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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. oba hiloowlow;932827 wrote: The demand is higher than the available houses marka its focked. I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy properties yet. Isn't anyone building new houses?
  2. OdaySomali;932823 wrote: The problem is parly also one of land ownership laws. There are very few unclaimed pieces of land left in the country and those who own the land hoard it and do nothing with it. Nobody wants you to tresspass on their out of fear you may lay claim to it in the "ku qabso ka qadi maysid ee" mindset. So all I would say is be careful where you try to plant. I forgot about that. But can't they make laws that all undocumented land belongs to the state? Because some of these lands are miles away from the outskirts forget the centre. Such laws should be passed. Also, the reason people cut trees is for domestic firewood. If the people are given alternatives such as gas the demand will decrease. Flood the market with those cheap two-hob gas cookers and secure a reliable supply of gas and there you go. Gas is available because they use it for the feynuus I believe.
  3. Alpha, it's currently Gu' season. Why don't you take advantage and go plant some trees outside the city on your weekends? You could set up a group to help you and do it on an iskaa wax u qabso basis. It pains me to see the land turn to desert slowly.
  4. Can't you guys just forget politics for a second for goodness sake? Let the Dalmar tell us his stories.
  5. Oba, what's the housing situation like? Is it keeping up with demand? Are new houses being built (not rebuilt) or are the outskirts not safe enough yet?
  6. At least tell us what it's about.
  7. Apophis;932785 wrote: The sea route is open; the idea is to push them back to their ayrab masters. That would be recklessness. Why waste lives on an enemy that's content on escaping? Give them a route North to join the Galgala folks then take them out once and for all once the hinterland has been pacified. But I doubt many would stay. I expect many of the footmen to give up the gun and go back to their herds and the big men to go to Yemen. Then they're no longer our problem.
  8. Chimera, having all the help in the world and the best education is handy dandy, but at the end of the day the choice rests on the shoulders of the individual. Most of these drop-outs/criminals live in poor neighbourhoods where they can see the effects of poverty on a daily basis. If this isn't enough to motivate them then I don't know what is.
  9. I can see Al Shabaab has been hemmed in the South which is not wise. Always leave a free outlet for the enemy to escape for a desperate enemy fights remarkably if you stand in the way of his escape, as Sun Tzu said. They should leave a small corridor to either the north or west when the offensive begins.
  10. Dabrow, I thought Saacid was from Galgaduud
  11. Kudos to him. I'd rather a Somali takes that post than a Bwana.
  12. Waa laga maarmaan in reerka la taageero. Waa ceeb in dad kale u dabaaldegaan oo la dhaho reerkoodii baa layacey
  13. What you fail to understand is that the people of the area don't recognise these fake borders. There's movement across it on a daily basis and intermarrying and all of that. The bantus from Tanzania have no connection with their brethren there. Stop trying to separate the Somalis waryaa.
  14. Carafaat;932652 wrote: MMA, ma raacnay matatu. My most exciting experience from Africa was travelling with matatu's and bodha bodha's. Twende! Twende!
  15. Alpha Blondy;932637 wrote: inaar, if you think your case was bad....waar, anigu waxan ahaa the rose that grew from concrete . the odds were stacked against Al. it was divine intervention, there's no other way to explain my rise........... You did after all live in Camden so the odds were most definitely stacked against you
  16. Carafaat;932546 wrote: Xaaji, I would love that too. Jubbaland free of Sijuis and Kikuyus. Amiin Never gonna happen. The people that live from Kismaayo to Gsa are the same people (not just ethnicity) and this has been the case even before Somalia gained independence contrary to the propaganda we're being fed by neo-HAGists nowadays.
  17. OdeySomali, could replanting be successful then? We have the same problem all over the Somali peninsular. Perhaps planting shrubs and acacia before the Gu' season and hope that some rain comes?
  18. Ain't nothing wrong with this. I'm planning to attend one soon
  19. It's part of islam to forgive our dead brothers, even cadawgaa. Let's not politicize everything.
  20. Anyone can pick up a microphone and claim outrageous things. The locals are behind the project and that's what matters. Intii alalaaseyso ha alalaasto.
  21. Juxa, the UK was a good place before the European hordes arrived.
  22. Alpha LOOOOOOOOOOOOL = Nervous psychotic laughter.
  23. Safferz;932547 wrote: ^^ the internet is not a substitute for good teachers and a well resourced school in a decent neighbourhood, it should be a supplement to those fundamental things. I went to one of the worst schools in the area with the worst teachers. Those of us that cared about our education achieved the grades. The lazy good-for-nothing folks didn't even sit the exams. No one has an excuse for being a drop-out when given so many opportunities.
  24. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;932421 wrote: Koow. Haye haddaa saas u micneysatay ilfuur, ilbuun noo micneyba. Xaaji, qaamuuska lee saas u micneeye. Besides, ku dayo Coofle and post some words from your school days. I like learning technical words in Somali.