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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. NGONGE;922144 wrote: As the Garwoe 1 and 2 meetings proved, Somalis can settle their differences as long as there is a Mahiga in the room. Find us a Mahiga Che. The ugly man sure is missed
  2. QansaxMeygaag;921757 wrote: You have to speak Haatu's language. Abti foox is uunsi in Waamo -speak.. Ahh saas i dheh. Waryaa Alpha, just use the damn correct word next time
  3. I might not agree with the President's methods, but I agree with the need for a centralised federalism. It's a shame this is the strategy he took though.
  4. Juxa;921655 wrote: No comment Oh surely our resident garyaqaanad can tell us whether or not this poor Jimcaale has a case, no?
  5. Caano_Geel;921656 wrote: What erey shisheeye are you talking about? Neither one is Somali Biriish nor Buundo Bridge is an English word and we Northerners say Biriish feel the similarity Ponte is Italian word of Bridge and you Southerners say buundo feel the similarity this too. Somaliland or most northerners words are mixed with English words because of the colonial era While the most Southerners words are mix with the Italian words because the colonial era as well. Sxb I was just pulling your leg (I had no idea about Ponte btw thanks). Where I come from we say Biriish as well
  6. There's also another story about how one of them told the other one day he's thinking of leaving Islam but that's for another day
  7. Well in my area, there's these two well known Somali sarkhaans oo laga samrey (yacni absolute failures of life) that are forever sitting on the curb or on some bench drinking or sleeping. One day they had an argument when one of them (let's call him Jaamac) noticed that the other one (we'll call him Kaahiye) was drinking with his left hand. Jaamac: Innaa lillaahi waryaa Kaahiye war bahasha midigta ku cab! Kaahiye: War naga tag waxaas danteena ma ehee Jaamac: War maxaa tiri? War waa sunno oo Nebiga (NNKH) ayaa yiri! Kaahiye: Ma ku cabaayi ee na daa Kolkaas Jaamac tuu xanaaqey buu yiri Jaamac: Walaahi hadaad ka noqon wayso inaan mar dambe kula soconeynin. Kaahiye: Ka noqon maayo Jaamac storms off in fury. 5 mins later Jaamac returns asagoo dhala khamra wato. Kaahiye looks up amused. Kaahiye: Oo soo adiga laha ku garab socon maayo? Jaamac: War naga aamus kalabyahow oo bench-ka nafaas nooga bannee They drank their worries away and forgot about the whole fuss :D
  8. Alpha Blondy;921621 wrote: i wonder what tribe this man is.....he looks tutsi walahi. perhaps, he's not even SOMALI.... let's get Oba to confirm
  9. such a shame....moving swiftly along, Oba do you know why I keep taunting you to use the Right hand when drinking? There's a funny story behind it my sarkhaan friend Shall I tell you?
  10. Raamsade;921613 wrote: Haatu, not in my neck of the woods. And that makes no sense whatsoever. Why would your ear make drip (jalaq) sound? No boy, just say the way I do. And does a person stretch his ear? Naga daa sxb waxba iskuma haysidee
  11. Or he could do this: If he failed in life it's his own fault.
  12. And I see it has gone PM :D Alpha, how does it feel to converse with yourself
  13. Oo ma erey shisheeye baad ka doorateen kii Af Soomaaliga ahaa? Anyway, back to Burco
  14. Raamsade;921596 wrote: Nin la baxay magaca "mooge" warkiisa dheg loo ma taago. Wasn't it "Dheg jalaq looma siiyo"?
  15. Caano_Geel;921572 wrote: Buundo = humps of the road Biriish = bridge I hope you get it sxb. Nonsense sxb. Buundo=Bridge.
  16. Somalicentric, pardon me but are you one of Alpha's scripts?
  17. Can I ask a small question? What have you northerners got against the word Buundo? Biriij ku laha
  18. Tillamook, you better improve my characters image in your tale or else waryaa. How did I get beaten by a skinny fish eater? Abtigiis, lol
  19. London to Paris? Impressive. The most I've done was London to Swanage (around 120 miles) over 2 days. That was some tough shish. Alpha, what is foox? lol at the kids pic. That got me thinking. I think I know why Somalis have big foreheards. It's because of the shame ups.
  20. So it does exist Caano, how do you know it's the most well planned town?
  21. Raamsade;921361 wrote: It means back of the neck, you may know it as "tun." He got from Ina Cabdulle Xassan who famously dismissed Ras Kikuyu as bunch of "yamyam iyo qadaadweyn." In other words, yappers and big neck incompetents. I know it as tun. And these lot were mocking me for not knowing when they were using improper words