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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. warsamaale;963908 wrote: your marked man from now on huuraale. you picked on the wrong person.
  2. C'mon people. Even the independence day?
  3. warsamaale;963764 wrote: who takes the guardian seriously really ? :cool:, only loony leftists Oooh you're a conservative as well yeah?
  4. NGONGE;826120 wrote: This is just WRONG. Mostly orgi food there. Bal tan eega.
  5. A good gesture but I bet most of it will be eaten by the corrupt officers at the top.
  6. warsamaale;963726 wrote: islamists, extremists, fundamentalists they can be called whatever you want but the fruit shall remain the same. violence ad infinitum is the modus operandi Tell me Mr Ebonics, does speaking the dead white man's tongue add to ones intelligence?
  7. Alpha Blondy;963737 wrote: mushkilaada uugu weyne ee maanta ka jirta somaliland waa isfahan laan. *Dhibaatada ugu weyn ee maanta ka jirta Somaliland waa isfahan la'aan.
  8. Thank you Tillaabo. See Alpha that wasn't very hard was it?
  9. It's not preposterous, it's just I don't get it. I get the rest of the civil war apart from that. What on earth did you disagree about? Who'll be the President of that imaginary country of yours? Gimme a break LOOOL :D Btw, what's with the tags. That's really offensive Alpha
  10. Alpha Blondy;963689 wrote: historic picture. Shirkii Borama,1993. Horta why did the Habros fight? It doesn't make sense :confused:
  11. Haatu


    This made me log on for a minute. Do we have a choice when it comes to food? Anisa, I don't cook but I eat whatever I'm cooked and I've been taught to not complain
  12. I just came on here to deny the accusations being lodged my way. Cambuulo, niyow isku xishoo. I never even knew there were tags. Anyways, off to watch Man of Steel. Apo, wallee that place attracts all Somalis, the kids, the wadaads, the sheydaans, the fadhi-ku-dirir lot. I play Football there sometimes. One of my favourite places in town.
  13. Carafaat;963396 wrote: Dowlad suubis iyo Kursi doon ayee ka raacday Siyaasiintii. Mee ka horeesiyaan iney nabad, heshiis iyo isfahan ka dhex abuuran dadka deeganada. Quit politics sxb. It's not your thing
  14. About this majority issue that keeps coming up, have the people that make the claim actually ever been there? What do the locals say?
  15. JB, we now from the troll thread how sleepy and lazy you get after eating 'Waslad Hilib ah' so how will you handle this coffin box known as Xamar?
  16. Coofle;963067 wrote: Abla-ablaynta= classification Sorry I have not been inhere for a while Thanks duqa! You know I read a few pages of the High School Juqgraafi book the other day. It was like in a different language Alpha, mawjaddee la socotaa sxb? :confused:
  17. Rooble is a rather successful shopkeeper in his late 30s in Jinacsani. All his life he has kept out of trouble and followed the sensible path in all affairs. As a result, he's had a rather dull life which be blames for his failure in finding a wife. Whilst in his shop he meets all the different kind of characters that call Jinacsani home. Recently though, Rooble has started to attract a new sort of clientele, the sarkhaan. Although it was a decision which he severely disliked, Rooble recently started selling alcohol with the hope of increasing his meager fortune in the hope of improving his marriage prospects. It was on a sultry evening that he lamented to one of his sarkhaan customers his failure in courtship. Unsurprisingly (Jinacsani being a conservative town, Kaahiye is mostly ostracised) Kaahiye had shared in Rooble's failures in that field. Maalintoo in the shop Kaahiye: Rooble! Rooble! Alleylehe hadda baan helay! Rooble: War maxaa ku daaray? Kaahiye: Sxb, anoo xaley abaaro saqdhexe marqaan iyo biyihii barakaysnaa la duulaya, yacni shimbiraha la socda, ayeey halmar jug igu soo tiri! Rooble: War maxaa jug kugu soo yiri kolley caqligii ma ahee? Kaahiye: War sow ma lasocotid guur la'aanta ina haysato? Rooble: Haa. Kaahiye: Gabdhihii oo dhanna ay na wada diideen? Rooble: Haa. Kaahiye: Dee xalkii ayaa xalay igu soo degay waana hindiso layaab leh. Rooble (amused): Waa kow. Kaahiye: Horta, garka ayaan yara siideysaneynaa si muuqaalkeena isu bedello wadaadanno u ekaanno. Qamiis cadna waan isku taageynaa. Abu Loos iyo Abu Biigeysna waan isku bixinaynaa. Kolkaas taan Sudais autoplay gishanno ayaan masaajidda magaallo Hebla u dhaadhaceynaa. Rooble (asoo yaaban): War sarkhaan masjid gelaayo xaggee lagu arkay? Kaahiye: War waa dhagar un. Masjidka geli maynee, waan hor istaageynaa oo kolkey gabdhaha ina garabmaraan taan hoos fiirinno baan dheheynaa "Can amiirul mu'miniin, abii xafs...". Dhowr berri ayaan saas yeelaynaa waadna arkiyee gabdhaha wadaadada ah si kaaley arag ah ayey inagu soo ordaayaan. Rooble: Jimca waraa jiraa Sabtiyaa ka daran baa la yiri. War waad waalantahee wa inoo mar kale. Kaahiye leaves with his recently purchased bottle and walks in the direction of Harqaanlaha (tailor) to place an order for a qamiis. A week later Duq Warsame who lives in magaallo Hebla enters the shop deep in thought. DW (in a rush): Rooblow, lafahaa? Wey taxanyihiin baan filaya. War inanka Abu Loos ma taqaantaa? Rooble: Si fiican. DW: Nin sidee waaye? Balwad ma leeyahay? Xil ma qaadi karaa? Tii Falxado aheyd ayaan ka kari la'yahaye. Rooble is struck with disbelief. That sarkhaan actually succeeded and is about to get married and here is the successful hardworking Rooble, still single. Waay oo Waay! Rooble (with a sly grin on his face): Xaaji haddaan runta kuu sheego, ninkaas Abu Loos waxaa la yiri tabtuu seexdo ayuu caqliga ugaga kacaa. Xil baad sheegiyee, war shilin kuma halleeyeen. DW: Oo ma sidaas baa. Rooblow inan fariid ah baan kugu ogyahaye warkaada waan tix gelin. Waa inoo mar kale. A few days later Kaahiye enters the shop in a drunken rage DHammaad.
  18. Before you do anything drastic, just remember it's the kid that has to live with the name and not you. Name the kid some random white name and his Somali friends will take the piss and everyone back home. Name him a really strange Somali name, those white folks will constantly ask "how do you pronounce that". Give him an Arabic name and he/she just becomes another cliche. Go safe and go for Deeqow. I've always liked that name. If not, then Dalmar which means traveler is just as good.
  19. Xasan Sh's lot don't want federalism. I've come to this conclusion after looking at events closely and watching a programme on federalism the other day which is very unfortunate as there will be no stable, united Somalia without federalism. With that said, some of the pro-federalism clique themselves need a reality check and need to learn the difference between federalism and confederacy.
  20. How do you get quality, non-expired medication there?
  21. How are the Faroole elections coming along?