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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Easy there fellas, easy. I'm sure the desert is overflowing with all kinds of fruits and exotic harvests but he should have at least given the food to the poor and needy if he's too haughty to accept it.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;972962 wrote: Haatu does that mean u support that Mogadishu has no claim over Somaliland. The Mogadishu government is sadly just that, a Mogadishu Government. Is SNM/Somaliland want independence, I say go idinka iyo Ilaaheygiin but don't claim other clan's territory as part of your clan project. I genuinely wouldn't like it and would advice you lot to stay as you are until a proper Somali government comes and then make a deal with them as I don't believe Independence will solve anything but if you guys seriously believe that is the best way forward then goodbye and good luck, but just stick to your lands.
  3. Wait a minute. So Culusow actually sent food to the desert and the desert-dwellers sent it back? Talk about shooting yourself in the foot! If this is even true of course
  4. Xaaji Xunjuf;972958 wrote: You forget and if USC can have Mogadishu SPM/ONLF can have kismayo Now we understand each other. If everybody wants to go back to their clan fiefdoms, so be it but no one has a right to claim what's not theirs.
  5. So what are the ranks? Same as the old Somali Republic ones? PS: Why was your Suldaan unhappy with this? I heard him briefly complain about this yesterday.
  6. If SNM can have Somaliland and SSDF can have Puntland then it's only fair for SSC to have Khaatumo.
  7. GAROODI;972891 wrote: I have to agree with these guys. Recognition is not bad but in reality what do we need it for. We have the largest standing somali army. We control our borders, air and sea. We are developing at a good rate, developed our own system of governance and live under our flag in peace. We have good relations with the world and our naibours except Somalia. We trade with world and the world trades with us. We have our own development aid given to us directly. Recognition or the persuit of it keeps us unified to achieve an objective but we are a state in every aspect we know that, Somalia knows that and the pirates know that. Lets continue to develop our army, keep expanding east. Get the oil develop our industries, cities and army. Lets create a buffer zone inside Somalia and if worst comes to worst when we are good and ready We can colonise Somalia itself if we want. Who will stop us burundi???? Recognition will limit us: we would have to respect Somalia territory. We might need more land in the future. Without recognition the world will say nothing. We need more living space and bargaining chips. I wouldn't mind this.
  8. Some of these are indeed beautiful but I wouldn't call them inspiring.
  9. Nin-Yaaban;972799 wrote: Keligiis Taliye = Dictatorship. Sorry Haatu. Adiga Somali cusub aaba inoo keentayba. Annaga yaab aragnay. Sxb I know this but I said (my opinion) that I think the other one is a better substitute. However, Af Soomaali waa Af hodon ah. There are many words for the same thing. But the point of this thread is finding the words that no one uses, not just new concepts. Search garabkutaagle here: http://www.afmaal.com/dictionary/ PS: I'm losing my patience with having to explain every damn word to you Nin Yaabanow. Waadba iga yaabisay
  10. Cambuulo iyo bun;972792 wrote: Good move by hassan dialogue and reconcilliation is the way. I agree. Whether you like him or not, he's going to be Somalia's leader for the foreseeable future. The best that can be done is to work with him.
  11. *Ibtisam;972791 wrote: The amazing thing is that form these pictures I found out there is a working and kitted fire department! Such an arrogant and belittling post! (I know that's not what you meant but it could very easily be twisted that way ) PS: troll get a life.
  12. Garabkutaagle= dictatorship, despotism, ordering others around on the basis of someone else’s authority I think it's a much better substitute that keligiitaliye. Showqi, yep.
  13. Tallaabo;972564 wrote: This thread is so useless!! Where did the decency of SOLers gone nowadays?:mad: Don't you guys realise that the whole bloody Somalis can be squeezed in one town? Everywhere you go in the Somali peninsula, you only see few maryoolay and vast empty spaces. What is the use of all that land if we are still risking limb and life trekking the deserts of North African and Arabia to go to another man's piece of land for our daily bread? Somalis have no shortage of land and resources but I am afraid there is dearth of brains and intelligence within our community. Thank you. These people are fools.
  14. ^^You're right but they both denote something personal which was my point.
  15. Yes yes and yes. I found a fitting muxaadaro:
  16. MoonLight1;972342 wrote: xaajiga seedigii buu la rabaa bahasha ee wax fahan. I'm with the Xaaji on this
  17. Unbelievable. The word minority has been given a whole new meaning today. And desert.
  18. Cambuulo iyo bun;972436 wrote: Haatu are you turjuumaan inaar No inaar PS: I'm reer Gaarisa.
  19. ^^That's one of the original meanings. You have to remember iskahadal being autobiography is the result of eraybixin as it did not originally exist in the Somali language. The word iska can have a few meanings from what I understand. The one you mentioned yacni iska hadal and one denoting something personal e.g. iska-wax-uqabso self help and iskahadal autobio. yacni adaa iska hadlaysaa.
  20. Who says toman? Wallee these konfurians are playing with the language. Bloody cambuulo eaters
  21. What I want to ask you lot is, dadkii hore yaa dibadda ka biili jiray oo caruurtooda u korin jiray?
  22. Classified;972281 wrote: The sharmuto drinks her Isbarmuuto If you want to troll, go elsewhere. One, the first word is not a rare word and is actually offensive, against the rules of the site. The second word I don't think is even Somali. Now get lost, you've had your 2 minutes in the limelight.
  23. The problem with Somalis is that if they can't understand something they think it must be wrong. As I said earlier, most of these words I got from reading old Somali books that were printed in the 70s and 80s. The two particular words which caused some confusion qofkahadal and iskahadal are legit words with the meanings that I have stated. I got them from this book 'Habqoraalka Sheekada Gaaban': http://webapp1.dlib.indiana.edu/metsnav/general/navigate.do?oid=VAA3479&pn=10&size=screen If you want to double check, use this onlice dictionary (although it's not exhaustive as it doesn't have some words eg. iskahadal): http://www.afmaal.com/dictionary/ Allow nimaan wax ogayn ha cadaabin.