! (Diinac loo raco maleh, they let themselves down, disunity means maraba ciid bad dinca lagu jiidan. United they could make their own, iis jiid jiidna ma jirina, that is all I got to say. But like all poor place, support is brought and sold.) Are you talking about Northwest region in 1988, when most of the current Somaliland politicians were part of President Siyad Barre Government like Riyaale, Cigaal, etc You are right ibti support is bought and Sold. Not a new thing. There we go again, 1988 beye kaga deegtey. As you were AAliya, anigu waxan ku leeahey do some reading and becareful what you wish for; people who wish for war and distruction of Daadka maskiinta aah need to check themselve. Don't worry, I am not picking on you, it includes most of the guys on here who think they are in ths SL army, sharif army, PL army or another army. :cool:
W/'salam: You cannot blame them if you are above average height! If you manage to sue them via Juxa, I would also sue for making me stand under ridiculously tall person armpits, I mean could they not put all the freaks in one carriage (all the tall and midgets) and leave a carriage for normal height people. Also a carriage for obese people and men with broader shoulders, who think because you keep moving away they can space out even more another one for smelly people and no more for perverted people who think rush hour is excuse to rub up on people and breath down their neck. I like my rout into work, empty enough to always get a seat, but lord it is slow! Let me know if you get Juxa to sue and re-arrange these things @ real food, you mean hilib iyo barris?? it is not all girls, (they don't eat at all) we are special case (Faheema, Juxa, Cara) they eat so much cake they do *shakes head I mean seriously. Jb did you find out if my tuulo has rain?
Forgot the cake in the fridge too, now I am sitting here thinking tomorrow I will remember to bring coffee and cake. But I order cake, it will arrive at 2pm inshallah.