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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. I don't understand why Safferz is equating poor maternal healthcare with large families. The former is the result of lack of health services due to state collapse. Simply saying "well they should have less kids if there's no health clinics" doesn't solve the problem, it just delays its impacts.
  2. Wadani;980174 wrote: lool, Waan ogahay inaan aniguba iska reer galbeed ahay laakiin dee reer bariga way inaga qurux badanyihiin baan umalaynayaa lol. Reer Hargaysa hadda Oromo ayay u wada eekaadeen, tollow maxaa dadkii ku dhacay lool. That's exactly what I was thinking when I went back. Kolley qurbaha baa na siray. Waa sidduu Sangub yiri, wax madow, faruuran oo jareer ah qurbaha kama jira
  3. We all know Axmed Gurey was Somali. What is this khuraafaad Coofle is spewing? :mad:
  4. Let the man enjoy his Jack Daniels in peace. *Raises can of Strongbow in salute to Culusow's bravery* PS: Is that Sarkhaan Iley behind him?
  5. Wadani;980180 wrote: Masha'Allah. Markabulls are making great strides in shedding their laangaabnimo. Step by step. We have a 50 yr plan and every man has to meet/exceed his 10 per wife quota
  6. I have a relative AUN oo dhalay 50 cunug no lie He did his bit for tolka
  7. ^^No qabiil talk please. Gracias. Here's a nice poem by Faarax Nuur. Ingiriis Axmaariyo Talyan, wey akeekimiye Arligaa la kala boobayaa, nin u itaal roone Anse ila ah Aakhiru Sabaan, iligyadiisiiye Orgigaa riyaha taadaxoo, oodda faaliga e Waa duni hablihii loo ogaa, aqalka diideene Anse ila ah Aakhiru Sabaan, iligyadiisiiye Waa duni la kala iibsadayoon, nala ogeysiine Waa duni akhyaartii go'dayoo, aaran soo hadhaye Waa duni ninkaad aamintaa, kuu abees yahaye Anse ila ah Aakhiro Sabaan, iligyadiisiiye Waa duni xaqii la arkayaa, la arjumayaaye Waa duni akhyaartii lahayd, iib ku doon tahaye Anse ila ah Aakhiro Sabaan, iligyadiisiiye Afka iyo adduunkaa hadloo, awdan sadarkiiye Ninka gacanta midig oodan tahay, laga ilroonaaye Anse ila ah Aakhiro Sabaan, iligyadiisiiye Nimanyahow bal daya xaajada, lala aguugaayo Odayaashan loo yeedhay ee, la anfac siinaayo Asxaabihii bayna yidhi, gaal ha aaminine Haddaad niman Islaamiyo tihiin, Aadan faracdiisa Oo aydnaan Ilaahay ka go'in, hayna oodina'e Hadduu awrka dooxada ku furo, eel kalaa xigiye Inaga daaya yaynaan ku dhicin, bahal afkiisiiye
  8. Apologies for my mistake earlier. This is the full dardaaran poem of Cali Oday: Ninka ladanee laqanbaad ahayd, laabta galiyaaba Ninkuu malaha laafaalugtuu, liidasho u filiye Kol hadduu Lillaahida gudboo, kaa ladqabo diido Libta inaad kasoo qaadatoo, lagado mooyaane Wuxuu tiisii kaga laabmo oo, liiliyaan jirine Hala lumee lafihii gaar noqdaa, magac ku noolaane Cabdi Ladan kobtuu laaci, waa inuu ka laabtaaye Shantii kibirka layliga ugalay, waranka leefsiiya Lix meeshaad ku joogtaan dagaal, laabta ka ogaada Haddii luqunta kore laydin jaro, lugaha meermeersha Luxdanaanta kama soo hadhee, laliya duulaanka Lalabaha sidaad ugu waddaan, laba jibaar geeya The original one I posted was just a random snippet from a request I found online. Obviously the person requesting the full poem didn't memorize it well and got the author wrong.
  9. Alpha Blondy;980056 wrote: OG folks of yesteryears were foulmouthed, you know. i heard y'all use to raid their camels for fun................before y'all were displaced by my reer abti folks. baal ka waraan sheekada, abti? ;) Nigga please
  10. Wadani;980045 wrote: Cumar Fakad gabaygaas wuu ku caytamay. Ummad dhan ayuu khamri iyo drugs ku sheegay. Nonetheless, it's a very apt comeback in nearly all arguments PS: Do you have the full poem?
  11. Haatu;980026 wrote: Ina adeer Al, hambalyo on your third anniversary of your Somalia adventure. That said, bal check this poem out bal. Lix halkaa ku joogtaan dagaal laabta ka ogaada Luquntana haddii laydin jaro lugaha meermeersha Laqantooyo kaagama dartee laliya duulaanka Laarrigana ha daynina wixii lumaya yeelkiiye Alla muxuu Arabka gabye. Cajiib ---------------- NB: meermeer - cause to wander, to wander Laqantooyo - premature death, dying young Lali/laliya - launch Laarrigo - aggressiveness, fearlessness. Correction. I have been grossly mislead. This poem is a corruption of Cali Oday's poem. Faarax Nuur, The Arab, had a similar poem where K was the 'focus' letter. Here's two verses from his poem: Kun la dirira idinkoo kontanna, waydun kaafiyi Kurkaa sare haddii laydin jaro, kubabka meermeersha I would like to advice our brothers in the North to STOP this maansabooli. They have great poets which they only shame with this disgraceful plagiarizing :mad:
  12. Hobbesian_Brute;980028 wrote: adeer tell that to the innocents blown up everday in the name of that religion. don't blame the messenger, ma garatay. Muxuu cay nagaga dhimi, wayska ciyaaye!
  13. Hobbesian_Brute;980035 wrote: do you even understand these or just impressing folks here ? "Do.qon dharagtay waa lagu yaqaan, daaca-qudhunkaase" ayuu Cumar Fakad waa horre yiri not that I expect you to understand. PS: I don't usually understand most poems but this stanza was pretty easy once I checked the meanings of a few words.
  14. Ina adeer Al, hambalyo on your third anniversary of your Somalia adventure. That said, bal check this poem out bal. Lix halkaa ku joogtaan dagaal laabta ka ogaada Luquntana haddii laydin jaro lugaha meermeersha Laqantooyo kaagama dartee laliya duulaanka Laarrigana ha daynina wixii lumaya yeelkiiye Alla muxuu Arabka gabye. Cajiib ---------------- NB: meermeer - cause to wander, to wander Laqantooyo - premature death, dying young Lali/laliya - launch Laarrigo - aggressiveness, fearlessness.
  15. Anwar al Awlaki was a misguided fellow and a terrorist. Hardly an authority on religious matters. Khayr, one question. Do you believe iimaan increases and decreases or is it static and one level?
  16. *Ibtisam;979998 wrote: Nuune it is also about time that your Jiin tells you: Berbera Airport is closing- refurbishment and then opening as a Cargo airport only- maybe summer time it will help with them passenger load. Now this is tragic. What a waste.
  17. Coofle;979974 wrote: It would have been even worse, the wrong thing reiterated by people is considering "Culimada" as politicians, Being a sheikh doesn't qualify you to become a leader or politician. Yes some of them may prove to be distinguished leaders (rare few) as every rule has an exception, but the majority will not understand what is going on.....I think we have tried this firsthand in Somalia and we are living the consequences today!. A mullah always leads in prayers but not a nation Coofle I think you are from the generation markii la waydiiyo 'Imisaa islaan/dumar ayaa guriga jooga', kuwii ku jawaabi jiray "Intaas iyo intaas haddii wadaadada lagu daro"
  18. nuune;979897 wrote: HAATU , you are a qabyaaladiist filled with hatred for anything that is not from your little corner, as Qansax and S afferz said, you know nothing, other than Suuqa-Xoolaha in Garissa(which of course is not where you are from observing from your posts there), and as a youth in his early 20s, you shouldn't indulge anything that is of Somail clans, leave it to the BIG bosses, Diktoorka and Xaaji Xeyraan can teach you one or two without mentioning qabiil names, they never mention anything and yet they hit the nerves of those whom they engage a dialogue with, laakin adiga, what you have exhibited is an inferiority complex you have in which you are trying to enhance or parade it to the people whom don't know what you are talking about, by the way, I am not affiliated to any of the clans you have mentioned, war tartiib niyahow nin dhallinyaraa tahey oo waxbarasha ku jiro, waryaa ha u arkin canaan ee u arag nasiixo maraxyahow Yes nuune, you see I'm a poor laangaab street urchin whom life has failed. I have to vent my frustrations somewhere
  19. I came across a funny dance from back home. I don't even know if it even qualifies for a dance
  20. What a way to ruin a perfectly good trolling session Mr Meygaag from Dhilmaanyarey QansaxMeygaag;979834 wrote: So you kick me out to Afmadoow abti? I like to think of it as voluntary repatriation. QansaxMeygaag;979835 wrote: Correction, Mark-a-Bulls are not laangaab by any stretch of the imagination...:cool: Usheeg bal :cool: QansaxMeygaag;979836 wrote: Becoming a militant Cumar Jees abti? What's going on with you? Cumar who? I think he was a bit before my time abti... Besides, we're all trolling here, even Apo was in on it Ambassador;979842 wrote: Haatu: MZ never settled in Baardheere. Gabyoow's clan did. To be frank with you I don't even know who Gabyoow is but I know who used to settle there. I was just pulling Apo's leg.
  21. QansaxMeygaag;979832 wrote: Abti does Abdul look like he has jareer, am confused... Yeah like me he has jareer hair (for those who are confused, I was talking about his hair type). QansaxMeygaag;979833 wrote: Pray, what does a "normal Somali" look like? Somalis have a range of hair texture (and even looks) from Yusuf Haji's here ( bis ), to even softer versions of this ( bis qooley ) to balwayn (slightly thicker than this but wavier, like harder indian version) to gardho (the thick woolly hair in old pictures of geel-jires ) And how many Somalis with jareer hair have you met? I think including myself I have only seen 3 or 4 in real life.
  22. Nin-Yaaban;979773 wrote: Ok, Macalin. My pleasure
  23. Cambuulo is around, but he's trolling under the name Hobbesian_Brute. Sup Alpha. Have you finally managed in getting a TV stand?
  24. Nin-Yaaban;979702 wrote: Walle beentii maahan. 'Wuu Print Gareenayaa' waa eroyooyin cusub oo English iyo Somali u dhaxeeyo. eray = keli erayo = wadar How many times do we have to remind you sxb :mad: As for the vid, I don't know but I just don't find it funny.