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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Alpha, Mog is in a good position to receive shipments from the far east, Berbera carabaha and Europe.
  2. ^^You sound like kevin Stacey in House of Cards But in all seriousness, the longer you delay --------> CHE.
  3. lol so that's what cawar means. Now I get XXs jokes about the former PM
  4. Does, we say indha-waraay where I'm from.
  5. Alpha, just when are you going to get married? You're what 26/27? Do you want to be another Che?
  6. ^ You know one of the signs of the last day was that the desert will turn green...
  7. Can someone who is given free education, free resources and doesn't have to worry about their meals or their bed, drops out of school and becomes a failure of life, blame anyone apart from themselves and their parents for not motivating them (some still end up this way despite the parents hard work). I blame them for their failures and have absolutely no sympathy for them. As for you lot talking about all the BS of systematic issues, what issues are you on about? Don't they have a teacher to teach them (I know some teachers are terrible but that doesn't stop them learning on their own at home, that's what most of us have to do anyway) and books to read? Don't they have access to internet to research future career paths so they know what they have to achieve? The funny thing is, in my sixth form/college the people that constantly moan about how rubbish the teachers are and the lack of support they receive are usually the ones failing through their own laziness and lack of effort.
  8. Showqi, ilfuur waa a spoil-sport ama a glaucoma. As for the rest, xitaa qaamuuskii baa kari waaye Coofle, right, an wyre isn't a chubby Arab
  9. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;932200 wrote: It is not dungeon, but even decent ones are infected with them. Bedbugs invaded Islii en masse in late 2007, early 2008. Dadkii Xabashada dagaaladooda kasoo cararay ayaa keenay ayee dhahaan Reer Islii. We tend to blame reer Somalia for everything
  10. Waa wareeeeeeeeeey. Damn all these words instantly sound much cooler in Somali Thanks duqa.
  11. How do you say Kinetic energy and Generator in Somali?
  12. Chemical reaction = falgal so.wikipedia.org is a gem
  13. Element = curiye I don't know the rest. Please tell translate them. Next one, radioactivity. Aawey MMA, Che iyo kuwii kale ee wax soo bartey? Nuunihiina aawe?
  14. Element = curiye I don't know the rest.
  15. Of course Xaaji. Taas ma la isweydiin after that quote?
  16. I went there for the interview 2 weeks ago. The campus location is really convenient bang in the centre of town. And the accomodation, the med building and the hospital (for placements) are all like 2 mins from each other by foot.
  17. My father's take on Saacids visit: "Kii xumaa oo qurunka ahaa kir baa la yiri" He also had a few other unsavoury things to say
  18. You are a reservoir my friend. Speaking of a reservoir, translate that for me. Also, how do you say useful? Add any more educational words from your school days. Btw, do you know if there are any textbooks from pre-civil war online?
  19. Che -Guevara;932104 wrote: lol@blessed, I dont know how much of what these boys are saying is true. I miss ignorant Somali belief, we are better than everbody including cadaan. Ma ila aragtey. Even Oodweyne is on it. As for the bold, isn't it still present?
  20. Alpha Blondy;932097 wrote: LOL@nut case do you really mean that? why do you think i'm weird and a ''nut case''? you're a liar and i have conclusive evidence, walahi. Waa aduun gadoon. Alpha Blondy, the serial liar of SOL, calling someone else a beenlow. You are a nut case. You talk to yourself to get attention. You lie about firing your "maids" endlessly just to get a few comments. Talk about a one trick pony.
  21. My age has been confirmed by Gaalkii so try again you nut case.
  22. Alpha Blondy;932087 wrote: these are luxury products to many in the west. these products are taken for granted here. there is potential for export but not so much for an internal market to exist, i'm afraid. What about milk sxb? Where I'm from most people use powdered milk although fresh milk is available from traditional sellers. The processed milk is dominated by a Kenyan company KCC but they sell small portions for relatively high prices.