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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Carafaat;920500 wrote: Well, wouldnt you then say Somaliland is in a ideal situation.. : D Not really, there are large groups of S/land that are unhappy. I would devolve power even further.
  2. Apo, I don't know what you're suggesting with all this desyssify business or whatever it is. You're such a Moody Margaret. Oba, I speak Af Soomaali and that wasn't it. Stop this nonsense.
  3. Insha Allah khayr. The people of this region deserve fairness and I hope they get it. That said, I know a lot of NGO types that are itching to start operating once the government is established. Kulligood kheyr baan u rajeyn. That said, what is an unstable person like Mooge doing anywhere near that conference? Men like him that can't see further than their knee (pun intended) will bring about ruin to this initiative.
  4. Ideally yes but that would be suicide realistically speaking. By going our separate ways and each group deciding our own affairs, we only stand to get closer over time. It's land, resources and power that's dividing us at the moment, by giving each group just that, there'll be no more reason to hate each other.
  5. The Lucky One looks good. I'll check it out. Thanks.
  6. oba hiloowlow;920452 wrote: Gaaloooow ii waran LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL :D PS: Speak Af Soomaali waryaa. I don't know what this gibberish you spew nowadays is.
  7. Apophis;920449 wrote: This thread is turning into a "stitch & b!tch". Bunch of sissys. And what would His Highness do in this situation?
  8. SP, why call the inter-river region South when it's not? The nomads live well further down than that so the majority are clearly nomads and as with all things, the majority rules.
  9. Alpha Blondy;920443 wrote: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaatuuoow, baal ii waaran sxb? xageed ka dhacday ayamahan wa lagu wayeey ee i hope you've recovered from that NASTY cold that gave you the worst and most retarded Somali accent of all time. LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL That's what happens when you learn Somali in qurbaha surrounded by people from Somaliweyn. I have a beige accent as a result, but it's still better than yours I used that nasty 'Cold' as an excuse not to go work today, and whilst I was at it I quit too Oba, yeah I saw. She was so and so. Sida kale, lafahiin? Bashbash iyo barwaaqo sow ma'aho?
  10. I honestly think it's time for Wenger to go now. I just don't think he's up to the job of returning Arsenal to its former prowess. I wouldn't mind Bayern's current manager coming here in the summer.
  11. Arsenal have some big decisions if they are to be a force in football Comments (711) Arsene Wenger urged those who had observed the brutality with which Bayern Munich had taken Arsenal to the cleaners not to hide from the truth. The truth Wenger referred to was the scale of Arsenal's task in attempting to turn around a 3-1 deficit and reach the last eight of the Champions League in Bayern's Allianz Arena on 13 March - a job which is surely beyond his frail and failing team. The wider and more painful truth is even starker for Wenger after the runaway Bundesliga leaders spent 90 minutes plus stoppage time illustrating to The Emirates what Arsenal have become; how far they have fallen in European terms. And why, as Arsenal and their manager stand on the brink of an eighth season without success, the questions about Wenger's future now carry even greater significance. read rest: http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/21516576
  12. No problem. Care to recommend for me now to return the favour? I need something good to watch. I'm getting tired of watching The Game of Thrones.
  13. Eeen, Barca didn't get destroyed, they were just outsmated tactically
  14. xiinfaniin;920360 wrote: ^^Sidii inuu xiin kula guursaday baad maantoo dhan masayrsantahay ninyahow. What gives? Ma wax laga masayro baa jiraa?
  15. Carafaat;920411 wrote: You want Somaliland to become another North Eastern. Where Somalis clan are competing and battling eachother without having a political platform that brings them together and serves their interest against Nairobi. Divide and rule iga dheh. Typical Kikuyu buttler! The Somalis are competing and battling each other because that is their nature and their way, same as your clan the SNM and the Awdalites are competing against each other today and just as the tribes of the of the Jubba are also competing. The political platform that shall bring all these groups together is Xamar; they handle their regional affairs and Xamar handles the country as a whole. As for Reer NE, don't concern yourself with them. They are a people that are finally working to improve their region despite the obstacles set against them by Nairobi. They have at last achieved some semblance of autonomy and the only way now is up. Idinka reer Soomaaliya yaanan la idin dhaafin.
  16. lol @1.18 What does he think he is, a Telletubbie?
  17. Carafaat;920348 wrote: Can someone recommend any new movies worth watching? The Perks of Being a Wallflower - not your average movie but an amazing one nonetheless. To kill a mocking bird (the black & white version) - simply amazing. I remember watching it in History a couple of years ago and I loved it. That's all I can think of for now.
  18. Daqane;920330 wrote: Newly renovated Ministry of Health building Nice. I like the excessive use of arches.
  19. I sort of agree with them. Power should be devolved regionally, even further than the current framework of 'states'. Case in example S/land. The reer Awdalites are unhappy, Duriyadda itself is not on the best of terms & SSC is still grumbling. By doing away with these phony states and devolving their powers to the regions then most of the destructive competition and disagreements we see today would disappear.
  20. I see this is still going one. Xiin, what's your position now awoowe? Have the other "elders" talked some sense into you?
  21. Odaygii inanta waad mahadsantahey awoowe, balse su'aashaas mar hore baa laga jawaabe. Bahasha la soco Welcome to the forum btw Coofle, Kadin? Give me the singular and plural of that please.
  22. nuune;920342 wrote: Too many options to list, but why go aid while you can establish business/investment relationships with China, Japan, Russia and any reasonable country. Get China to build rail/road system Japan for generating electricity such as dams etc Turkey for construction Russia for cheap oil, and weaponary(near future) All these won't ask for initial payment, so why worry and generate tax from the workers with the mentioned projects to pay for the projects. Also, after Somalia starts exporting oil, it would have some cash if its own to spend. They could then give these projects to Somali companies and make up the shortfall of experienced personnel by allowing foreigners to work in the country. Somalis should rely on themselves and not others. No one is going to build their country for them. If they continue relying on "Turkey baa dhisi" they will remain stagnant for eons to come.
  23. Abwaan is cadee waadba qaawan tahee. We all know you used to man Caydiid's Isbaaros