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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Hobbesian_Brute;973700 wrote: Here is the MB motto " Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur’an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope .” My question is why are they and their supporters whining, they got what they wanted right ?? The Muslim Brotherhood are a misguided lot. Do you know what the scholars call them? Ikhwaanul Muflisiin (Bankrupt Brotherhood)
  2. kickz;973690 wrote: The Messenger of Allah (SAW) told us that the greatest of the shuhada is the one who speaks a truthful word to a tyrant and is killed for it. But the ones who lack any ilm and fiqh would say, "Had he not said those words, he wouldn't have been killed." [/size] Yeah that's to the face of the tyrant, not screaming your lungs off in Tahrir square and getting shot by a sniper which is just sheer folly.
  3. MSF provide basic medical help where it's needed, not expired cheap food. They will be missed by the poor who rely on them for their healthcare.
  4. Wish you all the best but I can already see clan tensions as a result of this if it isn't done properly.
  5. Please don't post images like that. Subhanallah. People in Masar should take the advice of the Prophet and stay in their homes in times of fitnah and defend themselves there.
  6. ^That was just a troll post from my point sxb. Was having a long day and needed an outlet. Just ignore it
  7. Hobbesian_Brute;973392 "Slavery is a part of Islam... Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam... [Those who argue that slavery has been abolished are wrote: ignorant, not scholars. They are merely writers. Whoever says such things is an infidel." Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, member of Senior Council of Clerics, Saudi Arabia's highest religious body (2003) Here is what the scholar said in full for those who are interested in the unedited copy & paste version: 1. Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan Sayyid Qutb said concerning slavery, "And concerning the slaves, that was when slavery was a world-wide structure and which was conducted amongst the Muslims and their enemies in the form of enslaving of prisoners of war. And it was necessary for Islam to adopt a similar line of practise until the world devised a new code of practise, other than enslavement." [in ‘az-Zilal’, Surah Tawbah (3/1669), found also in tafsir of Surah Baqarah (/230), tafsir of Surah Mu’minoon (4/2455), tafsir of Surah Muhammad (6/3285)] Questioner: "O respected Shaikh, one of the contemporary writers is of the view that this religion, at its inception, was compelled to accept the institution of slavery of the days of ignorance." Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan: "I seek refuge in Allaah" Questioner: [Completing his question] "However, he has come from the angle that the doors to the various expiations and other matters which involve the liberation of slaves should be opened (i.e. that these affairs should be encouraged) gradually, until slavery finally ends. And following on from this, that the intent of the Legislator is to gradually end this institution of slavery. So what is your view on this?" Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan: "These are words of falsehood (baatil) – and refuge is from Allaah – despite the fact that many of the writers and thinkers – and we do not say scholars - repeat these words. Rather we say that they are thinkers (mufakkireen), just as they call them. And it is unfortunate, that they also call them ‘Du’at’ (callers). And this (type of statement) is found in the tafsir of Sayyid Qutb in Dhilaal ul-Qura’aan. He says, "Islaam does not affirm slavery, but it only allowed it to remain out of fear that the people may turn to despotism, that they may disapprove of it’s abolition since they had been accustomed to it. Hence Islaam has allowed it to continue out of courtesy to the people" Meaning, as if Allaah was being courteous to the people, and then he alluded to its gradual removal until it is completely finished. These words are falsehood and (constitute) deviation (ilhaad) – and refuge is from Allaah. This is deviation and a false accusation against Islaam. And if it had not been for the excuse of ignorance [because] we excuse them on account of (their) ignorance, so we do not say that they are Unbelievers because they are ignorant and are blind followers who have merely quoted this saying without reflecting upon it, hence we excuse them on account of ignorance. Otherwise, these statements are very dangerous and if a person said them deliberately he would become apostate and leave Islaam. However, we say that they are ignorant people because they are but literary writers who have not learnt the knowledge. So they found this statement and rejoiced on account of it and then refuted the Unbelievers by it. Since the Unbelievers say that Islaam empowers some people (over others) and that it enslaves the people and that it… and that it… So they intended to refute them with this ignorance. And when the ignoramus refutes the enemy then he only increases the enemy in evil and hence the enemy holds more tightly to his falsehood. Refutation occurs by way of knowledge. It does no occur by way of sentiments or by ignorance. Rather it occurs by knowledge and evidence. Otherwise, it is obligatory for a person to remain quiet and not to speak in dangerous matters about which he has no knowledge. So these words are falsehood and whoever says them deliberately then he is an Unbeliever. As for the one who says them out of ignorance or due to blind following (of others), then he is to be excused due to his ignorance. And ignorance is a killing catastrophe – and refuge is from Allaah. Islaam has affirmed slavery and slavery is ancient and existed prior to Islaam and was present in the revealed religions prior to it. And it will continue so long as Jihaad in the path of Allaah exists." Source: Cassette Recording dated 4/8/1416 and subsequently verified by the Shaikh himself with a few minor alterations to the wording.
  8. Sxb, he has the support of the majority of the people who settle there. Saddex qoys iyo dameerkooda oo gadoodsan will NOT stop this project.
  9. No one will rule Kismaayo without the permission of Afmadoow. Sad but a reality on the ground. If Xasan believes otherwise, then good luck to him. Until he gets this, he stay in his naughty corner in Villa Somalia.
  10. Cambuulo iyo bun;973418 wrote: Haatu Loooool loool Balaayo uus weyn
  11. Hobbesian, please source your quote from Sh Saleh Al Fowzaan. I would like to read it.
  12. This also pisses me off.
  13. Man the place looks desolate. It's amazing how anyone can survive there.
  14. The regions should be based on the sub-clan level where possible and the clan level if it's a small clan. They should each have their own local assemblies and should have a degree of power.
  15. The desert shall turn green once again Insha Allah :cool:
  16. Ururka (HRRO) oo Soo Bandhigay Dhir aad u Fara Badan “SAWIRRO” Published on August 12, 2013 by Cilmi Waare · No Comments · 2,869 views Ururka homboboro Relief & Rehabilitation organization (HRRO) ayaa magaalada Gaalkacyo ku soo bandhigay dhir aad u fara badan oo isugu jirto qaybo kala duwan, taasoo loogu tala galay inay bulshada ka faa’iidaystaan. Mashruucaan dhirta lagu soo bandhigay laguna qeybinayay ayaa lagu magacaabaa Sahan-saha Project, waana wajigii ugu horeeyay oo dhir qeybin sidaan oo kale oo looga fuliyo Gaalkacyo. Homboboro waxaa ay dhirtaasi ku wareejisay ururka wadaniga ah ee Halgan oo ka dhisan deegaanka Garacad oo hoostagta degmada Jariiban ee gobolka Mudug. Munaasabaddii dhirtan lagu wareejinayay waxaa ka soo qeyb galay Isu-duwaha wasaaradda deegaanka iyo duurjoogta,gudoomiyaha gobolka Mudug, mas’uuliyiintaasi oo ammaanay barnaamijkani kuna tilmaamay mid u fiican deegaanka. Barnaamijka Sahan-saha waxaa maalgalisa wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Finland oo dhaqaalaha soo marsiisa daladda ururada Salida Finland (Finish Somali Network), waxaana fuliyay Homboboro oo kaashanaysa ururka Puntland Community Ry ee Finland. Barnaamijka Sahan ayaa ka socda degmooyinka Gaalkacyo,cadaado iyo Buuhoodle, waxaana la qorshaynayaa in dhireyn baaxad leh laga sameeyo deegaanadaasi. Mashruucaan ayaa sanadkiiba soo saaraya dhir gaareysa 30, 000 (sodon kun) oo geed. Degmada Jariiban ayaa qaadatay 1500 oo geed, waxaana la doonayaa in deegaankaasi lagu beero, iyadoo la gaarsiinayo illaa xeebta ku teedsan degmada Jariiban. Dhamaan mas’uuliyiintii ka hadlay mashruucan ayaa ka hadlay faa’iidada mashruucani uu ugu fadhiyo dalka iyo dadka. Pictures ans source: http://radiomuqdisho.net/ururka-hrro-oo-soo-bandhigay-dhir-aad-u-fara-badan/
  17. Mashallah. Sidaas kusii wada. Xiin, don't let you opposition take you far sxb. Al Shabaab being defeated is a good thing, whether in Xuddur or elsewhere.
  18. Classified;973268 wrote: I heard this particular incident is the reason Siilaanyo left the Somali government and joined the SNM rebels in 1982. He wanted so badly to be the delegation to take part of Anwar Sadat's burial and tacsi, because apparently he has blood ties with the arabs (Duriyada Reer Shiekh Isxaaq Arab bay sheegtan). For Siilaanyo, being denied his request was an insult. Anwar Sadat was buried without the presence of any Hargeisawi, Buraowi, or Berberawi. lol And you think you're funny for posting this rubbish? Maybe he joined the SNM, I don't know, because he was against the mass killings being perpetrated against his kinsmen. Maybe he could no longer just sit there and watch innocent children, mothers and the elderly being mercilessly butchered by a madman?
  19. Tallaabo;973185 wrote: Like the Somali bus drivers in London;) All you need to get a free pass is stand next to them and chat with them loudly in Somali about any useless topic that comes to mind until you get off at your stop. lol how many times have I lost my oyster card and gotten free rides The best is markaad adi iyo hooyo buska u ordaysaan. They'll wait for the hooyo to catch up to the annoyance of shisheeyaha OP, Soomaalinimo is being able to have a conversation with people you can actually relate to down on a level which you can't get with other people.
  20. This is a funny song lol. Much better than the pseudo-singers of today The guy looks uncannily like a friend of mine though.
  21. Safferz, a lot of members were waiting for your take on the region. You see the only other choices are ONLF and Woyanne propaganda.
  22. Alpha, it it meant to rain this part of the year or is Climate Change at play here? Does it rain in the Xagaa season?
  23. This Gaaroodi fella seems to be confusing control of areas by the Somaliland administration and areas where the different clans live. He keeps repeating Somaliland controls this, Somaliland controls that which is besides the point as some locals of SSC do seem t be in bed with the S/land administration. Let me explain it to him briefly, Somaliland controlling an area =/= SNM live there. As you were.