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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Alpha Blondy;929990 wrote: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@Haatu. inaar, if you're 18, how would you know about pokemon? do you remember Goldeneye/Zelda on Nintendo 64? Pokemon is still being shown till today sxb. Nah I didn't have a Nintendo 64. My first console was a Playstation and my first game was Metal Gear Solid.
  2. Carafaat;929979 wrote: Haatu, that we should stop being xenophopic and hatefull towards the Oromo. See Xaaji's latest thread. http://www.somaliaonline.com/community/showthread.php/70151-A-major-threat-to-Somalis No one is being xenophobic. They should just stay out of Somali lands. That's all.
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;930018 wrote: Words Woqoyi including big parts of Somali galbeed versus the southern dialect Beed= Ukun Tomandho = Yaanyo Gidaar = darbi Bisad = Mukulaal Imisa = Meeqa Kaluun= Malay Walaal = Aboowe Digaag = dooro Daqiiq = bur Foog = Fargeeto Makhsin = qolka Xashiska = Qashinka Some of these are a result of you lot using foreign words instead of the Somali ones. e.g. Tomandho (from the English tomato), Gidaar (from the Arabic Jidaar), Foog (from the English fork), Makhsin (from the Arabic Makhzin). Another example not in your list is Malqacad (which you use for fork) comes from the Arabic Milcaqa. So we can concluded that some (if not most) of these vocab differences arise from the fact that the Southerners are using the actual correct Somali word.
  4. Apophis;929946 wrote: The community is fighting Iley and his cancerous brigade, we're also fighting an Ethiopian army consisting of at least 50 divisions so I'm sure we'll be forgiven if, under the gun, some of us are forced to bow to the oppressor (as Sun Tzu advices). But you, the republic of imagination, do all that for the Tigree for free, without even a hint of force and you dare insult me?? Come on sxb. Here here. You make daddy proud
  5. One question, what would the NFD lahjad be called? Waamo?
  6. Waxaan u maleynaaye in Bakhayl iyo Hunguri isku macno leeyihiin? Waa tahey, su'aasha xigta. Af Soomaali ku dheh ereygaan: equilibrium.
  7. I wanna be the very best, Like no one ever was... Wallaahi you took me back there. Who can ever forget Venosaur or Nidoking? Pokemon and Nintendo sums up my childhood. Those were the days, those were the days. Thanks Al.
  8. Che -Guevara;929920 wrote: Waa xasuus.... Yaa xasuusan oo noolaa qarnigaas?
  9. The good professor is slowly learning the reasons behind the "Somaliland" project.
  10. You have all finally woken up. Xiin and co don't give a hoot about who controls Kismayo as long as their sentae seats there are assured. Add to those the P/land ones and they effectively control the passage of any law in the land.
  11. Wallee wey dedaaleen. I like her start. At every platform, one must do his bit for the general course (i.e. recognition) Other than that, I keep telling Xaajiga we're an ancient people and not Hashimis or Arabs (). We need more archaeologists and more organisations to preserve our heritage an culture. I propose every Somali area to have a Golaha Dhaqanka Soomaaliyeed.
  12. lol @ Carafaat and his flip flopping. But he has a point about the 1.3 thing though. If this works out for them, the pirates will be the majority in the senate.
  13. Jacpher, you've missed the gist by a wide margin. Reread. XX, I'm apathetic to both if truth be told. The difference is that I follow the news of one whereas I don't for the other.
  14. Xaaji, see waaye? I was born in Xamar (officially). Ha na tarxiilinee aamus
  15. Apophis;928710 wrote: I suggest you internalise the following wise words from the sage that is Homer Simpson: You tried your best and failed miserably. The lesson is: never try You really are a sad b@stard aren't you?
  16. I'm am saying, every little helps, but the communities themselves can do much more to stop desertification by themselves. Just like Xabashida in the video I posted. Just damn a few togs and you're good to go. Even seasonal farming will become viable then. If you read the book Warriors, the author (the British soldier) talks about how he had the same idea and actually started it and lo and behold food was grown, in the 1940s. But remeber, we're talking about desertification here. Aside from all this talk, what I should've asked was, how comes no one (within the community) thought of doing what I said a long time ago?
  17. ole-maasai;928726 wrote: According to some news the general refused for his female company to be searched; May I ask a question here? Who searches Female travellers at the airport AMISOM? if its AMISOM then do they have gender specific system in place? Mise Akundas iyo Bizigwes ayaa dumarkii salaax iyo tuutujin kala daalaya. I doubt it. Even in Nairobi they are gender specific. Case in point, KQs headquarters in the centre of down. Anyone entering daartaas has to be checked by either a male or female.
  18. War we're talking about stopping desertification, not economic development. Desertification can be stopped and reversed very easily and with minimal outside help if the will is there. As for economic development, then you need aid initially but investment in the medium to long term. PS: I refer you to further proof of my point, bacaadcelintii Shalambood.
  19. Che -Guevara;928707 wrote: Meeshaan filin naloo jilooyaa. :confused: Af Muslin ama Af Gaal please These pathetic lackeys are a sorry excuse of a "national army". They can't hold a single hamlet on their own.
  20. I beg to differ. Gacan adayg is another way of saying hunguri. The word comes from the actual hunguri (Adams apple) probably first used for people who ate all the food and refused to share. That's why you see people when they want to call someone greedy, hunguriga ayey salaaxaan.
  21. ^They do that to kids with big heads when they're young. Apparently it's to get rid of the water that makes the head big. Just sayin... PS: You're not a Hanad are you?
  22. Alpha Blondy;928534 wrote: SOMALIEN! A girl in class called me that back in secondary school. The whole class laughed. Dh****a xun waan dharbaaxi gaarey
  23. The Evil Lord :cool: btw, Apophis' first name is Haaruun