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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. She was a racist and very haughty in her dealings with the poor. As for the capitalism vs socialism debate, it is only logical that each man has the liberty to gain and amass wealth using whatever avenues he wishes (so long as it's legal) and has the right to spend it as he sees fit. It is not the place of the state or anyone else for that matter to dictate to him how he should manage his wealth. With that said, in no shape or form do I support the immoral (and riba filled) practices of the greedy bankers that led to the credit crunch. As for nation development, the state should only focus on providing the key infrastructure and vital social services as well as enforcing regulations. It should then let the private sector do what it does best: make money. The state should in no way show favouritism to one sector over another (excluding subsidies to farmers to make them globally competitive) and should limit protectionism to as little as possible. Protecting useless, unsustainable industries does nobody any benefit, better to let foreigners come in and teach domestic enterprises how the job is done.
  2. The things the dog (Ileey) will do to please his Injirley masters.
  3. Xaaji Xunjuf;935502 wrote: No one knows who is majority and who is not what needs to be done is a clear clan census I dislike Qabiil and qabiil talk but such ignorance cannot be left alone.
  4. xiinfaniin;934745 wrote: For those still confused about the demographics of Jubbaland region , you should read "Through Jubaland to the Lorian Swamp: An Adventurous Journey of Exploration" By Ignatius Nicolas Dracopoli Don't tell them that Xiin. We settlers remember Fascinating story the Wardey though.
  5. Haatu


    Showqi;935451 wrote: Naarniah halkan ka akhri http://somalidoc.com/smf/index.php?topic=3853.0 . Hadii uu Soomaaligu kugu adag yahayna Abahaa ii sharax dheh That is a gem of a forum sxb. You have no idea how useful it'll be. Thanks.
  6. Wyre sxb you do know what that emoticon represents right?
  7. Xabad, that has already been tried and it hasn't worked. He's like an unwanted itch, he keeps coming back
  8. I agree with Narniah. Stay in your local mosque. There's plenty of youth activities nowadays and you get to meet other sensible, intelligent Malis. Plus the Wadaads are mostly cool and willing to talk so not having a father figure is no longer an issue. At the end of the day, it all boils down to who you hang around with. And also, like Chimera said, don't bother go to the Chicken shop at 11.00pm coz your hungry if your area is dangerous. Just don't. That's *********.
  9. Oba, coofle, nuune and co think I'm sulking Alpha, Carafaat also resorted to screaming for the Admin when he couldn't take the heat
  10. Alpha Blondy;935170 wrote: the people have vindicated me ee sida uula soco! until now you haven't clarified the ''point'' you're trying to make? waxaan ku leeyahay soo bandhig fakirkaaga iyo the ''point'', inaar! Chokochoko mchokoe pweza, binadamu hutamweza.
  11. The Prime Minister is meant to be subservient to the President. That's his role.
  12. Mursal sounds like he has a permanent blocked nose.
  13. Oh for goodness sake. Thank you Coofle, Rudy and nuune for ruining a perfectly good thread! You guys have completely missed the point of the threat.
  14. ^I used to hear stories from my grandma of when she used to travel in those forests. My mum was also attacked by a rhino somewhere in that hawd as well. I doubt they still exist today. Thanks for the pic sxb.
  15. Alpha Blondy;935013 wrote: losing your mother tongue, ya? Chombo cha kuzama hakina usukani That in a nutshell is you :D
  16. Only God has your cure sxb. Taadi wey xad dhaaftey.
  17. xiinfaniin;935011 wrote: ^^Dadkaa intii macnaha lahayd oo wax ku ool ahayd oo tagi kartay Kismayo bay maanta joogaan Gabal is obliged to defend the PM , but he is damaging him by making him the enemy of the state. So inta diidan J/land waa haraadiga of the great Gedo clan?
  18. Is not Gabbal's very Ugaas in Kismaayo? What's this man complaining about mise waa walaalaha Galgaduud?
  19. War XX has become a unionist so leave him alone.
  20. Let me he help out a bit: mlango = door kajika = spoon mjani = teabag/teapowder kibarwa = manual labour malakote = a tribe pole sana = sorry Boolad (don't know the correct sp that's how we said it in Gsa) = kenyan equivalent of cent Mkamba = another tribe Samburu = another tribe That's all the Kiswahili/Kenyan words I can remember now
  21. Che -Guevara;934943 wrote: Haatu....The man is versatile.... Versatile or volatile? Carafaat, we're not discussing the 'REAL' Alpha but the pathetic, childish online one. As for him being introverted in real life, why is it the quietest ones always act tough online? As for Unders, he's surprisingly like Apophis in so many ways it's uncanny. Could they be long lost brothers? A discussion for another day I guess.