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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Abbaas, Faallo IS comment in the sense we're talking about. Scroll down to the bottom of this website and see for yourself. I'm sure the others can also confirm: http://sabahionline.com/so/articles/hoa/articles/features/2013/08/27/feature-02?change_locale=true
  2. Can anybody help us by translating the following words: update avatar dismiss attach post settings will add more as I come across them. Mahadsanidiin.
  3. Mad_Mullah;976132 wrote: Mogadishu or Hargeisa OR GAROWE. Don't try to escape it son. Plus Djibouti only has a strong army if you compare it to the bush militias we have in Somalia, in world standards or even African standards they are very weak. + Why do all Djiboutis speak French? I mean look at the comments, it seems anyone that knows how to master Youtube speaks French.. The educated ones probably don't rate their language, similar to the Somalis in Kenya.
  4. Cambuulo, you are useless. You spent a month in Banaadir and you did not take one decent photo.
  5. Only one problem...Culusow knows NOTHING about diplomacy, ZILCH. The J/land fiasco is testament to that.
  6. ^Oh I see now. Waa the new ranks maahinoo? Af Soomaaligii maxaa u diiday?
  7. For a region with a population of only 620,000 this is not bad but more is definitely needed.
  8. By STANDARD REPORTER Garissa County: The Garissa County Treasury was given the green light to withdraw and spend more than Sh4.8 billion for recurrent and development expenditure before June 30, next year. In a special gazette supplement published by the Government Printer, the local administration can withdraw Sh4.847 billion from the Consolidated Fund anytime from today to spend for the public services. The supplement, which is currently being circulated within the authorities concerned, indicates an estimated Sh1.3 billion will go to health, sanitation and water sector which is certainly very crucial for the local population. Cash issuance The county infrastructure department was earmarked to spend Sh677.8 million which includes Sh400 million for construction of roads and rehabilitation of civil works. The county assembly, which is very important in formalising all the local policies and services to be undertaken by the county Executive, is also slated to get Sh505 million for both recurrent and development expenditure. County Executive for Finance and Economic Planning Idriss Aden Mukhtar said he was delighted that Garissa was in the list of eight of the 47 counties whose budget had no issue raised. “There were no deficit and supply complications in our budget,” said Mukhtar. No luxury and other unnecessary items were included, he added. Before the Government Printer published the notice, the Garissa County Assembly has enacted the County Appropriation Act 2013 to endorse and authorise the issuance of the money out of the county revenue fund and their application towards certain public services and uses. Pastoralist interventions Governor Nathif Adam Jama challenged his cabinet members to remain steadfast in fast-tracking development as they take charge of monies in their respective dockets. He asked all the public officials in the county to be transparent and impartial as they deliver services to the local residents. He said access to resources and control over these resources will help locals to plan and manage development effectively. He said devolution provides opportunities for pastoralist to develop pro-pastoralist interventions and responses strengthen the role of traditional institution in governance and speed up conflict and disaster responses. http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/?articleID=2000092536&story_title=garissa-county-gets-state-nod-to-use-sh5b-in-budget&pageNo=2
  9. What the hell is dable and janan? Anyone?
  10. cadnaan1;975852 wrote: Sawirka Gaandi maxaa ka qaldan waxaa qoorta u saaran maradii cadeed ee wadaada amxaarada xirtaan iyo wuxuu gacanta ku haystaa wax u ek booki Bible gaalada. How pathetic. Ever heard of marakaan (not Mareykaan the nationality)?
  11. I see. Nothing much here sxb. Just enjoying the last days of Summer.
  12. Somalis are still business savy and we're seeing the fruits today. colonisation, socialism and civil war messed things up but things are beginning to change now.
  13. Naxar, get lost with the rubbish waryaa. We don't want the whole city to turn into wannabe thugs.
  14. Che, no one even knows where Laandheere is sxb Nice [stolen] pics Moonie.
  15. Miyir;975926 wrote: :cool: go back where you come from! Wallahi that's ibtilo. In the West you're abused with this. At home you're also abused with this
  16. THe ulema don't decide what's xalaal or xaaraam, only Allah does that. They only clarify it.
  17. Firstly, about the slavery thing, he only said what Allah and his prophet said. If you have a problem with it, take it up with Allah and his religion, not the scholar. As for your second point, everything has a time and place.
  18. The sand-dweller seems to have got his knickers in a twist That said, couldn't they at least have edited out the long break(s) in the video?
  19. Carafaat;975645 wrote: Reer Puntland joojiya mucaaridnimadan raaqiska ah. The current road from Burco, Lascanood to Galkacyo will be rebuild. Who could possibly be against that? It seems Gaaroodi and other Landers on the internet are against it. Why would you refuse something that benefits you and your people? Yeah you can say you're an independent country and what not, but until you get international recognition you will have to share the international aid with Somalia.
  20. ^^Niyow iska aamus. You're talking about things you have no clue about. The Gallas never lived in Gaalkcayo. Gaal is the old Somali word for geel just as you have the subclan gaal.jecel (camel lovers). Gaalkacyo means the place the camels departed from or something like that. The oromos only probably lived in J/land before they were kicked out. Wadani, who doesn't know that? Even the name oozes nobility :D
  21. Abbaas, waad mahadsantahay sxb. Nuune, socod guurguurasha ayaa ka horreysaa. Turjumaadkan aan marka hore dhammaystirno.
  22. ^^There's been a boom in the number of kids attending tuition with there being many Somali run tuition centres also. We are now slowly starting to see the fruits of this.