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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Jacaylbaro;942313 wrote: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm ,, Am I missing something here ??? You're a parasite to the common good old man. Gabbalkiina wuu dhacaayaa (you're cursed generation that is).
  2. Wadani;941691 wrote: The answer to ur question in a nutshell I believe is when the deepseated mistrust took root among the clans post civil war. There can be no restoration of trust until there is wholesale restitution of rights, first and foremost among these being the right of all victim groups to a sincere apology and acceptance of guilt by those responsible. Somalis will remain insular and continue to seek refuge and solace in their clans until a legitimate national reconciliation takes place. If that happens waa la bogson doonaa dawladna waa loo bislaaan. It sounds simplistic but I think its our only hope. But that's the question behind this whole argument, just who should give the apology?
  3. Oba, you can't defeat a man oo waxbo isku haysan. Iga qallee sxb. SP, do what you normally do. Safferz is loving it nonetheless
  4. Oba, waan kaa quuste you little fish eater
  5. Dhul heehaabayso - my favourite Somali phrase
  6. Oba, stop being a laangaab ehlu naar. They're the only ones that sulk and complain of discrimination. You're a shame to Unuka
  7. I will bomb you to smithereens if you're not careful Oba
  8. Well, how were the chinks?
  9. I will just like to drop a comment that is if any two people are perfect for each other, then it has to be Safferz and SP. Sorry if I cause any discomfort :D ina Hiloowlow, give up this mashruuc sxb. This isn't unukaland.
  10. N.O.R.F;941707 wrote: Something that has been done in the middle east for centuries and that has worked. Somalis do it even. It will lead to a lesser qabilified society if people are known as Mohammed Ismail Ali [insert tribe name]. The problem is we would find another of cruel differencial practice - class would be the new thing. Thank you Norf. Listen here folks, I'm not defending qabiil but trying to solve its current problems.
  11. If you get angry, then that just makes you look weak and an ehlu naar. Instead, you should come back and play dirty to get revenge from WITHIN.
  12. Chimera, everything you've said is besides the point. The reality on the ground today (and unarguably yesterday) is that Somalis are fiercely loyal to their clans. Qabiil is an institution that has existed for a very long time and will continue to exist. It's about time we started using it appropriately and take it away from the grips of all men.(PS: Somalis have always united when dealing with Xabashida or invading new territories. Case in point, most of the region I come from was captured after 2 sub-clans went into an alliance to go plunder). Xaaji, running away only leads to the problem getting bigger. Embrace it, modify it, own it. That's my solution to any problem. Blessed, it at least brings it into the open which is a start. No more need for euphemisms.
  13. Inflation is under control. A massive bailout is about to be announced to tackle the slumping economy by injecting funds into the arms industry () The insecurity is due to the dog Apo and his spies. The HR BS is all western propaganda.
  14. Oba come back, I've discussed with Alpha and you are to be made the deputy Prime Minister and also minister of defence. We hope this position is in line with the high expectations of one of noble lineage.
  15. Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin, I give you exhibit A, Xaaji Xunjuf, your typical somali adult. His political views on clan are typical of the average Somali his age and his approach to this is also in my belief the approach most Somalis back home would take (not idealist, out-of-touch qurbaawis). We thank the Xaaji for supporting our case.
  16. Oba, you ask a price I can't pay. Your thread is only 3 pages long? You lack Alpha's SOL standing. Why should I relocate here?
  17. Chimera, you really are the eternal optimist aren't you? I tell you this, Somalis are NEVER going to let go of qabiil. How I could wish for otherwise but that will never be the case. Better to reduce its influence and bring it out into the open than to leave it to linger underneath dinner tables. I refer you to the Old Man's dictum, C is E.
  18. Oba, my Unuku friend from Ceel Warshiikh, I'm loyal to my stomach and nothing else. What can you offer?
  19. Apo, but I'm impartial. I merely seek to avoid renewed strife
  20. Alpha, we have to teach them our narrative of events first of all. We then teach them that their former ways are primitive and our superior. Pretty soon they'll be radical loyalists before you know it.
  21. People, if you're going to oppose then at least give us why. Ma uurkubaallo baanu nahey? (A new word for SP ) Saff, the prof. is not a qabiilist as you might believe (judging from his words), he takes the rational approach of taking ownership of the whole qabiil nonsense instead of it enslaving us (as it is now) by desensitizing (for lack of a better word) the people towards it. If everyone had their qabiil on the passports then it wouldn't be such a big deal. Chimera, you miss my point.
  22. ^Why overthrow when you can control in the shadows?
  23. You MZs get ahead of yourselves sxb. You'll have to be content with a deputy role or something ama we'll truck you back to Og'nia Alpha, we must get Oba back. We can't let him leave like this, it doesn't look good on us if we appear to be harrassing the .5 ehlu naar lot. Give him Xabad's seat or something (he's an unknown entity and thus has no cyber tol lol).
  24. Somalis love their clans and are proud of it. I for one would be proud to have my jilib as my surname and I would expect this to be a natural step for many. The only reason it hasn't been done might be due to SYL's efforts to eradicate it in the 40s-independence (which failed, obviously). So no my friend, it is not optimistic at all. Apo, lol I wonder what it is. I think my one is Abraham but I have no clue.
  25. Apophis, as the Old Man says, bahasha baro (PS: the Gsa thing would be blasphemy for the locals, maybe Wajeer ) Alpha, indeed sxb, indeed. Is it me or have you come back more mature after your hiatus? No joke.