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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Gabbaldhac, What would be the outcome if Alta are kicked out and there's no administration to replace them? A vacuum.
  2. yeah, on top of sitting an entrance exam that's just BS and nothing study related, plus you have to get like straight As. I sometimes ask if it's worth it (this is only for Medicine and Dentistry).
  3. And I haven't applied to city yet. I was thinking of making it a last resort backup through Ucas Extra.
  4. I'm waiting for the last one, Leeds Uni. When I was there the person I was with saw a Somali guy whilst I was in interview. He asked him if Somalis lived there. He replied "war I've been living here for 3 years and I've only seen 2 other somalis"
  5. yeah. we get offers now conditional you get the grades in August.
  6. I am hearing that Saacid offered Madoobe to be the head of an interim J/Hoose administration...
  7. Great move. You know you're nearing a major town/city back home when you notice more and more plastic bags stuck to thorn trees.
  8. Xaaji Xunjuf;931016 wrote: When did i call them khatumo seeg or defeated lot? "citizens" as you call them, this bit goes together. The Khatumo seeg etc is from Saalax
  9. Since no one knows, it is dheelitirin. Next word: inherited characteristic, factor (as in mathematics)
  10. Alpha Blondy;930983 wrote: of course, you're father was a macalin, its a classic trait of the unuka....laakin what was he doing during the early 90s in xamar caadeey, as your people attacked and committed grave heinous crimes against humanity. :cool: He was looting houses from Shingaani all the way to Kaaraan. Now were loaded and have been living in these xaaraan houses for 2 decades
  11. Haatu

    Nice one :)

    lol the ITALIAN one was very apt
  12. I saw an old friend of my uncle in the mosque yesterday. I didn't know him but he somehow knew me. The thing is that they all call me inankii macalinka (my dad was a macalin) Maxaa la sameynooyaa?
  13. No thank you Nuune. I already have a job (part-time).
  14. Apophis;930894 wrote: Nonsense. I'm pretty sure hypocrisy in action isn't allowed. We know this religion as much as you do sxb, can't BS us. Hypocrisy in action is a sin, hypocrisy in belief is kufr. It is the latter that is mentioned mostly in the Qur'an and is a bigger deal. Case in point the Munaafiqiin of Madiina who were in cohorts with the Jews during the time of the prophet PBUH.
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;930888 wrote: So much hatred SMH Wey duushey sow ma aha Xaaji? Here you have Saalax, calling S/land "citizens" as you call them Khaatumo Seeg and the defeated lot. And you tell me it's not a clan project. One question on this, are the bones still buried in the beach? If that's so, then they should be taken to a proper burial site, wherever their relatives chose, not politicians.
  16. Alpha Blondy;930775 wrote: i'm out y'all..... p.s - haatu and Oba, do you guys want to change places for week. i.e Al reps Mark-a-bulls. Oba reps SL and Haatu becomes an unuka HAG vampire? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL No fair. I wanted to be the iSelector
  17. Apophis;930891 wrote: I thought to be a hypocrite was a big sin in Islam. I'm talking to those who enjoy freedom of religion in their adoptive country and want to deny those rights they so very much utilise to those in their homeland. That's you DrKaneca. Hypocrisy in Islam = hypocrisy in belief. Not what you're suggesting.
  18. What is an aas qaran if it isn't pure politics? Anyways, naga daa discussions about the dead.
  19. Tallaabo;930547 wrote: Black racists like XX, Haatu, Oba, Alpha, and Apo should know that the Oromos are indeed our cousins and will never disappear no matter how much you wish. However, we should take their continued expansion into Somali territories seriously and address it without resorting to vile insults and overt racism. A racist for saying Oromos belong in Oromia. Koow (borrowing from MMA).