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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Is this qolka gaalada where you discuss fantasies?
  2. nuune;924322 wrote: you dislike Macalin, and almost hate Afey, what is NEXT, just as was expected from you lee soo ma ahan, sxb, nothing new, you just emphasized my point. Now comes the question, why do you HATE the most influencial political figures of Somali NEPs. HAATU, I expect you to be brave enough to answer what I said, pretty much simplle soo ma ahan, let the world know why you hate the two guys who are always more wadani than yu, me and most Somali people. Stop lying. I never said I hated Afeey, not once. If you're going to come up with false accusations, then come up with believable ones. I dislike Farah due to comments he made about the Shifta war during an interview once. Nothing else. As for these politicians doing something for NEP, they are all isma dhaanto iyo dhasheed. What has any of them done for the region? These politicians are all liars and calooshood u shaqeystayaal. If they were such 'wadanis', the garissa-wajir "highway" would have been paved by now. The day they manage that simple thing is the day I'll give any of them any credit.
  3. The Omen Not bad as well
  4. Carafaat;924264 wrote: Haatu, sxb, any new movies that you can recommend? The Bucket List - I think you've watched this already though Good Will Hunting - not your average movie but not bad. Will add more some other time.
  5. What I don't get is why anyone would want to learn Turkish?
  6. Chaos as in clashes? How's the governor race?
  7. Sorry, this video is unavailable from your location.
  8. NGONGE;924235 wrote: When told of this great discovery, our Zack shook his head dismissively and said "sheekada xiyawaanka naga daa saaxib, the people of Kismaayo have long been able to read Xassan Sheikh's mind with no need implants". What a way to spoil a great thread
  9. Jacaylbaro;924208 wrote: Harakoo What's that?
  10. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;924239 wrote: Nadiif is leading now in Gaarisa governorship race, slightly ahead Qorane. Stay tuned. Damn. Any idea on how Afey is doing?
  11. nuune;924153 wrote: ^^ Haatu hates Farah Macalin, and welcomes Yusuf, he also hates Afey and welcomes Du'aale I dislike Faarax, not hate. I most definately don't hate Afey and I have no opinion on Ducaale. Stop spreading lies waryaa. Zack, the best? lol tutu, it seems Qorane is gonna win this
  12. I see. What about the Governor race? Whose winning?
  13. Hmm I see. I check it out every now and then (when I accidently click on it instead of Somali Channel ) but it always looks dull and boring. lol @ tea and biscuits. Liar! Do you have red teeth like JB?
  14. I honestly don't believe reer Khatumo support S/land a few individuals notwithstanding.
  15. Nothing really, just wondering what chewing every night does to you What does SLTV say about other Somalis?
  16. Alpha, isn't it a bit late in Somalia now?
  17. SSC as in the people not the organisation.
  18. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;924004 wrote: Soomaalis did not vote for federalism in an afti. Dowlad kumeelgaar ah ayaa soo dhoob dhoobtay axdigaan cusub and some nominated 800 people, who were perhaps paid to approve, of course. Markee Soomaali isku raacdo oo afti balaaran la wado qaado ka hadal federalism. Xataa baarlaamanka ma approve gareynin yet. There's no point sxb. These people don't know what due process it. Cudur Faroole la dhaho baa ku dhacey i.e. their way or the highway.
  19. I had a feeling Haji would be too tough for Macallin. It's as you say, it looks like Nadif might win but we'll see.
  20. It's simple, The Kikuyus will vote for Kenyatta and the Luos for Odinga. The other ethnic groups will vote for whoever their particular candidate supports.