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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. wyre, do you want him to be ditched after two weeks of her arriving? I heard a story of an old man who married a bahyar in Africa and brought her to the UK. He ended up killing her first night here.
  2. War I know the guy and his family but I'll respect his online anonymity. He's from the same reer and lives near me, how can I not know him?
  3. raula;933901 wrote: In the words of Alpha Blondy...how do we know you aren't one of those "knowledge-endowed uppity pseudo-intellectuals" ? mise inaad hadaba qaan gaadhe The boy has a way with words ma istiri
  4. Apophis;933509 wrote: I'm sure they're fine, whoever they be. Yeah, yeah sxb. Say Hi to your dad for me Blue, quite apt don't you think?
  5. Carafaat, do you even know who the locals believe is behind the attacks? Suffice to say what's happening in Garissa is directly linked to Kismaayo.
  6. Somalia;933707 wrote: LOOOOOOOL kii Carafat wuu isku buuqey Jubaland is unconstitutional bey kaga dhagtey. He's got the Xaaji syndrome where he thinks if he repeats something often it'll turn into reality
  7. SomaliPhilosopher;933168 wrote: You may enjoy this Haatu. http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/metsnav/general/navigate.do?pn=839&size=full&oid=VAA3435 ^^^Periodic table in Somali I'm like a kid given candy Faro ku tiris is as you said.
  8. Xaaji, I beginning to believe what Che said about standard Somali. I just noticed that nearly all politicians when they speak (even Siilaanyo) constantly use the hayaha like you said. I just heard Siilaanyo saying "Dantayada" and "Dalkayaga" the other day.
  9. I saw these two Somali men playing a qur'an game in the mosque yesterday with a Sawaaxili old guy. They were absolutely hopeless
  10. Apophis;928544 wrote: I'm Doctor Lord. Not bad. lol how did I miss this How's K and A doing?
  11. Xabad, it was an open goal sxb, irresistible. Oba, you know and I know that will never happen sxb. Maybe a decentralized form but even that won't happen I think.
  12. xabad;933483 wrote: what form of governance are you happy with, oba ? Anarchism
  13. Too late. Durba dawlad baan noqdey ee dib ha ii celinin
  14. If truth be told, I only knew the term iSelector for you lot. I didn't even know about Habros
  15. Alpha Blondy;933384 wrote: y'all were born into a civil partnership somaha? looooooooooooool Poor Wadani doesn't get this Brit joke :D Wadani, only the Habros are known mate, the rest must be...
  16. Barre was a threatened dictator and acted as such. We don't have to apologise for his crimes.
  17. Safferz;933192 wrote: Calling someone naive is not a personal attack, it's saying that your line of argument is unsophisticated and shows a lack of understanding context outside of your own. Get over it. ! You can disagree with someone but to call their opinion "unsophisticated" and "naive" is insulting. But I don't takes things like that to heart. This is a forum after all.
  18. Safferz;933083 wrote: You're very naive. Don't resort to insults. It's not a very good look.
  19. Malawax without sugar is like bariis without moos, unthinkable.
  20. So they're technically not a Habro? Sheegato!