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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Classified;977790 wrote: Why are you using the name of an ethnic group (Somalilander/Slander) as a verb? Oh my. There are at least two fatal errors in this sentence
  2. MMA, according to the dictionary that's correct. What did they used to translate it as in Somalia? Nuune, Why use Laki when you can say Doorey? Abbas, can we change eraygasirta to eraysireed? The latter seems more grammatically correct. Alpha, I don't know why you can't understand me. No one else seems to have a problem.
  3. As for this law, I'm not surprised. It is their country after all and they are free to do what they want. As the Brute seems to be using a lot of sayings, I throw one of my own: Heybad waxaad ku leedahay dhulkaaga hooyo.
  4. burahadeer;977652 wrote: Let us see churches in Riyad,Hargeisa or Mogadishu of today,don't complain when not eager to reciprocate.It's always one way street for some! Even primary children can't wear shorts in Somalia. Where I come from kids play in virtually shorts and nothing else so cut out this crap.
  5. I cracked up when I first read this the other day. The fool just discovered the properties of magnets and thinks he has a chance of getting a Nobel Prize.
  6. The region is practically a desert and any greenery that is lucky to survive ends up like this:
  7. STOIC;977729 wrote: My Somali geography sucks..this will be North-West right? How come the First Lady is in every SL picture while You rarely see president Hassan's wife We barely get to see the PM and you're talking about the First Lady
  8. Hobbesian_Brute;977734 wrote: alot actually, shifta waaxid. Well you would know that after we were betrayed by Egal AUN for cheap financial gain, we found ourselves fighting a hopeless war. Why then continue?
  9. Hobbesian_Brute;977637 wrote: you only submitted when they cut your mboros with burdizzos, somaha;) now your line and so obedient. maafish caqli wallah. What do you even know about the history of the region? As I said we tried the whole halgan thing and saw we weren't getting anywhere so we went for the sensible choice and have enjoyed peace ever since Alhamdulilah.
  10. Kn: Taliyaha Police-ka Kismaayo ayaa sheegey in ay baaritaan ku hayaan nin nabadoon ah oo maanta lagu toogtey gudaha Kismaayo. Maxamed Cabdi Buule ayaa sheegey in ay u badantahay in ninkani uu ku dhintey rasaas haboow ah oo dhexmaraysay ciidamadda. Nabadoonka dhintey ayaa lagu magacaabi jirey Gamaadiid Nuur Siyaad Colaad. Qof ka tirsan qoyska Gamaadiid oo Xamar ka hadlay, Cabdi Shire Colaad ayaa sheegey in Gamaadiid ay dileen ciidamo sii sakootiyey Sheekh Axmed Madoobe, wuxuuna codsaday in caddaalada la horkeeno dadkii dilka ka dambeeyey. KismaayoNews.com
  11. If this is true then it's very bad. Macalinka, what reason would they have to do what you allege?
  12. ^^ Murti means culture, cultural heritage, content, scope, essential point of literature. Xikmad means wisdom. Also, murti is Somali whereas xikmad isn't. Good progress btw. Have you found a decent premise yet?
  13. Wadani;977679 wrote: I was almost killed in the bombing of Hargaysa in 1988, so u have no right to lecture me. I'm just not an emotional wreck and perpetual victim like u and ur ilk. Now here's a proud iSelector The rest of ya'll can learn from him. Gooni, sheekadaas is much much worse than what you heard. They say wiilka baa duqa fara xumeeyey asagoo jiifa (najeynaa) deetana wuu habaaray. And they claim that's how he turned black and his offspring were also cursed to be black and the lowliest of mankind. As you can probably tell it's all garbage that comes from the Europeans and their inherent racism. As for where Black people come from, Allah created them that way.
  14. War are you even Somali? We all know the saying "Soomaali waa un D... iyo D...
  15. SomaliPhilosopher;977608 wrote: I hope to take a visit sometime while I am here. Never been to the NFD. I hear there is oil, so I ought to take a look . but for now i am in the capital of thievery War who cares about Nairobbery? My ancestors don't come from that place :cool: PS: I wouldn't go there if I was you. There's only one town of note and I can tolerate it because I was born there. You would find it very boring. PSS: I hate the some of the folks that live in NBO. Bunch of pretentious b@stards.
  16. Mad_Mullah;977518 wrote: Guerrilla war/insurgency. But I support making peace for the time being us 4 million people can't beat 80 million people. Let's be realistic. So now Ethiopia is lifting blockades of the region and more schools/universities are being built etc. Even my dad went back after not being there for over 20+ years. We have to be like the Kurds -- educate ourselves and when the time is right and a revolution/military coup happens we take our region and all the military bases etc. and tada. Half the job is done. Us in NFD tried to talk sense into you lot but who listens to us?! It's about time you take our approach. PS: Don't listen to these haters. Long live the halgan!
  17. Cambuulo iyo bun;977601 wrote: Im sure you would :mad: Well check this defeatist HAG out. I bet you identify yourself as 'Black' as well.
  18. Tallaabo;977554 wrote: Waar live and let live ninyow. Dhulka Alla iska leh. They should not be troubled as long as they are not troubling others with begging and crimes. Well you're all part Oromo anyway bloody mongrels
  19. gooni;977561 wrote: Dadkoo dhan waxaa dhalay awoowe aadam,balse waxaan maqlay allahu aclam ,wiilka madow intuusan madow noqon yuu ka naxiyay awoowe aadan oo jiifa ama hurda,subixii markuu soo toosayna waxaa la arkay asagoo madow Awoowe aadan wuxuu furihii dhaxalka u dhiibay wiilkii kale oo cadaa wuxuuna kula dardaarmay inuu gacanta hayo weligiis. Wiilkii cadaa wuu fuliyay dar daarankii aabihiis,waad aragtaa waxay qaxooti qaabileen markii raashinku naga go'o way noogusoo daraan ayagoo og in afrikaanku barwaaqo dhex jiifo tusaale,, maska ama halaqa afrikaanku waa dilaa cadaankuna wuu rabeeyaa suntiisana daawo nooga dhigaa wax la yaab leh baa meeshaas ku jira durbaanka iyo farxadu waa markaan dharegno kaliya Acuudi billah. Are you Christian because this isn't Muslim belief. Tallaabo, Siyaad wouldn't have done that had everyone continued to obey him till the day of judgement but that's besides the point. Wadani, you and me would get along just fine
  20. a·loof /əˈlo͞of/ Adjective Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant. Conspicuously uninvolved and uninterested, typically through distaste. lol ishaad iga riday. I do distance myself don't I It's good to see you alive sxb. How's Somalia? Are you still there?
  21. Guys don't waste your time with this Hobbesian dude. They want to extinguish the light of Allah with their mouths, but Allah will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.
  22. The city in the dust is rising. Nice pics Al.