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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. xiinfaniin;928359 wrote: Come on, Haatu. Even Kenya gets $1 billion from US alone for development aid. That's irrelevant. I just gave you an example of how the locals can improve their environment without a dime from anybody so don't be so quick to dismiss it. Aid isn't always the answer and leads to dependency. Self help is sustainable and builds local confidence in themselves. Remember how Somalia kick started it development through iskaa wax u qabso?
  2. It is a good thing but Somalis themselves can achieve much more by themselves. Check this vid out. It rains in these regions but most of the rain is lost when the water runs through the valleys and into the ocean. If the locals could organise themselves and damn the valleys to stop the water escaping, we might just see the great P/land deserts turn green:
  3. Since no one answered I'll just tell the answer. It's Hunguri.
  4. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;927701 wrote: Xamar hees dacaayad iyo digniin ahba waxba kama dhibeysee laakiin ka waran dadkii xumeeye haddana lasoo taagan anagaa leh oo magaalo madaxdii ka dhigay goof mooro dadoow camal. Kuwaasaa Xamar wax u dhimay, una dhimooyo. According to Oba, adoo Xamar ku dhalatey waxbo kuma lihid but asagoo Sh/Hoose ka yimi baa leh. And he has the cheek to tell us 'Haters gonna hate'.
  5. Carafaat;925613 wrote: Haatu, its movie night. What movies have you seen lately? Requiem for a dream - give it a go I think you'll like it Ironclad - not bad Welcome to the punch - bondesque (better than skyfall IMO) A long delay I know
  6. Yes, that's right Xaaji. Join the illustrious lists of whores in search of the elusive recognition. Some of those people are actually neighbours with the Jews and were acting sensibly. S/land is 1000s of miles away from that region and has no business there. But even the Pope baa la soo dhaweyn if he brings the recognition saw ma aho?
  7. Wow. Reer S/land really are desperate for that elusive recognition aren't they? They'll whore themselves and their values to whoever looks their way.
  8. Alpha Blondy;927149 wrote: can you sponsor me for a 'green card' as your husband so we can take walks whist we also fast every monday and thursday? VA Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby. that's what i'm talking about inaar. err, aren't you a British citizen Sorry to ruin the shukaansi OP, sorry to be a bore, but that is one grey and dreary landscape.
  9. oba hiloowlow;927136 wrote: well the new mayor is one of the natives that itself is a progress who knows maybe next mayor is a cadcad. Native kulaha. You just said he's coming from Warsheikh. What's Xamar got to do with Warsheikh little looter?
  10. Alpha Blondy;927076 wrote: he's in the living room of his house using the communal desktop computer that severely restricts his browsing options...... :p p.s - whose next on the 'shared' communal desktop computer inaar? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Actually it's a laptop and it's mine I'm watching Game of Thrones so stop disturbing me with the BS you little worm.
  11. It's not xenophobia. The oromos belong in Oromia. Let them stay in their lands and not enter ours. What I wonder is, what is the ONLF/Ileey doing about this? Wheres The Zack to explain what's going on?
  12. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;927004 wrote: Soomaalida qaarkood iyo 'airport' maxaa kala heysto. Meeshii jaay lagu shubo oo cagaf cagaf la mariyo waxaaba loogu yeerooyaa 'airport,' waana meel aan xataa u qalmin in loogu yeero airstrip. Every sub-sub-sub clan wants a state, a president and naturally an airport.
  13. The good news was too unbearable to you start this nonsense about numbers. Haters will be haters.
  14. NY, you're a miskiin. Don't believe Alpha's lies. He's not getting a new TV stand, taas anaa kuu og.
  15. I doubt that. I'm pretty sure as the country started to modernise the sultanate that had the most natural resources would've started to dominate. Whoever has the resources has the cash, and whoever has the cash has the power.
  16. Apparently it rained in Gsa today as well. I love the earthy smell and watching the huge rain drops hit the floor.
  17. Because we were nomads who had no need for governments whereas these people are settled people that need rule of law to bring order to their lives. Also, we had many small sultanates and if things were allowed to go naturally, eventually one sultanate would gain power over the others through military force or otherwise.
  18. Xaaji Xunjuf;926869 wrote: Haatu i am more Somali than any of you i know the exact meaning of Somali and what it stands for many of the farodhoqayaals have no clue they just heard the word Somali. Ereyga Somali 123 tudhuc oo gabay baan ka tirin kara. ii sheeg ninka taa samayn kara. Now lets go back to Somalinimo we still have no clear definition what Somalinimo is we know Somali , but not Somalinimo , aniga awoowgay Suldaanka toga herer yaalay, he was not just a Somali , because he allowed his kingdom inu mid baydhabo joogo inu wax ku yeesho. Suldaankayagu ama awoowgay waligay ma arkin dadkaas meel ay joogaan iyo masajid ay ka eedamayaan xita. We were not a nation, were Somali tribes masses nomads and farodhoqayaals who spoke the Somali language but we didn't share a nation the first time we shared a nation was in 1960. Wrong. The Somali nation was the Somali people and the lands they inhabited whether or not they were/are politically united or not. Just like you had the German nation before the 20th Century. They were in many different countries yet they were still Germans and collectively formed the German nation.
  19. Tallaabo;926627 wrote: I would love to see all Somalis united in peace and justice one day, but right now I can not trust Xamar to look after my garbage let alone my affairs saaxiib. And I don't trust reer Mandera to rule my affairs, hence the decentralised system. Don't let cuqdad fog your vision. The only things that'll probably change for your region in this sytem is the flag, other minor things and hopefully that terrible name that you can't pronounce. Xaaji, there was no Somali State, but their was a Somali Nation that shared somalinimo. Nationhood =/= politics. It can be linguistic, ethnic and cultural. I'm waiting for the day you tell us you're not Somali.
  20. Tillamook;926863 wrote: Oromos are re-claiming there ancestral lands, so the Somalis best move back towards the hawd. Men were killed for those lands making them rightfully ours.