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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. And people complain when I talk about Faroole and equate it with P/land hate. The mad dog needs to be neutralised if this country is to be saved.
  2. Alpha how can you not know what dumaal is? C'mon even I know! That said, I HATE people oo iscuna when you tell them to do something and the serial moaners. They should be shot. And swiftly moving on, it's officially shorts season inaars! :cool:
  3. Haatu


    QansaxMeygaag;958808 wrote: Kkk. I don't know peoples' clans here except the ones who proudly volunteered! QansaxQarasoow, am I included in that group. I hope I gave my ancient name the pride it deserves :D btw, I'm narrowing you down and with the info you volunteered here, I know for a fact you're a sijui but I stuck from there on Safferz, you know I grew up near suuqa xoolaha back home and I go back every now and then when o holiday and spend time in the Wednesday market and I have NEVER noticed these sumads. Inattentive or what, right? lol LD
  4. If I have no taste, then you must be deaf. That's how bad it is
  5. btw b4 I go, I was just checking FB and Alpha your older bro has better style than you sxb lol
  6. Apo, I totally agree. Rome was/is on a complete different level.
  7. ^You've got to be kidding me (in all seriousness). That is a rubbish song.
  8. That house nigga was such a suck up it was unbelievable (I finally finished the movie last night). btw, the latest episode of GoT is epic!
  9. I'm sorry to be rude, but what a sh!t song. My goodness.
  10. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=4358184287857&set=vb.1685251704&type=2&theater lol
  11. Insha Alah khayr. And like Chimera said, make sure you visit.
  12. Alpha Blondy;958586 wrote: that's exactly what i thought. balse, its too bad she's now in love with him. ninka wuu yara waashay ma istiri. That was below the belt, so to speak
  13. Alpha Blondy;958584 wrote: ^ admit it..... you're just a house nigger. lol
  14. Apo, that was veeeery inappropriate sxb. Waa ku sidee :D C&B, add to the list you're boring as well
  15. But it's still nothing compared to their best song: Betty's a bombshell Saff, this is the kind of song you listen to when you get dumped or when you're feeling down. No need to thank me
  16. Take me to your best friend's house...
  17. It's aay=mother aayo=stepmother/aunt perhaps I should've made that clearer earlier
  18. All very dull colours. What happened to the bright, dazzling colours flowers were known for?
  19. Cambuulo iyo bun;958192 wrote: Aayo means habo ee sida ula socdaa :cool: Oh FFS! You illiterate scrap-metal looter trying to lecture me about the Somali language!?! It also means that as well ee sidaa ula soco maandhe :cool:
  20. Tallaabo;958036 wrote: Aayadaa means your stepmother and not your mother . That is a corruption of the Somalis language if indeed Gaarisa uses that word to mean mother:mad: It means both. Who made you the judge of the Somali language you... (I was this close to saying it
  21. the mid.gan folks I would assume since they do claim to have been here first.