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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Heh! They are only doing it for the green card. Somalis are daneysteyaal.
  2. untuk kita menaklukkan duni Innaba caadi ma ahaan.
  3. Alfow, I'm disappointed you didn't like the song sxb. I got it from the movie Laskar Pelangi (The Rainbow Troops). Do you know of any somali songs that are similar?
  4. Sxb, beware of going too deep into this, laga yaabaa you might say something against a sahabi. Leave Allah to judge between them.
  5. SomaliPhilosopher;930594 wrote: Given the rise of regional states, federalism , and break off states, I would think this whole idea of the "standard" dialect is no longer relevant. To each its own, is the adopted mantra now of the Somali language. No thank you. Che, supply the material will ya?
  6. Che -Guevara;930365 wrote: Poor Haatu, you too invest time in studying the Somali before you label some regions as speaking the formal Somali. How one dialect be more proper than other? Really? I have always read the Northern dialect is standard. Btw, do you have any books written by somali linguists we can read?
  7. Baashi;930489 wrote: Prof. Gandhi will go down in history books. He is a man of consequence. He helped create a different mindset in a community that given up hope in challenging other forces in the region, recruited folks who hold sway in Nairobi and Jigjiga, brought Farole to the fold and assured wealthy H community in East Africa a seat at the table without fielding sizable militia. He asked them to finance the project. He was also successful to sell the idea of D confederacy in the south mimicked after PL clan construct to the most important constituency in the region -- Gedo community. Many of us opposed Azania project from the outset. Some of us on humanitarian grounds. Others in clannish reasons. But when the rainy season passed and the casualty figures proved to be on the low side folks started focusing on AS and how to defeat them. The name which was a problematic also was tossed out and some of the affiliated AS allies were given a leading role if they help defeat AS. Prof. Gandhi was the central figure in all these decisions. He brilliantly challenged TFG in IGAD, UN and IC donor circles. He vowed to bring AS reign in Jubba to an end, presented a plan and his figures added up. He recruited soldiers from refugee camps in Kenya and asked technical and financial help. He got both. He also on on the most important fight with TFG which is recognizing these soldiers as part of TFG soldiers. Say what you want but this soft spokenman is a brilliant tactitian and solid leader. Hope he gets the leadership of the soon to be established federal state of Jubba. He deserves nothing less. He would do well but I doubt he would win.
  8. Che -Guevara;930382 wrote: Have you guys listened to the speech? Did he say that or are we being trolled?
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;930311 wrote: ^^ Haatu Somalilanders are not fighting to rule Somalia , Somalilanders are fighting for an official exit out in the eyes of the IC. Ruling Koonfurians is not attractive who wants to domesticate an ugly lady nagaadaa niyo dee. But a temporally relation ship with an exit out should be considered. The question is haatu why do koonfurians want Somalilanders back that i dont understand. Nonsense sxb. If a reer Hargeysa man were to be offered to be the President of the Somali Rep., not only would he accept but the ululation of the whole of durriyadda would be heard all the way to Cadan. And when I say this I mean a position that actually is feasible and has power, not what A Yusuf AUN allegedly offered Cigaal AUN. As for why the South wants Waqooyiga, well I really can't think of any reason other than people still hope for Somaliweyn. Carafaat, the constitution issue is mostly a clan arguments and they won't go away any time soon. But that shouldn't stop S/land from joining the game and getting a lions share of things. But who in the North is man enough to take risks and take home the ultimate prize?
  10. Al, you must tell me what you think of that song.
  11. Wadani;930303 wrote: Let me put it this way. Most Somalis from the south cannot give a speech in the same Somali they speak at home. I on the other hand can give a speech in the very same way I speak with my family at home. I concede you guys speak more formal, but pronunciation is different. You guys can speak the best Somali, but your accent sucks PS: Reer Kilinka will give you lot a run for your money.
  12. Carafaat;930295 wrote: There seems to be an window of opportunity here, Siilanyo and Culusoow better seize the moment and reach a deal or else they will see Kenya, Ethiopia and their foot soldiers oo u heshiiyay. You guys have a golden opportunity to cement your position in the future Somalia due to Koonfurta's desperation to get you guys back. You can even demand presidency to rotate between North and South and they would accept it. Sometimes people need to swallow their pride and grab the prize with both hands.
  13. Wadani, there's a difference between Standard Somali, and the way people pronounce words. You guys sound like you're talking with a mouth full of qaad (pun intended )
  14. Alfoow, check this Indonesian song out. Innaba caadi ma ahaan:
  15. Nin-Yaaban;930198 wrote: Maya walaal. It is.
  16. oba hiloowlow;930114 wrote: Yo Niggas anyone wanna get their a$$ whopped in Fifa Online just tell me im ready. Which console? Xbox360?
  17. Haatu

    Somali Trees

    Disclaimer: any trees are welcome except for Garanwaa/Cali Garoob/Geed Yahuud. Thank you. Al, just give the Somali name like I did.
  18. Haatu

    Somali Trees

    Nice Oba! Thanks for the contributions to the others. Keep em coming.
  19. Haatu

    Somali Trees

    An odey and his spouse sitting in front of an interesting looking tree in Masalani, Ijara on the banks of River Tana
  20. Haatu

    Somali Trees

    Another image of Garas near the River Tana, Ishaqbini
  21. Haatu

    Somali Trees

    Trees in the Boni forest on the Somalia/Kenya border
  22. Haatu

    Somali Trees

    Post info and pics of Somali trees you can find. -------------------------------------------------------------- 1. I'll start with the Garsa/Garas tree that is prevalent in my home region. Legend holds it that this is the tree Garissa's name came from. A Garsa woodland in Ishaqbini Conservancy, NEP, near Ijara. Just another pic from IShaqbini
  23. Replant my home region with trees everywhere. Damn some of the togs so when the rains come, the water sinks into the ground, supporting the newly planted trees in the dry season. Build a clinic, school and library in every town and village. Tell no one about any of this. Buy a proxy/puppet to rule from the shadows.