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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Kudos to her and I agree 100%. Intii caqli lahayd oo wax baratey Soomaaliweyn bey la dhacsan yihiin. It's a shame many people aren't like that though.
  2. Blackflash;964465 wrote: When will the design and engineering of these projects become endemic? These developments are taking place in Saudi Arabia, the U.A.E, Kuwait and Qatar, all of whom are the worst performing countries at the International Mathematics Olympiad as well as in TIMSS/PISA testing for science and math. I know this isn't new issue and they've been discussed before, but it seems as if nothing is being done to rectify it. Even KAUST, which was highly-touted as bringing R & D to the middle east, relies almost solely on foreigners, many of whom would never consider Saudi Arabia their permanent home. They are doing a LOT to improve the education of their people. For instance, in Saudi the government encourages its citizens to learn English (why do you think their's such a demand for English teachers), pays for scholarships abroad for its brightest students, investing in Technology cities etc.
  3. You know this reminds me of something I heard the other day. Apparently there's a gay Somali MP. How could this be?
  4. Happy independence day folks. Alpha, that flag of yours didn't exist back then, the blue one did and was raised first in Hargeysa on that night 53 years ago.
  5. Wadani;964341 wrote: Ninkii garanayaa waa garanayaa doqonna loo sheegi maayo. Ishaad ka ridey. Tallaabo, Soomaalinimada wax lagu naco miyey leedahey?
  6. This guy waa seriously pathetic and a big loser who has no morals to stand on. And just saying oh laba qabiil un baa madaxtinimo loo oggol yahey doesn't cut it. If you really believe in something obstacles and set backs don't stop you but you work to overcome them. He's just a power-hungry fool. I'm so pis*sed I fell for his Hiil Qaran crap. Hambada ha ku margado the bloody ehlu naar lot!
  7. Xasan made a school boy error. You can't neglect the wishes of a large section of the country and still want to succeed as the President.
  8. warsamaale;964295 wrote: carafaat you know your just outing yourself as a big pervert on these boards. niyow isu xishood, am sure your mother feed you milk from hers as a baby. waa maxay mashruucaani. You really don't know Carafaat do you? The guy was asking for directions to a brothel last time As for these protests, how can one provoke them?
  9. GAROODI;964049 wrote: Are the people of Djibouti somali or Djiboutian ??? Somali is an ethicity not a nationality there are ethiopian and kenyan somalis i am ethnically a somali from SOMALILAND i.e Somalilander. You are ethnically somali from Somalia i am assuming I.e Somalian. There's no such thing as Somalian. Citizens in Somalia are simply Somalis.
  10. Warsamaale, I don't do chest-beating sxb. Btw folks, I've been lying about my clan. I'm unfortunately from the so-called 'Looma-ooyaan'.
  11. gooni;964023 wrote: Odaygu fedaraalku wuxuu ku tilmaamay wax aan shacabka u cuntamayn,hadana wuxuu carabka ku dhuftay in aan reerkii horey noo bara kiciyay aan afka loo gelin mar kale oo lakala asturnaado, madaxweynahana wuxuu ku amaanay siyaasadda arimaha dibadda,wuxuuna hadana ku dhaliilay in doontii barre hiraale keentay ay ayagu soo saareen faroole wuxuu ku tilmaamay inuusan tol jacayl u dhididayn oo ratigiisa uu saynta haysto si loogu naanayso (guri oode iyo jubba land dhise) doorashada soo socota ee puntland,,,waa ruug cadaa 89'tan jira wax khalal faniyana maskaxdiisa kuma jirto maashaa allah, allaha u siyaadiyo. He simply told it like it is.
  12. Xaaji, you've just officially ruined the joke now. Waxaas oo kale faan ma'aha waa foolxumo.
  13. A few things we need to understand here: - Although MMA was wrong in the manner he did it, I believe he was touching upon this: They are a nomadic warrior clan so I have no qualms in them being incorporated into the Somali fold . This implies they aren't "originally" Somali which is obviously wrong. However, I don't think this is what Wadani meant but a poor choice of words. - Despite the unfortunate way he brought it across, MMA is mainly right. Unfortunately in this day and age there still are a few Somalis who deny their Somali heritage, although I'm not implying Wadani is one of them, waa arrin meesha ku jirta. - There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a farmer. In fact compared to nomadism it's a much better way of living but that's a debate for another day. - And lastly, no Somali is gun and no Somali is Gob (except Abraahiim )
  14. Well what's your problem then? The people are gonna continue suffering whether or not we celebrate the independence day so why not? Besides, it's good for national unity and the days Somalis finally achieved their freedom.
  15. MMA, wow I had no idea. Thanks man. Wadani, there you go. Raggaas waa boqorraddii Soomaalida
  16. Haatu

    Ha I Salaamin

    Alpha, sixir exists. What are you on about? UD, it happened to people I know. Scary ish.
  17. Wadani, it doesn't matter what they speak, they're still Somali. The are a sub-tribe of a much larger ethnic group known as the Somali. The Somali live scattered across the northeastern portion of Africa, commonly called the "Horn of Africa," and the Middle East. Those living in Kenya are concentrated mainly in the Wajiir and Mandera districts. The, like other Somali, are typically tall and slender with long, oval faces and straight noses. They vary in skin color from jet black to light brown. The members of a clan are very loyal to each other, spreading out to ensure that there is enough land and water for all of their herds. The smallest unit of their society is the family. As a whole, the Somali are one of the most homogenous people groups in Africa, adhering to a single faith (Islam), language (Somali), and cultural heritage. However, sub-tribes such as the are treated as a separate people group due to clan conflicts and language distinctions. Their native language is called. http://www.joshuaproject.net/people-profile.php?peo3=11827 On another note, has anyone ever heard of " garac ma leh"? I read it somewhere once
  18. nuune;962545 wrote: ^^ imoow Nairobi, we had a conference xalay with about 10 SOL oldies including Moti, AT&T, JB and the rest not to be named as they are Xildhibaano in both Somalia & Kenya government. Oh snap. Stoic, I always get the feeling when I go back.
  19. How can we guarantee the Monument will be safe if it's erected?
  20. Warsamaale, at least that's an improvement from being mistaken for a female