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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Xaaji Xunjuf;969763 wrote: Lol English Gartay but why Turkish. These Koonfurians are something else ma istiri Xaaji. They put the rest of us Somalis to shame.
  2. You accuse me of political point scoring and we're in Ramadlaan? Congratulations anyway. All that's left is breed a football team ma istiri?
  3. Figure of speech mate, figure of speech.
  4. Alpha Blondy;969778 wrote: abti, you've portrayed me as a Bradley Manning of sorts. this is NOT wikileaks, ma garatay. keep it on the hush because we don't want Guddida Wanaag Farista iyo Xuman Reebista to arrest Alz, now, do we?. Somaha, dee? lol well you have just proven to the gallery the weak foundations some people's propaganda and dare I say it 'nationhood' rests on so you can expect late night visitors soon, abti
  5. Nin-Yaaban;969754 wrote: Now i see why you got banned. I'm afraid he's not. But to confirm in the future, just check the Banned thread in the politics section.
  6. Hambalyo. PS: Thank you for exposing to the world the delusions of Xaaji Xunjuf and his likes.
  7. There is no need to make the guurti an elected body. Ignore gaalka and his misguided ways. Somalis have their own way of electing traditional elders and that is how they should be elected. Carafaat;969729 wrote: There is a dire needs for regional/provincial Councils of Elders that are real representatives of the respective local communities. Consisting of the mayors and heads of villafes in each Province. So an Awdal, Maroodi Jeex, Sanaag, Saaxil, Sool, etc Provincial Councils or Guurtis. And these Regional bodies should select their representetives to the National Guurti. Agree.
  8. Alpha Blondy;969622 wrote: slowly starting to accept the notion that foox does nothing against mosquitoes. :mad: Would you believe it that I suffer from mosquitoes here in my living room in merry old London! lol it must be the lakes near where I live the bloody things are annoying although not as many as those in Africa. Anyways, why does Hargaysa have mosquitoes? Don't they need a wet environment to breed?
  9. gooni;969604 wrote: Calaa kuli xaal carab la noolow waa cadho la noolow,caddaan la noolowna waa cadaw la noolow This is a nice way of putting it.
  10. Alpha Blondy;969500 wrote: naga daa being a joy-killer. it's jeudi soir, inaar. excitement is few and far in between here. marka layab malaha, ma garatay? I suppose, its similar to being a CELTA accredited English teacher in Saudi Arabia , somaha dee? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL looooooooooooool :D KKKK
  11. Xaaji Xunjuf;969444 wrote: Garoodi adiguna u need to slow down on generalizing entire communities you are missing the entire point yes aw jamac and his version is far from the truth. The Dervish movement did not care about clan their objective was not achieving clan interest but an Islamic dervish state in the horn. The dervish attacked every clan they saw it was either join them or be attacked so the Garaad clan is no exception they did the same with the maakhir clan the burco clans the hawd clans and so on. You are not trying to correct historic mistakes made by other authors u are just trying to alienate other communities which is wrong and to down play their role in the movement. This might be the first respectable post you've made on SOL after 23,360 posts
  12. Cambuulo, 3.15 am-9.15 pm Alpha, I'm currently saving up for uni sxb. I might visit in a year or so IA.
  13. Alpha Blondy;969441 wrote: y'all are the ONLY ones in the 'wildness' of the Somali community. let's hope y'all die due thirst, cos we're all eating BIG TIME, ma garatay? balse, haters gonna hate. Acuudubillah Oh yeah? Haven't you heard of the rise of the Big Foot sxb?
  14. ^You just called the sayid a fulay and said nothing about the "Top Landers" in the movement. That in itself is the reason no one takes your crap seriously. And no one hero worships the sayid. All Somalis respect him for fighting for his land.
  15. Xaaji Xunjuf;969436 wrote: I understand the point clearly but i dont see anything wrong with that although his job as an MP is to represent his people and their direct needs but if he tried to help his president and he is loyal and that is what matters when u want to win a presidency u need to have a strong back ground and this guy was that so i dont see anything wrong with that. Haatu African Politics is different than that of Europe and the American congress. You see Xaaji I'm not like you. I don't support any politician because he's a relative or the same clan and I will call them up on their shortcomings. nuune, is that so? And what do you have against Uncle Ducaale oon ka aheen cuqdad iyo nacayb?
  16. Wadani;969420 wrote: looool, Mad Mullah walaal, u clearly haven't read this through this thread. Yes, SNMers were in the camel corp. But so were D-blockers, what's your point? And as for SNM painting the Mullah as a criminal, you'd be surprised how much of D-block viewed him before the Kacaan revisions took hold among them. Read some of the poetry of Cali Dhuux and Qamaan Bulxan to get an idea, as these two were his contemporaries. I can confirm this. Many of his own clan (OGs) fought against him at the time. We have to be fair folks. As for a change in attitude, that I don't know.
  17. Xaaji Xunjuf;969426 wrote: He is a proud Somali Kenyan what he said might be inappropriate but still he is a Proud Kenyan and that is what matters Adna markii geela loo heesa goroyo baad u heestaa (or something like that). You've completely missed the whole point Xaaji.
  18. Cam, what time is your afur over there? Back home is just 11 hrs.
  19. Safferz (somewhere in Hawd). Cambuulo (Xamar Cadey). Alpha & SP (Hargeysa). Apophis (somewhere in KSA). Haatu (still stuck in London) lol
  20. Wadani;969416 wrote: What we're saying is the history of the Daraawiish has been used to lionize certain Somali clans and alienate and stigmatize others, even though there is no evidence to back these claims up, except waxay afar oday oo isku haby ahi jeebabkooda kala soo baxeen. Then why not make your point quietly and educate the people (I doubt anyone really needs educating on this) without all this bruhaha and clan vitriol? Mise you blame the actions of a dictator and those on his payroll on a whole clan? Mad Mullah has a point as well. Laba meel baad kasoo hadleysiin. Marka hore mowqifkiina ku aadan Daraawiishta kasoo heshiiya then come back to us.
  21. Mad Mullah, far from it. Wadani, you see that's the whole point of this thread. Uncle Ducaale was never the brightest bulb in Garissa and this thread just proves it lol
  22. Mad_Mullah;969405 wrote: I don't get what's going on, are you saying that the majority of followers of the Mad Mullah were from the Is--aaq? I'm still confused as to what Gaaroodi and his SNM brothers' point is. Are they saying the Daraawiish was not a clan movement but a national movement (even though everyone knows this) or are they saying Idaajaa & Co. left out doorkii SNMka in the movement?
  23. Wadani & Co., please stay on topic. This thread is for highlighting the achievements of Uncle Ducaale. (PS: What do you mean bahdil? Isn't that their land and country and have a right to be included? Mise they should all grow dreadlocks, wield AKs and do exotic dances in the bush lol )
  24. Oh, and about those silly romours you here that he won the recently elections unfairly, lies, all lies. It was through cunning and sheer amazingness that Uncle Ducaale managed to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat, not cheating.
  25. Uncle Ducaale has done so well for himself, so much so that even the President gives him a personal good night on top of being the Majority Leader. He must be so proud of his achievements. *Clap* *Clap* *Clap* What about his constituents I hear you say? Oh don't worry about them. Uncle Ducaale is far to busy to see to their needs but he's told the Big President to look after them on his behalf. I'm sure they'll be fine.