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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Such a beautiful lecture. As the Sheikh said, all of mankind, whether Muslim or non-Muslim strive for a happy life, but many get deceived into thinking amassing the wealth of this life is the source of true happiness when it's just a fleeting delusion.
  2. ^^^Where's Gaaroodi when you need him? It seems D ism and revisionism has been around for a long time :D That said, they educated the white man very well
  3. Faroole is easy to please. Just sign power and resource sharing agreements with him and make them law and he's happy.
  4. Here's another mad dog barking away. These fools need to be tranquilised.
  5. And then you'll hear ignoramuses say "Dad NFD iyo kililka 5aad ka yimi baa Kismaayo gumaysanayaa" when in fact those same folks were the ones to win it in the first place.
  6. Carafaat you need to come with something clear. That article doesn't say he opposes it, just dismisses it. Besides, who even cares about what Faroole thinks? He can bark like a mad dog in Garoowe all day if he likes.
  7. Miyir;975359 wrote: Boqorkii talo ayaa ku ceegaagtay = more like confused or can't make up his mind or overwhelmed ^Overwhelmed with ideas. That's it! I struggled a bit with translating it to English. Suldaanka, that makes no sense to me whatsoever.
  8. Hobbesian_Brute;975092 wrote: Who builds the toilets, houses, makes furniture, metal smithing back home, its minorities like bantus, oromos, and RRA folks. somalis don't do any manual work, all they do is talk. that is why they have xiito xiito thread like arms coz they don't exercise them. They don't even wash clothes back home. They pay the madow from the neighboring village to do it.
  9. Gaaroodi, really? Having a maid from a certain background is now bragging rights?
  10. Can they expand this to the rest of Lower Jubba as well? A lot of people baa mar dhow Galguduud lagu celin :D j/k
  11. Hobbesian_Brute;975177 wrote: I'm not following you here, explain bal. Haatu, why have we not seen muslims acting on these wonderful saying then ?? show us even one instance, its easy to point to few anodyne texts in islam and say look this is what the religion orders, but real world application and history disproves this. Let me explain first. In Islam, the scholars are united on the core of the religion, the creed.There's no difference when it comes to tawhiid, pillars of Islam, pillars of eemaan and so on. However, when it comes to fiqh, there is differences of opinion due to different interpretations of the sources (Qur'an and Sunnah). Examples are how many takbiirs in the funeral prayer, should one cross his hands on his chest after rising from ruku' etc. The scholars differ on many of these issues due to us being humans and understanding things differently. Now this doesn't necessarily mean one opinion is right and the others are wrong, no. It could be the case that the prophet did all of them from time to time or he did one regularly and did the other every now and then. Or it could just be one opinion is wrong and the other is right. However, no one is in a position (unless the other opinion rests on shaky proofs i.e. weak hadeeths) to say with absolute certainty this is right and this is wrong. So the issue arises, what opinion does the lay man who lacks fiqh knowledge follow? Even on this the scholars differ. Some say he follows the easiest option, some say he follows the hardest option, some say he follows the opinion of his scholar and so on and so forth. As for this: Haatu, why have we not seen muslims acting on these wonderful saying then ?? show us even one instance, its easy to point to few anodyne texts in islam and say look this is what the religion orders, but real world application and history disproves this. Firstly we are talking about rules, not what the majority does. In Islam a person is not supposed to blindly follow the majority but they should follow the truth. Secondly, it is my belief that if were Muslims were to learn their religion and follow its principles properly, then all the problems we face today would not be there.
  12. I forgot to add, agreeable can mean anything. HAG even managed to get an agreeable Gedoan in the form of Saacid so anything is possible
  13. Cambuulo, maybe you misunderstand Zack. His position is simple, the governors will have to be people 'agreeable' to him.
  14. ^Imagine building a palace on that rock. It would be a tourist magnet and very idyllic.
  15. ^^Ibti be that as it may, it doesn't take a genius to realise many Somalis are failing particularly boys. The picture isn't as rosy as you make it out to be although it is improving.
  16. Coofle;975216 wrote: Arbe =Maroodiga lab ///Some places arbe means a theif. Qalanjoy = Maroodiga dhaddig This makes sense know. In the dictionary it defines it also as a man who is physically strong whereas the authour uses it to mean the hero. I think in the distant past it just used to mean a bull elephant then somewhere along the way people started using it for physically strong men. Then post-72 literarians started to use it to mean 'hero'. Who knows. Coofle;975216 wrote: ereyada aan badiyaa la adeegsan laakiin aadka ii soo jiita waxa ka mid ah Guud-mar, Qumaatiga u kaca, yagleelid, riyo-ka-dhalis (layla koodalay) , What do these mean? Also what does doc ka yeer mean?
  17. ^^Alpha from the video I was shocked at how easily angered and violent some of them were
  18. Abbaas;975151 wrote: Haatu, some of these words would have surly revived back to life if our Afsoomali speaking governments considered it as an important language (first class). The problem is that the Afsoomaali of today is only ' ifaham nooh ' I know what you mean. Despite its many faults at least dawladdii kacaanka put a lot of effort into developing the language but the leaders of today fall short big time in the section. The President can barely give a decent speech in Somali forget about them developing or even preserving it.
  19. Ceegaag= to be filled up to the rim. e.g. "Boqorkii talo ayaa ku ceegaagtay" The king was filled with ideas.
  20. Heense= horse’s saddle and bridle e.g. "Fardo heensaysan" saddled and bridled horses.
  21. Sunsun=slow walking e.g. 'Askarta sumsumaya' the soldiers walking slowly.
  22. Not a single student loool A whole nation of waxmagarato