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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. a speech a true somali a description of people like al-shabaab by MSBarre
  2. Originally posted by Somali Pirate: alot of tribalists and eithopian stooges are angry? Blimey never knew they had that in them. Always saw them as wet blankets. Shame they can't show that same zeal in somali nationalism. i cannot believe people like u still support these mad men
  3. ^^^ he is too kind to his opponents. when they were calling him a gaal, he was calling the walaalo.
  4. myself i am a staunch supporter of ther government but todays (17th june) actions have put me in doubt. this is an open question to all SOLers. How can this government be saved? i have no ideas left.
  5. al-shabaab is in for it this time. they have truly tested the limits. not fust reer hiiraan but a lot of somalis are furious.
  6. i believe he has failed if he has no more plans left. but the comming days will tell. he has a big heart but that is not what somalia needs right now. somalia needs a strong character who is very assertive and aggressive. they need a man like MSBarre (i know he was bad but i mean someone with a character as strong as his one). only then can this government be saved. the man doesn't have enough guts for my liking. i don't even think he knows what is going on around him. enough is enough. his last card is to declare an all out war and every single soldeir under him shoukd fight till the end. like MSBarre said "illaa dhibicda dhiigeena ugu dambeyso ay ka daadato, waan dagaalameynaa".
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: quote: a bad gov is better than no government at all. 20 years is a very long time. about time somalis just accepted a government even if they don't agree with its policies. Sharif hotel and his group have pushed Somali governance even further. In Somalia trully the Northern states can only be called governments, everything else is just insane individuals pretending to be normal human beings. whateva they may be called, people should just accept them. and if they don't like them they should leave the country. armed resistance has achieved nothing so far and will never achieve anything.
  8. Originally posted by Shaakirullaah: Allahu akbar, an excellent operation masha Allah! May Allah reward our brother, the courageous and heroic living martyr with Al Firdaws. May Allah kill all apostate traitors by the hands of the mujahidiin, amiin. Martyr??????? alla jaahilsanaa. sucuicide is XAARAAAAAM!!!! U FOOL. IF the young teenager was not drugged and was sober, then according to the qur'an and xadiith, he will NEVER taste the fruits of janna (allaahu aclam). U are a blinded *****. HOW DARE U ASK ALLAH TO FORGIVE HIM???!!!! Alkharaabul khawaarijiin and xisbul-fasaad and all the other takfiirs are like u. They claim they are fighting for islam, but in reality they don't even know the basic principles of islam. like shiikh shariif said "98% can't even give a daliil", my friend you have just proven it. SHAME U FOOL. GO AND LEARN THE DIIN U CLAIM. U AND UR SO CALLED KHAWAARIJ CULAMAA.
  9. a bad gov is better than no government at all. 20 years is a very long time. about time somalis just accepted a government even if they don't agree with its policies.
  10. they well and truly have made a GRAVE mistake. That clan will lash out with all its fury and destroy these terrorists. not just that clan but the gov. will be furious. they have been preparing there troops for some time but there will be no holding back. MARK MY WORD.
  11. gacan ka haq daran ayaa dishe. waxaa diley mufsidiin ka soo horjeeda maslaxada ummadda soomaaliyeed. mufsidiintaas ma u' ifaayo nuurka weyn oo u' ifaayo soomaalida quman oo dhan. waa dad rabo in bililiqaysiga hantideena in ay sii socoto. waa dad ka soo horjeedo qaranimadeena. waa dad aanan diin dan kulahayn. waa saliibiyiin diidan wax walba oo layiraahdo soomaali. waa dad aanan aqoonsanin xurmada dhiiga muslimka. insha'allah mar dhow waa la jabin. axmed godane mar dhowna madaxa ayaa laga toogan doonaa. :mad:
  12. Originally posted by Fabregas: Tank i you fery muj. i think u mean taangi feero armaajo
  13. Originally posted by Kashafa: ^^ Riddle me this, my dear Gaalo-raac: What is the mission that 10,000 African troops will accomplish that 50,000(if not more) Ethiopians have miserably failed ? Kan yoo ansar that quweeshan ? Little people with little minds. Xataa mala fakaraayo. Sida cawaan camal aa waxaaa la maqlaa "African troops are coming(to kill, destroy, and occupy) markaas aa la qoslaa. Eee-hee, ee-hee. my friend don't take me wrong i detest the presence of foreign troops on somali soil. and i am NOT amused by it.
  14. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ now let me ask u how SOMALIAland got those weapons? I thought they spent their money providing basic services
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ now let me ask u how SOMALIAland got those weapons? I thought they spent their money providing basic services
  16. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ somalis call anyone with a beard sheekh
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^ what a shame. even the jews we don't recognise want some of our resouces
  18. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: Koonfurians xata waxay ka xanaqaayaan fananaad noo heestay waleh angu ictraaf helna na wabay dhiman lahayeen.. why shouldn't we??? somali ma kala maarmaan
  19. Howl Galka Beesha Caalamka Ee Sifaynta Xoogaga Al-Shabaab. Labadii habeen ee lasoo dhaafay waxa dekadda Muqdisho ka dagayay hub cusub oo ay leedahay dowladda midnimo qaran, hubkaasoo loogu tala galay in lagu sugo amaanka Muqdisho iyo nawaaxigeeda. Hubkan ayaa wuxu hordhac u yahay ciidamo Afrikaan ah oo la filayo inay soo gaaraan Muqdisho dabayaaqada bishan, kuwaasoo ka dhigi doona toban kun ciidamada AMISOM ee horay u joogay Muqdisho. Ciidamada AMISOM ayaa noqon doona kuwo bilaaba howlgalo lagu sugayo amaanka Muqdisho iyo Afgooye ka hor inta aysan u gudbin dalka intiisa kale. Ciidamada dowladda oo horkici doona howl galadaas ayaa lagu hubayn doonaa hubka soo dagay shalay iyo daraad. Waxana caawin doona howl galadaas ciidamo Itoobiyaan iyo Kenyaati ah oo kasoo talaabi doonaa xuduudaha Jubbada Hoose, Gedo, Bakool, Hiiraan iyo Galgaduud. Hogaaminta howl galadaan ayaa waxa wadi doona si maqaar-saar saraakiishii hore ee xooga dalka Soomaliya oo hada ku sugan caasimadda Maraykanka Washington. Lama oga sida loogu guulaysan doono howl galka lagu sifaynayo Al-Shabaab, waxaase ka go'an beesha caalamka inay ka hortagaan awooda Al-Shabaab oo sii fidaysa. ____________________ __________________ how about that for a shirqool
  20. it was aresnal's beautiful passing football that caught my eye
  21. ^^^^^^ sounds like 90s all over again
  22. i understand ur argument maybe Nuur Cadde is not a good example but there has to be some reliable officer from pre-1990 :confused:
  23. ooohhhhh didn't know that how can i??
  24. If u want an example, what about Nuur Cadde. He used to be a colonel. There are many more like him. By the way, u shouldn't be offended.... i thought u meant i was implying criminal officers like morgan when i said "trusted officers" (if that makes sense )