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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Even in the Swahili coast, it's a myth and thinly veiled racism on the part of westerners to say Arabs built their cities. The Arabs came there to trade and lived there obviously, but the Swahilis were the main ones who built them.
  2. Reeyo;977426 wrote: Hey C iyo bun, I was reading this article about how grown men that play video games are trying to escape adulthood and responsibilities. Like 10 years that don't want to give up breastfeeding. Some deep psychological damage control. What do you think? Funny you say this. My uncle and his friend who are both 45~ were playing Fifa the other day screaming like kids when I walked in
  3. GAROODI;977126 wrote: In regard to your Hadith about how quresh can only lead: firstly it is well known that not all the hadiths are authentic. Most of them are but there some that are not authentic. The Prophet (pbuh) said that a white man is not better then a black man, an Arab is not better then a non Arab. And the fact that over the past few hundred years the chaliphate was under ottoman Turks and Europeans control with the blessing of the entire muslim world Arab and non Arab proves that Ethier you are not looking at it in its context (what the sentence said before it or the historical context or what it was refering to in a particular time) or it is wrong. One or the other I'm sure of it. History has proven that to be the case. The Khilaafa ended with the Khulaa-ur-Raashiduun. Then there was Kinship, then there was tyrannical kinship (what we have today) then IA the Khilaafa shall return with the Mahdi. There shall be Prophethood (nubuwwa) among you for as long as Allah wishes it to be among you. Then it shall be lifted up when Allah wishes to lift it up. Then there shall be successorship (khilâfa) on the pattern (minhâj) of Prophetship for as long as Allah wishes it to be. Then it shall be lifted up when Allah wishes to lift it up. Then there shall be a trying kingship (mulkan `âddan) for as long as Allah wishes it to be. Then it shall be lifted up when Allah wishes to lift it up. Then there shall be a tyrannical kingship (mulkan jabriyyatan) for as long as Allah wishes it to be. Then it shall be lifted up when Allah wishes to lift it up. Then there shall be successorship on the pattern of Prophetship. Narrated from Hudhayfa by Ahmad with a sound chain as stated by al-Zayn in the Musnad (14:163 #18319) and as indicated by al-Haythami (5:188-189): ” Narrated by Ahmad, al-Bazzar with a more complete wording, and al-Tabarani partly, in al-Awsat. The narrators in its chain are trustworthy. Also narrated from Abu `Ubayda by al-Tabarani in al-Kabir (1:157) NB: The prophet also said "and the best of kings is Mucaawiyah" or something along those lines in another narration.
  4. Reeyo, most of these historic cities were built by Somalis.
  5. Cam, I don't even have Fifa 13 lol My bro sold it. I play the demo and at other ppl's houses Reeyo, seeing those legs seem to have set you off. Take a deep breath
  6. Wadani;977406 wrote: Haatu it's never a good idea to cite an exception to the rule when the prepondernance of a thing/phenomenon is being discussed. The law of averages would place u towards the end of the right side of the bell curve if a representative sample of Africans was used as the population for a study. U would still place to the right of the median if the sample only included cadaans, cushites etc, but not as nearly as deviated from the mean. What the hell. Inaar malaha waad isku buuday What the hell does this mean? Are you calling me a laangaab?
  7. Cam, I have Xbox and I know what your thinking but there's no point. I don't have Online and I rarely play Al, do you understand the poems? My Somali isn't that bad but I can barely understand them.
  8. Hobbesian_Brute;977398 wrote: maxaa iska galay waxaad qortay iyo topicaan bal,? also address the message, and don't attack the messenger Inaar I see your Somali is improving. Tell whoever teaches you at HQ they're doing a great job Bloody basaas. Uff. Besides, if the poster equates Africa's poverty with lack of intelligence then they don't deserve a serious reply.
  9. Good luck to the Turkana and getting a fair share of their water. Those greedy locusts from Down Kenya will take it all. Alpha, have you watched Inconceivable Truth by Al Gore? I can't get a feeling that's it somehow serves the interests of the New World Order lot but that documentary changed my outlook of life (enviro-wise). Very powerful.
  10. Matta ina adeer, I see you have expanded. Masha Allah
  11. Tallaabo;977286 wrote: Hargeisa is already half Oromo Uff. What a disgusting thought. You Landers are too tolerant.
  12. ^^ I had one just yesterday at cousins house. I won 4 games straight. Wallahi I scored a screamer with Silva no lie.
  13. I am not poor, neither am I rich. I am not unintelligent, in fact every classroom I have ever walked into, I went in with the belief I am the most gifted there. I am not hopeless as I have hope in Allah providing. But you Herr Metta, you are unintelligent as you cannot see your own potential. You are hopeless as you wallow in your own self-pity. And by God you are poor as you seem to lack the faith that Allah will provide.
  14. Mad_Mullah;977003 wrote: OG can have a monument of bush fighters. HAG and Xamar can have a monument of Erdogan patting a Somali on the head. Puntlanders can have Jack Sparrow. Somaliland = Queen Elizabeth. LOL Wadani, you seem to be suffering from an inferiority complex lately sxb
  15. Alpha Blondy;976949 wrote: the Somalia interior minister looks bored. The guy really hates this deal and the constituency Madoobe represents...
  16. *ANWAR*;977054 wrote: My religion is Islam, I love and am proud to show off my faith. But I am also a realist, I know 100% that the Arabs would use Islam in their favor of an future Caliphate... Arabs are going to have all political power simply because they are the first ''MUSLIMS'' lol prepare to be blown away Point 32 of Sharhus Sunnah: 32: Khilaafah will remain within the Quraish until the descent of ‘Eesaa (alaihis salaam) Mu’aawiyah reports that Allah’s Messenger said, “This affair (Khilaafah) will remain with the Quraish. None will rebel against them except that Allah will throw him down upon his face, as long as they establish the religion.” Reported by al-Bukhaaree (Eng. trans. 9/190/253).
  17. If you want the Caliphate and the honour of the Ummah restored, you have to return back to the basics: It has been narrated on the authority of Ibn Umar (radi Allahu anhu) that the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “If you deal in usury (riba) and hang onto the tails of cows, being satisfied with cultivation and ceasing to take part in Jihad, Allah will inflict a humiliation upon you which will not be removed until you return to your religion.” [Reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawud and graded as authentic by Al-Qattan. Al-Hafiz states in Al-Bulugh that the chain of narrators is trustworthy and reliable.] Also ponder upon this amazing hadith: who narrated that Thawban said, “Allah’s Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, said, ‘Imminently, there will come a time when the nations gather against you, just as people gather around a feast.’ A man said, ‘Will it be because we are few at that time, O Allah’s Messenger?’ He responded, ‘No, you will be numerous in those times, but you will be as useless as the scum of the sea, and Allah will remove the fear that your enemies used to posses from you from their chests, and He will place al-Wahn in your hearts’, it was said, ‘What is al-Wahn?’, he responded, ‘Love of life, and hatred of death.’” Hasn't the Prophecy come true? Don't we see nations gathering around Muslim countries today? What is the way out? "until you return to your religion". Back to the fundamentals, Tawheed, pillars of Islam/Eemaan, seeking knowledge and acting upon it personally then advising your relatives. The first point of rectification should be yourself.
  18. These guys are lost. Instead of defending the Lower Shabeelle from the thugs of Galguduud they cry over stuff that doesn't concern them. Kismaayo iyo Baydhaba maxaa isku geeye?
  19. Khaatumo needs to agree within itself what it wants first. Then maybe we can discuss something.
  20. The following word is a medically related word that almost no one uses unfortunately which is a pity. Bukaanqaad=Ambulance.
  21. Still an arday sxb. You're welcome. More to come soon folks.
  22. Baduugan=Smashed to peices. Ebyan=Finished, complete, done.