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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Carafaat;922740 wrote: What do the 7 stars on the Somali flag represent. NFD, Gedo, J/Hoose, J/Dhexe, S/Galbeed, P/Land and SSC
  2. Xiin, xisaabtiina iga bixiya. Ani Soomaaliya waan ka goostay oo waan gadoodsan yahey. Gaarisadeydaas baan iska joogi oo Libooy bari uma soo dhaafaayi
  3. Malaha Oodweyne ayaa nagu baashaalaayaa Waryaa Ole, stop ruining us sujui's good name with all this DH DH. We know how to speak properly
  4. If you're not getting married then what is it? A new job? hey, keep politics outta this otherwise we won't agree
  5. Haatu


    lol @ Ngonge blushing
  6. Please, no more mind maps. I've had enough of them.
  7. Oodweyne;922651 wrote: And by the way the "defeated lot" and "looters incorporated" are both a legitimate short hand descriptions of certain sections of the Somali population.
  8. xiinfaniin;922666 wrote: I have yet to heard the names of candidates for the top post. I guess Ahmed Madoobe is the default front runner. Tanna ma lays weeydiin awoowe?
  9. Miyir;922543 wrote: Soo=meat ( gabayadii hore) I asked and it clicked. our names explain what we do for living as you can see other examples. all the tribal names is recent invitation i believe. This makes no sense at all. Terrible English sxb. Bal try again.
  10. C'mon wyre, you can't be this stup!d
  11. Miyir;922539 wrote: Like you i don't subscribe to these Sab and Samaale story, sounds to me other Somali Arab myth. Old somali Soo=Meat Soo-Maal = pastoralist Biyo-Maal = Fisheries Tu-maal - Farsamayaqaan (blacksmiths) Most Somalis are pastoralist. Interesting. Where do you get the info on Classical/Old Somali?
  12. Let him buy all the weapons in the world and shoot every b@stard that stands in his way. It's the only way some people understand.
  13. That's none other than sarkhaan Kaahiye, Jaamac's drink buddy
  14. NGONGE;922133 wrote: Chuba, don't listen to this woman. When you have yours, spoil them rotten. Heh kids nowadays are so spoiled (Yes as of a couple of months ago I'm qualified to term others as kids ) I only received a handshake from the old man when I got my GCSE results
  15. Apophis;922300 wrote: Facts are facts sxb. You're langaab and I'm sorry ilaahey ba landeer iga digey (Oba will get this joke ). Now sit down and listen to your betters. Facts are, yes there are others greater in number than us, but we most certainly aren't laangaab. PS: What do you mean Oba will get this? I know that that word has two meanings, if it isn't the one we're on about then....
  16. I give up. It's hopeless. The President is corrupt, the opposition is corrupt. Every group has qabiil interest at heart. This godforsaken country is doomed for failure. Balaayo reer Somalia.
  17. Apo can't see beyond his own sun-sub-sub-clan forget tolka (yes I'm still mad about the laangaab comment :mad:) Alpha, no pics of this dusty hamlet in the middle of Hades?
  18. AUN. Nuune, I read somewhere that it happened during night time. Apparently (as per usual) the bus was overcrowded with people standing in the aisles, which shouldn't have been happening but the greed of the company owners gets in the way of safety. The day they start operating like actual proper intercity buses and stop picking people up in the way like matatus will be the day someone truly does a service for us poor commuters.
  19. oba hiloowlow;922278 wrote: Dadkan dhaqan xumaa oo damiin sanaa! How can you just close off a pavement like that and turn it into a sort of private baraandha?!?
  20. And how are we supposed to believe this?