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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Yeah, the same education system that produces hundreds upon hundreds of success stories a year. This isn't about dodgy mortgages where the system is at fault sxb.
  2. It was a simple, innocent question abti, but you chose to go in circles. I'll just put you down as Habar of Love then since I have no prrof otherwise. PS: I refuse to believe there's a clan called Monkey=Daanyeer. War that's an insult, all the Habros are snickering behind your backs
  3. Kooyto? Ansaar? What language are these people speaking?
  4. Somalia without Xamar is like malawax without sugar i.e. not worth having.
  5. You're confusing me. Just tell me which habar you are and why is it so unknown? Thanks, Hat
  6. You say you're Moses-Jesus and fox of the east but I don't see a Habr anywhere. So which Habar are you?
  7. Chimera;933021 wrote: I'm referring to the 10 to 17 demographic of Somali boys, if they don't have a strong rock in their lives in the form of a pro-active relative, community worker or friends, there is a strong chance they will succumb to the seductions of crime. Ask yourselves why the justice system seperates this demographic from adults when it comes to crime if it all came down to "personal responsibility"? The reason is because they don't fully comprehend the consequences of their actions, they live pretty much in the moment and mugging another person equals a Blackberry or a wallet to them, and it ends there. An adult criminal knows fully well what his actions will do to do the victim, but proceeds regardless of that. Poverty is the primary motive for a criminal on every single level, its the desire to have something you don't have. We both know there is plenty of stuff Somali kids don't have, while their peers from higher economic backgrounds do. I remember how all the kids in my class had the newest Nike-air shoes, game-boys and other desirable stuff. I remember how some of my childhood friends became drug-runners at 14/15 were awash in cash while I worked at Burger King for five guilders an hour. Do you know how many times the thought of joining them popped in my head? At least 10 times a day. The only reason I didn't succumbed, is because I had a good coach and was all into Kickboxing, which was a non-expensive but discipline inducing sport that built character evendo I never pursued it on a professional level like my sparring partners. I had pro-active relatives that kept me in check in the house and on the street, and I credit them for the reason why I am who I am, personal responsibility had little to do with it. This is how I split the responsibility: 1. First and foremost your parents teach you discipline and to take responsibility for your actions whilst as a child. 2. When you hit secondary school age, it's your choice whether or not to accept your parent's teachings and the blame rests squarely on your soldiers if you do anything ******. The people that do this aren't ******. they know full well the consequences of their actions, yet they still do it regardless. They deserve everything they get and have no sympathy from me (this is assuming the parents have done their part).
  8. oba hiloowlow;933015 wrote: lmao maya he is from the habar of before Which one is that? I only know two big habros, Love and Jonas. If he's not from one of them he MUST be a laangaab ehlu naar
  9. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;933023 wrote: Horta waxa la kala heysto intee ku bilaabataa, kuna dhamaataa. I mean, a few months ago on Soomaali channels, there were odeyo shir jaraa'id ku qabtay Xamar claiming the current location of Ceelgaab boosteeyo (now called Beerta Nabadda) used to belong to them, that Kacaankii ayaa ka kiciye. Yaab ayee lahaayeen. Aagaas Iskuraran ayaa la dhihi jiray, dowladda probably had a right cause to demolish those unsafe slums, relocating the residents meelo kale u roon. Laakiin kuwooda qaarkood wali soo taagan. Guryaha la kala heysto aniga waxaa iiga daran dhulkii dowladda xoog lagu dhistay, sida jardiinooyinkii, barxadihii, xaruntii degmooyinka, mishibiyeeriyadii, beerihii guud magalada ku dhex yaalay. Isgoysyada qaarkood Xamar ku yaalay jardiinooyin qurxoon ayee lahaayeen, aad iyo aad u qurxooneysiin jiray magaalada. Unfortunately, dad waxmagarato ayaa dhistay. Jardiinooyinkaas ay ka mid yihiin tii Isgoyska Bakaaraha, Afarta Jardiino iyo kuwa kale. What about the school playgrounds? Ayaga xitaa ma la dhistey?
  10. I heard Alpha is from Habarta of Love. Is that true?
  11. Somalis in waqooyi hate tribalism but the Somalis in Koonfur love tribalism. Such is Xaaji Xunjuf's logic
  12. ^You too? Then who's doing the looting? Don't tell me it's walaalaha Galgaduud?
  13. Nuune thinks I dislike everyone apart from Ina Barre Ducaale, Yuusuf Xaaji, whole of reer Balambala if you get my drift For some reason he has got reerkayga wrong
  14. Alpha Blondy;932860 wrote: Haatu, i completely agree. i was talking to some Ethiopians just today about such a venture. unless than 6 years ago, the Afar region in Ethiopia was semi-arid and very dry, apparently. now, its one of most lush and fertile parts of the northern regions. my Ethiopian friends also informed me that the UN provided the Ethiopian government..$14m USD in 2006 to continue its efforts as well as to replicate this ''exemplary project worthy of emulating'' out to other regions. whats more, each child, student and all citizens of the Afar region are encouraged on an iskaa wax u qabso basis to plant as many trees as possible. this has yield enormous dividends, as i'm sure, you could imagine. also each Afari persons pays 1birr/per month to help support the workers tasked with looking after the trees. there was something about these small donations helping to fund and support a small office. = job creation. also, they told me..... the more trees that are planted, the more its likely to rain in that area , even if its arid eg. Afar Region. i thought this was very interesting as i didn't know......as usual, and in keeping up with that classical tit-for-tat antagonism between us, the Ethiopians didn't hesitate to mock my basic grasp of biology.......... as well as alluding to the biblical importance of Abyssinia and its impressive history. we all laughed at my expense but also theirs after a few pro-Somali subtle undertones but it was worth learning something very important, ruunti. :p can you provide a link or something. Sounds interesting.
  15. xabad;932869 wrote: NFD is ahead of the NW in every way. There is a real government plus law and order there. In some things yes, in other things no.
  16. oba hiloowlow;932985 wrote: patience is a virtue. calaacalka naga daaya ee. This is very complicated dulqaata the government needs to start somewhere seef la boodnimada hala dhaafo. Easy for you to say that. Show some sympathy to the people that were forced out of their homes and are today helplessly watching looters enjoy their wealth and you call for patience. It's not so hard to say "here, take your land back" but certain TB-ridden old men in Xamar don't want to see this happen.
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf was fervently thanking Allah when he saw this thread
  18. Xaaji Xunjuf;932975 wrote: Somalilanders can and will not be divided along tribal lines they are one family who share the same history ethics traditions culture and last but not least share one nation. Dugsi maleh qabyaalaadi waxay dumiso mooyaane eh. Oh the irony. One can say the exact same for Somalia
  19. They're not serious and no one will take them seriously till they decide to return the looted properties. Until then waa iska sheeko.
  20. Xaaji Xunjuf;932965 wrote: Reer Somaliland walaalo reer Laascaanood are the brothers of reer buhoodle and reer buhoodle are the brothers of reer Burco. The Garaad clan are fellow Somalilanders there is no problem between Somalilanders, these demographics with in Somalilanders is not important , since Somalilanders are one nation. Wow, you truly are delusional. I wonder, if you repeat something often, do you end up believing it Xaaji?
  21. The Zack;932857 wrote: tell that to Nuune lol. My dislike for him in the election period sxb was pure politics. Don't let that distract you