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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. You were lightweights surrounded by heavyweights. In between a rock and a hard place if you like. So you did what all quiters do, you ran as fast as your legs could carry you You now surround yourself with "hired swords" as you termed them, telling yourself you are mighty and superior like the short man who owns a vicious bull dog terrier to make up for his short stature
  2. I do don't you worry about that Mr Arab
  3. Saalax;947973 wrote: If you're happy to be a Kenyan why are you butting yourself in issues between the northern elite league and the southern scrap metal looters union? Because if someone doesn't keep an eye on you, you'll butcher each other till eternity
  4. lol nuune. There's no picking and choosing. I just refuse to speak about some. Call it munaafiqnimo or not but oh well. As for Afeey, isn't his "achievements" obvious when his own elders tell him to make way? Let's let it rest, Abti
  5. Mr Hashimi, I don't need to be a Somali, I'm one by default. And yes, I am a Kenyan citizen. I'm happy with what I am unlike you yaa Hashimi XX, make this the last marduuf sxb. You're not making much sense.
  6. Iron Man 3. Enough said.
  7. Oodweyne;947945 wrote: Haatu, Is it a run away business? Or is it the realisation that one doesn't need to be the beast others chase around if one can be his own "game-keeper" chasing others to his heart's contents... :D Just admit it sxb. You couldn't take the heat so you made a dash for it.
  8. Saalax;947941 wrote: You're a southerner. Never speak about decency to an afro hashemite northern elite. You have been butchering the Somali name over 22 years and cannibalizing each other to the point foreign troops had to interfere to stop your scrap metal looting ways. My my, the ignorance is quite amazing isn't it yaa Sayyidee Al Hashimee?
  9. Oodweyne;947891 wrote: Interesting to say the least. Well as I was saying in other thread some are "shot-callers" and others are "beholden people" at best or a "supplicant people" at worse. Hence the more the conditions of the capital improves and political situations of that city gets to be better, then those who are in the second category will have get used to that political "manifest destiny", as they say in the land of the free and the home of the brave.. Or they could runaway from the game like some folks
  10. Macallinka;947904 wrote: lool They knocked every door but no joy ! Even clueless English journalists
  11. They're leaders, nin xil qaaday eed qaad. I've already explained about Afeey. Let it rest. My point still stands. I just hope Nadif is better than the old lot. A lot of the youth voted for him because he offered change. We'll see IA.
  12. lol Alpha, now isn't that a far-cry from what you were parading? Saff, keep out of i.door business
  13. Xiin, it's provocative to attract attention. And the title is perfectly fine as it is. Read all of it, not just the first bit. nuune, - I dislike all those stooges, Macalin included. - another baseless lie. They are ALL useless. - I refuse to talk about Affey because it's not nice to bad mouth a relative so stop acting like a kid. - as for this: "he was supporting the shiftas is not an answer I will take as you have said few months back, sxb, ee wax kale iila imoow, ", bring proof of this. tutu, is all you're complaining about the title? Is this man your father-in-law or something?
  14. Oba, once a week! Yikes. No wonder you didn't have the confidence to claim your prize in the library Saff, I like to sleep by midnight latest although I can do all-nighters easilly I usually end up with a headache.
  15. Che -Guevara;947767 wrote: What does business decision have to do politics? I was thinking the same. Has Ictiraaf become a religion in that wasteland or something Alpha?
  16. Tutu, you and nuune are being difficult for some reason. Where have I placed the problems of NEP squarely on Faarax's shoulders? Ciyaarta naga daa sxb.
  17. oba hiloowlow;947750 wrote: Guys walahi i had the most productive day in weeks today went to school,the gym,cleaned the house, washed clothes ,bought groceries. Now i can enjoy my weekend: For a moment I thought you were saying you had a shower. I was already thinking of naming you Maqabayste SP, nice phrase. I always used to hear from Gran "Ilaahey uunkiis". Such a nice word. And why on earth were Saff and SP up so late? Xashalillah. Damn waryaada sleep earlier!
  18. You guys do realise that since that UN audit the gov. doesn't get much direct funds. It's cash-strapped because it gets so little, not necessarily because of corruption.
  19. tutu, whatever the author might be and whatever his political opinions, he's spot on when it comes to our leaders. What have they done for us for all the times we've elected them? As for him not providing an alternative, I don't blame him. He's become disillusioned and has had enough. Besides, it's not his place to come up with solutions, that's what the leaders are there for. As for the rest of what you've said, don't let nuune's lies mislead you, all of them are useless. If you bothered to read the title you would have noticed the & Co part. But I fear that you like nuune have other motives for backing this useless man so passionately for Tallaabo/Oodka, ok I might've been a tad bit too harsh, but the point still stands that Culusow knew that there's no trust in the country and that Xamar is only trusted by one family (whether that's right or not is beside the point). With this in mind, he created unnecessary obstacles for himself by picking a fight with Kismaayo instead of taking the lead of the initiative and having his way with the structuring of the new states. But, he's decided to embark on a dangerous road and as a result has lost a lot of good will. Lacking resources to buy out opponents, a credible army to intimidate and the necessary institutions to carry out his will, you would've thought he would act with more prudence. Every good leader knows when to back down, swallow a bitter pill and compromise but Culusow seems impervious to this. I don't see how his presidency can recover from this but he might still surprise us. (As for him being against federalism, that train has already departed and the only way to stop it lies in Golaha Shacabka and an afti qaran, not Kismaayo.)
  20. Nuune, waad wareersan tahey. I won't talk about Affey so don't bother trying. btw, I mean actual relative not clan relative. And yes, NFD politicians are useless.
  21. nuune, I have no idea where you get these baseless accusations from but I'll have you know that that useless old man (Yuusuf Xaaji) who watched his own town burn is the worst of them all. He's beyond senile and incompetent. As for Afeey, he's a relative so I won't speak about him. And I know what you insinuate and you're horribly wrong
  22. I don't know how to post pics from Google Earth so you do it for me. I'll give you clues, a city by a mighty river, on the border of Somali lands and quite possibly Jannaddii Arlada