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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Interesting words in the Head & Neck: Hunguri=Esophagus Hunguricad=Trachea Interesting words in and associated with ubucda/abdomen: Xiidmo=Intestines Dheefshiid=Digestion Dheefnuug=Absorbtion.
  2. Oogo= Body Madax iyo luqun=Head & neck Saab= Thorax Ubuc= Abdomen
  3. Xiidxiito= Ringed plover
  4. Saabaan= Furniture (masculine word) e.g. saabaanka
  5. Tallaabo;976840 wrote: Waa nin afka laga falay:eek: Lord Almighty. I did him a favour and tried to clear the misconception and he says iska aamus. He's MAD.
  6. ^^http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somali_maritime_history
  7. That's strange. Do you guys want to hear a weird tradition of our own? When we slaughter an animal, we don't chop the thigh bone into two (or small peices). The thigh bone MUST be kept intact so to get the meat waa in laga jarjaraa sideways. This is because apparently when Xaajiga Beesha went on Xaj, he left with only a thigh bone of cooked meat which miraculously sustained him all the way to Makkah. As thanks, he ordained that 'in lafta bowdiyada la jabiyo waa ka xaaraan faracayga' :D
  8. So someone finally slapped some sense into the women and has changed the slogan from Go to School to Aada Dugsiyada (I hope at least). But the question is, will she finally start speaking proper Somali when she's giving speeches?
  9. ^^Security. On the beach, the sea is a natural defence for a whole side of the compound meaning you just have to focus your defences on the side facing the city.
  10. What humiliation? Get off your high horses. Where was your humiliation when you were hacking each other for twenty years? Receiving payment through fingerprints is ingenious and corruption proof. If I had a company I would use this system as well. The only way someone can steal someone else's mushaar is if they cut his/her finger off which is very unlikely. I applaud this move.
  11. Coofle ^^ noo qeex erayadaas. Weelduw=Quarantine/Isolate Jixinjix= Compassion/Mercy. Goldoox= Stab in the side, perform a cesarean section Golli = Female fox, vixen Golmud=Sour milk that has separated and is almost all whey Gololo= Brand-mark, Insignia
  12. Naxar Nugaaleed;976788 wrote: Mullah look at the title under your name and LG's name. Now show some respect and return to the kids corner lol Then let me voice it for him.
  13. Daqane;976800 wrote: He was a genocidaire and only a certain minority consider him anything but.... setting the blueprint of false nationalism to clan massacres faithfully followed by every other offspring politician of a certain minority.... What most people like and idealise is the goal he fought for, a free, independent, united Somali homeland. That said, he was a ruthless man that practiced the age old practice of collective punishment. He killed and displaced many of his own clan. Balse, who is this certain minority bal? For I know a large chunk of Somalis can be accused of worse crimes than the Sayid committed.
  14. Nuune, I see a few fishy folks with big beards.
  15. See Alpha what you did? People actually believe what you say meaning you enrage honest Somalis and you further brainwash gullible Landers. Daqane, Alpha was just being Alpha. No need for that long post. Nuune, you still haven't explained what happened to my first post on this thread.
  16. Hey Nuune why did you delete my post on here? Laandheere is the name of a tuulo in S/Galbeed geed yahow!
  17. Afartanbax? Putting baby on shoulders? Alpha ina adeer, what is this khuraafaad ay Durriyadda ku kacday?
  18. This is a very good move Mashallah. Our P/land brothers should follow suit and iron out their differences with the government.
  19. Why did he only paste snibbits and not the whole thing? Or was this another cheap dig?
  20. Alpha Blondy;976538 wrote: it's the 40th day (Afartan-bax) of my little nephew today. i'm going to buy him some nice clothes and go to his party. he's growing so fast. mashallah. i have very high expectations of him. i want him to become an accountant. he's very bright, this one. What? He's only 40 days man
  21. I don't think you should be boasting about Culusow