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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. This day belongs to only one section on the North, others live in misery. That said, enjoy yourselves to those that are celebrating today and samir and iimaan to the oppressed fa inna nasrullah ghariib.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;951922 wrote: ^^ Burahadeer those who love the Kenyans influence in Somalia and want Hassans failure are the most patriotic Somali unionists:D That's the beauty of clan politics for you and all Somalis are guilty of it. I remember a certain lot hiding behind the British fighting against a man opposing colonialists
  3. Of course there will be educated people who can communicate in English/Arabic but why does it need to conduct its AFFAIRS in 3 languages when most of it concerns just Somalis? This will mean have warmurtiyeed (press statements), everyday meetings, speeches etc. in 3 languages. Doesn't make sense.
  4. Mashaa Allah. The best part for me is the landscaping. This site probably has the best landscaping in the whole Somali peninsula. Xabad, beggars can't be choosers. At least 400(?) poor orphans have a chance to better their lot and that is worth more than pride.
  5. Mario B;951958 wrote: I don't see a problem with our government conducting it's affairs in Somali, English and Arabic. it's pragmatic and makes sense IMHO. What's the need for all three when we all understand each other in Somali?
  6. Somali should be the sole official language, however kids should have the opportunity to pick up useful languages at school. Mad Mullah, that is a terrible thing to see (the sign board). Somali has been relegated to the dustbin and the President is simply all smiles like the beggars he is and represents.
  7. SPOILER ALERT The best scene in the series so far. A very powerful speech by Lord Baelish:
  8. A real man knows when to say no and walk away.
  9. Al, I'll give you one advice, never trust a pirate or anyone that comes from within a 20 mile radius of Oodweyne :mad: (I understand this includes most of you folks but it's necessary )
  10. Saff, I imagined you falling over whilst trying to get to the toilet :D
  11. Wadani;950222 wrote: Name one well-known sujuu poet. What do I know about poetry? And what has this question to do with what I've said?
  12. Haatu;950188 wrote: One advice, they use a lot of non-somali everyday vocab there . Be aware. But I'm disappointed you overlooked the soft-spoken sujus. You know you can't get a more Southern accent than ours. Even the reer Waamo have a thick tongue compared to us. The devil is in the detail people.
  13. Oh is that so? Milixda naga yaree sxb
  14. Alpha Blondy;950191 wrote: when is your independence day? i thought y'all celebrated on the 1st of luulo? We're still waiting to be FREE!
  15. All I'm saying is that their opposition would've vanished had a Gedoan won.
  16. The Zack;950190 wrote: Dabrow, Care to elaborate what exactly has happened? Be specific. A non-Degoan won. That's all he's complaining about.
  17. Yh yh stop crying waryaada and take it like men.
  18. One advice, they use a lot of non-somali everyday vocab there. Be aware. But I'm disappointed you overlooked the soft-spoken sujus. You know you can't get a more Southern accent than ours. Even the reer Waamo have a thick tongue compared to us.
  19. Go and stay with a family friend/relative or something and have them take you to the miyi. If not, Alpha's always desperate for visitors
  20. I'm still waiting for my independence day so I have no time to celebrate a Somalidiid's one I try to avoid the memory of these days through the bottle
  21. SP, care to share some of these "sensitive" views?
  22. Alpha, Alla ma dhowra been abuur iyo maaweelo caruureed
  23. Are they gonna teach the poor women to read and write their own language?
  24. XX, take a breath, spit out the tubaako and think straight. The Somali language alphabet is not in the hands of S/land to change. It's something between all Somalis and is entrusted with the Somali language board. But why do I bother, it's impossible to reason with a madman shoodo u taxan.