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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;959688 wrote: What are people expecting of Hassan? To be the leader and sort the mess: COMPROMISE!
  2. If anything the people of NFD should sue them for making their region an open prison for years on end.
  3. Let's hope Xasan overcomes his belligerence and sorts this mess out.
  4. It was a long campaign and I am cautiously optimistic that the SFG will stand by this warmurtiyeed and do this: Talada keliya oo aan arrintan ku darsanayno, ee dhiman, waxay tahay in Xeer Dastuuri ah oo Baarlamaani ah laga dhigo qodobada uu xambaarsan yahay Go'aankan golaha wasiiradda Soomaaliya ee ku aadan badda Soomaaliya ee soo baxay June 6, 2013, si xukuumad iyo dawlad kasta oo Soomaaliyeed ee mustaqbalka timaada ay halkaas uga ambaqaado, dhaxalkaasi u jiro. Guul insha Allah. Nontheless, guusha anaga ayaa leh.
  5. LIFAAQ: SOMALITALK.COM Bahda somaliTalk.com waxay umadda Soomaaliyeed la qaybsanaayaan sidaan ugu faraxsanahay go'aankaas ka dawladda Soomaaliya, waana go'aankii ugu wanaagsanaa ee ay dawlad Soomaaliyeed qaadatay 22-sano kaddib, waana ugu hambalyaynyaa ummada Soomaaliyeed in ay laga bilaabo maanta haystaan dawlad ayaga (Soomaalida) maatasha, una dhaga nugul shacabka Soomaaliyeed. Waana guul ummadda Soomaaliyeed oo dhan usoo hoyatay. Bahda SomaliTalk.com waxay u mahad celinayaan dhammaan intii ka qayb qaadatay hirgelidda arrintan, usoo jeedey difaaca dalka 22kii sano ee burburka, noocay noqotoba ha noqotee ka qayb qaatay dalka Soomaaliyeed inaan lagu soo xad gudbin xornimadiisa. Qodobkan waa mid lagu diirsaday: Xukuumada Federaaliga ah ee Soomaaliya waxay aqoonsan tahay sharciga qaran ee badaha Law No. 37. ee qeexaya dhererka xadka badda “territorial water” ee gaaraya 200 mayl-badeed iyo continental shelf . Waxay dawlada Soomaaliya ogolaatay xeerka badaha aduunka ee ay wax ka saxiixday 24kii Luuliyo 1989 ayadoo aan ka tanaasulin sharciga qaran. Dunida waxaa dawlad lagu qadariyaa sida shacabkeedu u taageeraa, mar haddii dawladdu ogolaatay wixii shacabku dalbanayey ee la xirira badda Soomaaliya cabbirkeeda, waxaa muhiim ah in shacabkuna taageeraan dawladda si loo gaaro nabad waarta oo camirta dhammaan dhulka Soomaalidu degto, lagana wada shaqeeyo sidii laga bilaabo maanta looga wada shaqayn lahaa. Libaaxyadii Afrika soo rogaal celiye. Dawladdda Soomaaliya waxaa lagu yiqiiney geesiyaal aan gorodda hoos u rogan oo adduunka wax la qaybsada. Sharciga Law no. 37 waxaa la sameeyey asagoo juhdi iyo geesinimo ay u gashay dawladdii Soomaaliyeed ee hore, waxaana farxad leh in dawladdii rasmiga ahayd ee xigtey ee maanta ka jirta Soomaliya ay tooshkii halkii ka sii qaaday, kuna dadaalayso in aan xeerkaas badda Soomaaliya ee dhigaya 200 TERRITORIAL Waters ah laga war wareegin. Talada keliya oo aan arrintan ku darsanayno, ee dhiman, waxay tahay in Xeer Dastuuri ah oo Baarlamaani ah laga dhigo qodobada uu xambaarsan yahay Go'aankan golaha wasiiradda Soomaaliya ee ku aadan badda Soomaaliya ee soo baxay June 6, 2013, si xukuumad iyo dawlad kasta oo Soomaaliyeed ee mustaqbalka timaada ay halkaas uga ambaqaado, dhaxalkaasi u jiro. Guul insha Allah. Faafin: SomaliTalk.com | June 6, 2013 http://somalitalk.com/2011/badda/difaac95.html
  6. Alpha, as part of the efforts to save our language, I kindly request you to start using KKKK instead of LOOOL. As you see, all languages have their own way of signifying laughter online (the Arabs have hhhhhhh, the Japanese wwwww) so us Somalis must do our best to preserve ours and increase the use of Somali online. Thank you.
  7. I saw a fellow waryaa on the bus today. We gave each other the universal Somali nod and as he was coming to sit next to my seat I gave him a dirty look that scared him away to the front of the bus You see I'm not turning into unsocial Xaaji Xunjuf but I was too busy concentrating (I frown when I concentrate) trying to decide if I knew him or not. Wallahi he looked uncannily like a friend of mine it was freaky. In the end he got off early and got another bus lol
  8. warsamaale;959660 wrote: I was responding to Dr kenny, of course its a hate crime and nobody is saying it wasn't. yes foreigners should not move about and must keep a low profile in other peoples countries, anshax ma'aha in duruuqda la iska buuxiyo somali style ma garatay. What kind of coward are you?
  9. I'm in a rotten mood and I have absolutely no idea why. It might be to do with the fact that I couldn't sleep for most of last night because it was soo damn hot (I was still using my winter duvet, time to bring out the summer quilt).
  10. Maaddeey, firstly aftahan ma ihi and I think Wadani summed it up nicely in his last post and I concede my wording was poor. Of course the EDL is to blame but dhibkan oo dhan Ilaahey ka sokoow yaa noo keene? As for SPubs-ka aad soo hadal qaaddey, is it wrong to say I follow the Qur'an and Sunnah upon the understanding of the salaf-us-saalih?
  11. Did he just say I greet you in the name of your ancestors? Reer S'land can keep him.
  12. Wadani;959322 wrote: All of it? Strange. The gaalos are a foregone conclusion. Ilaahay baa waa hore xaaladdooda iyo islaam nacaybkooda inoo caddeeye.
  13. You see the problem those crazy Khawarijs cause for the rest of us? All blame falls on them, not these foolish islamaphobes.
  14. Mad Mullah, I don't even know half those people and have never heard any Somali claim any of them.
  15. Giving free scrap metals to the looters. Baalalkan waa loo baqaa
  16. raula;959093 wrote: ^^^inta kale waan kugu racsanahay (except, how you somalisized countries...kulaha simbaabwe & you do this a lot MMA, like sawaaxili, waa gar daro loooooool taada ) Oo sidee kale baa loo qoraa? Ma ujeedid miyaa in af walba dalalka dunidda ku yaal in ey si gaar ah magacyadooda ugu dhawaaqaan? Tusaale ahaan Isbaanishku () Ingiriiska waxey u yaqaanaan Inglaterra. (I struggled to make this sense, I hope it's rightish )
  17. I just watched S01E12 of Rome and after watching the last GoT the other day I feel thoroughly depressed
  18. Safferz;959003 wrote: I'm not there very long, I'm mostly going to be in Jijiga and small towns in the Somali kilil this trip. Aside from a few meetings and a visit to the university, I'll be a tourist in Addis and the work will begin when I get to Jijiga late next week That sounds dangerous. Count me out of your SOL qaaraan Apo, you just wish you had style mate. However, I think I'm gonna stop wearing chinos. It hasn't been an easy decision but I think it's for the best.
  19. The entertainment. Somalis are exceedingly funny people (e.g. our resident comedian Alpha ).
  20. Haatu


    Qansax, good to see you around sxb. You've been MIA for too long. That said, you are an enigma you know. (I'm gonna need those poems and songs from you if you please. And do you work at Kew Gardens? ) PS: How can your sis-in-law be a sijui and your wife not? I didn't know I had a choice as well
  21. Cambuulo, those ones are much better man SP, sxb you need to stop acting white. WTH were you doing fishing ilaahay baan kugu dhaarshe?
  22. Xaaji Xunjuf;958891 wrote: Djibouti is the best place a Somali country Djibouti is most certainly not neutral when it comes to J/land. Waa ku sidee sxb, you're slacking
  23. Jacaylbaro;958746 wrote: It would be nice if you could quote what you're laughing at si aan kula qosolno Chimera, ignore them sxb. C&B is just bitter because he didn't understand what you meant by luud. Pretty funny tho