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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. xiinfaniin;957434 wrote: Abtigiis, In defense of Khatumo men regarding their romantic styles or lack thereof, here is a poem by non other than Ali Adan (Ali Dhuh), the poet of poets in his era. Surely there were others better than him Xiin. For why would anyone other than one who's been defeated (gabay-wise) utter these words: Gunbaan ahay ganbo cad baan xidhnahay, iyo gar naagoode Gashaantimaha sidoodoo kalaan, guur u sugayaaye Anigiyo hablaha loo galmoodo, waan gudboonahaye Jeeroon ganboolka iska rido, guudka iga saaran Ogaa.deenka noo soo gabyow, waa gar xaajaduye
  2. Safferz;957458 wrote: We've already established that you have a horrible taste in music, so I am not at all offended by this comment Sorry couldn't resist
  3. ^I'll remember that trick. Might come useful one day.
  4. ^I leave leadership to the leaders and follow wherever I am led, whether to prosperity or doom.
  5. Apophis;957385 wrote: And what did you find on this fact finding mission? Can you share it with us or is it classified? This.
  6. Safferz, that one was rubbish. I don't like rubbish rock songs. Waa ku sidee dee Lily, that one is very relaxing.
  7. Warsamaale, you are probably one of the worst trolls to grace this forum. I know a few people that were killed and they were NOT Mogadishu folks so stop the silliness. OP, I have no clue why they continue doing business in the slums. I guess there's less competition there.
  8. Safferz, this opening might come close to Arthur's (German cartoons have on average better openings than English ones) Kickers I still remember the lyrics :cool: Ob sie weinen oder lachen Es ist ehrlich was immer sie machen. Ob am Boden oder oben Eine bessre Mannschaft gab es nie, Gab es nie! Denn sie sind ja elf Freunde, Die durch dick und dünn gehen Hip Hip Hip Hurra!
  9. Everyday when you're walking down the street, Everybody that you meet... I used to run home to watch Arthur. Those were the days
  10. He's not bad. Just some of his decisions are questionable and some issues could have been handled better. Nonetheless, he still has my support whether or not he agrees with J/land or not.
  11. Chimera, I might have good news. I was just hearing the minister of commerce speaking and he insinuated (I think) that foreign businesses will need to enter in joint ventures. He was talking to Rugta Ganacsiga Soomaaliyeed (Somali Chamber of Commerce). He also said they are currently preparing the necessary laws (investment law etc.).
  12. ^That's because Islam is an individual thing. We don't need to go to priests to be "forgiven" hence the perceived lack of structure. If anything, Islam has a structure but it's a very local one limited to your local mosque in the neighbourhood and the local imam.
  13. Whoever he is, we can conclude from the picture that there's a 95% chance he's bald
  14. Chimera;956996 wrote: Pagemaster? I think that was a film. Nah it was a cartoon. If you're in the UK, it used to be shown on Saturdays before Ant & Dec started hosting that kiddy show early in the mornings.
  15. And now for the best of the best, Dragon Ball (weirdly we used to watch it in German coz we only had a satellite back then, I was approaching fluency inaars )
  16. I used to love Johnny Bravo. To think he was only what 8? lol There used to be this other cartoon that I used to watch in the mornings (around 7am) on the weekends. I can't remember anything from it except I loved it and it had a talking book
  17. Wallahi that hitler giff is bloody hilarious :D
  18. loool inshallah will keep that in mind. I've already been told I'm too ruthless when I want to get something
  19. Hayye, what rock music does one endowed with your maturity listen too Madame Safferz?
  20. Safferz;956732 wrote: I loved Fall Out Boy when I was a teenage girl, my musical tastes have since matured
  21. inaars, I'm applying for a new part-time job. Wish me khayr.