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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. XX is a shame to his people and tribe. Instead of welcoming travelers he pushes them away. Uf dheh!
  2. Alpha, that ha igu digan jacayl daawo maleh is amazing. Is that a new song? I thought Somalis weren't capable of good songs anymore?
  3. Tallaabo;953337 wrote: That is not the only sort of music played in gay nightclubs:eek: Talk about kashifaad (in both senses)
  4. Alpha Blondy;953239 wrote: is this an innuendo, abti? they ought to make water-resistant laptops for 18 year old A LEVELs student, ma istidhi? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL lol what are you insinuating abti? It's just that one of aayo's friends got mugged so she's a lil jumpy. And with aabe gone away on business she's scared out of her wits. Hence turning to religion (This reminds me of my grandad's qur'aan-saar. My goodness the spitting :D Alpha Blondy;953247 wrote: what percentage of this teen soap opera was steamy or in otherword.....''post-watershed''? It's pretty decent (i.e. not steamy). My sis was being a dictator with the remote control so I had simply no choice (that's what I like to tell myself when I feel guilty for watching a teen-flick ) lol at 17th century Bulgarian post-reformation literature I bet Saff knows all about it (I'm surprised you know about it too, you used to be a neo.. before you left Blighty right? )
  5. D.O.C;953229 wrote: This jubbaland....way dhaqaadey sowtaa somaliland ba dhaaftay, ayeeydaa dhakada ka qabso:D Malaha wey duushay :D
  6. Oba, I see your new reincarnation I just got sprayed with holy water. Damn near ruined my laptop
  7. So I was forced to watch one of those ****** american teen shows today. What was it, 903526? Something like that anyway. What's the appeal of these shows, it's no GoT so why watch it?
  8. Safferz;953169 wrote: It's Alpha's long, pseudo-intellectual posts that really kill me :D Haatu please do not speak ill of my BEST SOL friend, we are still mourning his loss and it hurts me to see people disrespect his memory I don't tell Alpha this lest he becomes haughty, but he's actually my favourite character on here He provides me my daily laugh :D As for Little Caydiid, good riddance. Did he think this was Xamar? :mad: j/k
  9. Xaaji Xunjuf;953012 wrote: Dabrow i know there are two Presidents its only appropriate to call them both Presidents since the seat is contested by the 2 leaders, col barre and Sheikh Axmed madobe. Mogadishu approved unofficially that hiiraale is the President. While the Clan of Ahmed Madoobe recognize Ahmed madoobe as the President also Puntland recognizes Ahmed madoobe as the Preisident. While the gedo Administration recognizes Barre hiiraale as the President.Its a bit complicated and the Kenyan government unofficially recognize Ahmed madoobe as the President. There was this funny old man in the news the other day. He said "Waxa la yiri, daqsi garoor wuu ku dabaashaa, fuudna wuu ku gubtaa, Barre Hiiraalow in badan waad dabaalatee, tani waa tii aad ku guban lahayd."
  10. Safferz;953158 wrote: I think you're hilarious dee. Ma istiri. Despite everything that she must endure, at least Alpha's wife will be entertained to the grave Al, tell the neo intelligentsia cultured masses that Oba was not like them. Talking about that HAGist, it was a long time coming :mad: Apo, where have you been lately? At work?
  11. Oba, Haatu;952527 wrote: Oba, hambalyo the kid is growing yeah. But I still can't imagine kids saying "aabo Oba" to you
  12. Ya'll got nothing on Gaaris Cadeey masha'allah Just the family beer puts Gobweyn to shame
  13. My goodness. That kid needs a slap, ****** white parents :mad:
  14. Safferz;952753 wrote: Everyone telling me to have lots of kids: You have been warned. Just don't blame me when it's just you and SP living like this:
  15. D.O.C;952735 wrote: Repeat of civil war? Please rephrase this then I can comment. ?
  16. D.O.C;952726 wrote: Inaar I don't want to see Somalis fighting, but somaliland is not in position to trust their brothers from south. War stop deluding yourself. Outside of clan skirmishes, no one is going to see a replay of the civil war and its horrors. Neither Somalia nor SL has the public will for war against kin.
  17. Oodweyne;952693 wrote: This mentally-challenged fool is really disgrace to that historical "sultanate" he currently hold. But since we are free country we must allow him to make a fool of himself on hourly basis, and we in turn must cringe for him when he does his usual foot-in-the-mouth silly argument. Oodweyne, please correct me if I'm wrong but these elders are elected based on merit. If he says this and you disagree, maybe he sees something you don't wakaase maba gaartiinee waaba suldaankiiniyee. XX, don't let Wadani hear you
  18. oba hiloowlow;952721 wrote: +1.. Amxaarka xun ee nacaska ah kulaha we will help if they need it yaa uu sheega Somali waa mid waa ul iyo meyrax mataano weeyoo meel bey kawada timi.. :mad: Midigeey bidixi, ma ka maarantaa...
  19. Doc, nothing good ever comes out of Amxaara. Besides no Somali is going to start a war against another Somali after the civil war. Xaaji, do you still have access to that wikileak cable where the Ethiopian FM was talking about the Somalis in the horn?
  20. Tallaabo;952536 wrote: Yes there was a recently published scientific research linking early death to loneliness among those who are older than 55 years. Very sad indeed. It's more than sad sxb. These old people will tell you "I had a very successful career, I made a lot of money, I reached my goals" but, "my biggest regret is not having kids". Or is they had like one kid, these people are gaalo with no concept of family so that kid rarely visits them maybe once a year at Christmas ama that one child is in another country or dead. Sad indeed.
  21. Safferz;952463 wrote: I wonder if anyone else saw this happen during the Billboard Music Awards tonight: Waan naxay lool LOOOOOOOOL :D This just made my day. Oba, hambalyo the kid is growing yeah. But I still can't imagine kids saying "aabo Oba" to you Alpha, how's the kids and family? I heard you're on the 5th child Saff, you don't want to be one of those sad lonely old people who have no kids coz they chose a career over a family. I've done some volunteering in the neighbourhood and contrary to popular belief, it's not illness that kills these old geezers, oh no, it's LONELINESS! Wallahi waa sad how they'll happily pay bucket loads just to have company for a little while. Sister save yourself and have a FOOTBALL TEAM!
  22. oba hiloowlow;952138 wrote: my 18th may present for landers http://vocaroo.com/i/s0MblO3P7EC0 Was it so hard to do this last time?
  23. An apt description of Somalia's current situation but I have to concur with Ngonge. These are a people that have loyalty only to their sub-clan and that's only at the national level. I'll tell a little story that describes my point. There was a traveler in the vicinity of Wajeer who was on a long journey. He came across a reer with a Wagalla-lot as the head of the family. The man said "Xaaji oon baa i dilayaayee, biya isii!". The old man tuu jeesjeestey whilst putting on mock sympathy claimed that the family had run out of water and were waiting for the girls to bring some back from wartii. The traveler caught up on the act and said "Xaajiyow war baan kuu haayaayee, col baa idiin soo food leh". At this the old man sensed danger heading to his sub-clan and shouted to his wife "Heblaay! Abkeey qareer usoo diyaari!" Abtigiis;952208 wrote: You may call me a pessimist. But in truth, I am neither a pessimist nor an optimist. I am a pragmatist. For me, the glass is neither half-full nor half-empty, it is twice as big as it needs to be. This is excellent