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Everything posted by Haatu

  1. Hawdian;982241 wrote: a funny and sick sick man Im still laughing at that picture I have to admit, it was so absurd I chuckled as well
  2. Che -Guevara;982224 wrote: Someone sent me a picture through SOL. Glad to know he's banned. That was a shocking image ma istiri. What kind of a sick mind would dream that up.
  3. Alpha Blondy;982222 wrote: ^ your authenticity threshold is ridiculous. abti sometimes you confuse me. You're a bright lad; why don't you polish your Somali and start writing in Afka Hooyo? Better still, why don't you start writing down the stories and histories our elders hold before it disappears forever?
  4. Believe it or not I benefited from this thread. I have finally found the answers to the odd behaviors and views of some of our brothers.
  5. SomaliPhilosopher;982218 wrote: hmmm interesting to see haatu has 'decolonized' his mind 'Decolonized'?
  6. Apophis;982216 wrote: Do tell Mr 01/01. That's private but we both know
  7. SomaliPhilosopher;982185 wrote: Do you think their is a market for Swahili as well? Why would there be? If you're thinking of starting a language institute, get a celta qualification then start an English one. To study in English universities, students need to have a TEFL qualification which you could offer.
  8. Apophis;982211 wrote: Bloody race traitors; off with their heads I say! Oh the irony
  9. That author should've written the book in Somali. Tell him the Golaha Ilaalinta Afka Hooyo (GIAH) spits on him.
  10. Let the people live their lives for goodness sake.
  11. Apophis;982179 wrote: The deal is sealed already. I'm eating veve and watching her TV as we speak; she makes a fantastic stroongi :cool: War put the cup of strungi down and run for the ngong hills! But they again, you are advanced in age so it's probably all you can manage.
  12. nuune, you don't seriously expect me to defend KDF do you? And FYI, ever since soo galootida were rounded up in Garissa a few months ago and sent away, the town has been peaceful
  13. Alpha Blondy;982080 wrote: i've plenty of stories involving niqaababes. caajib. i'll make you list but chapter 9 of The Y!b!r of las Burgabo awaits. tomorrow i/s. did spurs win? my TV isn't working eh....... I didn't know you were a qoraa. Spurs didn't play today. Wallaahi Arsenal were amazing. They scored a potential goal of the season.
  14. 5 yrs to finally save up the plane ticket. Allow ku dhowr
  15. Reeyo, to put it simply, it's because this thread is about a hot xaliimo.
  16. Alpha Blondy;981993 wrote: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@Hat, what do you need a wifey for, abti? you've got your whole life ahead of, maha? do you have terminal cancer or something? naga daa ciyaarta, dee? :p LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@cock fest what's the barbecue in Bush saying, abti? i was a regular in a joint in Shepherd Bush called Masaji. it is still open, horta? i ought to send you a list of places, ma istidhi? i was well acquainted with the city's underbelly before leaving for hell. :D Yes, make a list for me. Sxb, have u eva chatted up a niqaabee? LOL Didn't go to the bbq. Cba and it would mean I would miss MOTD which is blasphemy when arsenal are playing. It's about to start now...
  17. Tallaabo;981974 wrote: I don't understand the Somali mentality, it makes me sick. In this 21st century Somalis still have a huge problem marrying from certain minority clans and the Somali Bantus but are ok with Chinese and Jamaicans?:confused: Laangaab waa ehlu naar. That says it all.
  18. Alpha Blondy;981942 wrote: awesome vid, Hat. downloaded it. thanks for the eid regards. i had an excellent ciid. hope yours was excellent too. what did you get up to? i use to go to Trocadero in central London........ when i was your age in the last decade, abti. during one ciid, i met his chick called Muna there and i spent a fortune (xaqal ciid) on the bomber cars. i had smug face to my person as i drove her around. it was excellent, ruunti. the only thing missing was the soundtrack to the famous American 1980s classic Top Gun. Glad you liked it. My ciid wasn't that spectacular this year. It started at 7.00 am at the mosque (one of the wadaads seems to have decided I would make a good volunteer). I spent the next hour and a half saying brothers upstairs sisters in here After that I spent some time with the wadaads and akhs in the office eating some of the best suqaar and kibis in a long time and chatting about random stuff. Then I went out with the akhs to where else but Southall (as you get older you just seem to want to do less and less and just spend more time talking and relaxing). Had lunch, banter, scouted for potential wives (LOL) and the day finished. There's a barbecue this evening in Shepherds Bush which I might go to depending on my mood but it will be a cock fest so I don't know if it will be worth it. You know, all these years I've lived in London and been to nearly all the places to see, I have never heard of Trocadero. It seems like an excellent place for a date (fun and far from hooyo ). Thanks dubrii (ina abti btw).
  19. QansaxMeygaag;981929 wrote: Loooooooooooooooooooool; abti are you serious? Ostracized for marrying a Garre? LMAO I had the same reaction as well. I thought dadku kibir badanaa The guy was one of the nicest people you could meet who actually works to support his family and was one of the few that didn't ask for money. Half of them so-called gob ab.same folks can only dream of having the man's karti but some people can't see beyond isir sadly.
  20. That's a lot of money. Have you tried Books for Africa?
  21. Mad_Mullah;981857 wrote: “Whosoever has in his heart, even a atom of pride he will not enter paradise.” That ain't me, that's a Hadith. Because that pride is based on arrogance, you people would let your daughters get beaten every night by a high on qat Farax rather than a well practicing Muslim from another country that lives in your country. Look at the Ansar of Madinah that divorced their own wives so that the Muhajireen could marry them. These were the best of people but you would say they have no pride. Secondly, I would believe you if you came from some rich Dubai Sheikh Family, but where is this pride you speak of? Thousands of ads all over the world, from America to Japan telling their citizens to donate money to starving Somalis. Where is the pride? Demonstrating in front of the UN/UK embassies to get recognition for a clan enclave. Where is the pride? Bragging about Turkish built hospitals and roads. Where is the pride? Looking down on others while here, the Somalis have the lowest employment rate, yes even lower than Jamaicans etc. Where is the pride? Talking about being warriors while half of you gun down civilians in malls and the other half gets it's salary by neo-coloniliasts like America and Europe. Where is the pride? Instead of helping the OG reclaim their land you arrest them and hand them to the arch enemy of Somalia. Where is the pride? Hundreds die trying to reach Italy or even worse, Yemen. Where is the pride? You have no pride, living in western countries of benefits and if it wasn't for their mercy we'd all be living somewhere in the Libyan desert. Please, don't talk about pride anymore. Post of the year. Just for this you deserve to be the nomad of the year.
  22. Mad_Mullah;981843 wrote: If Somalia was rich we'd import the Syrian refugee, give them Somali passports, teach them Somali, with two generations they'd be like the Xamaris. We all know Syria won't come back for atleast another 50 years/ Niyow do you hate your colour or something?
  23. Wadani;981835 wrote: What do they consider themselves though? Do u know? If there was a fight betwee an Oromo guy and a Somali guy, who would the Garre guy side with? They consider themselves Somali. And like all Somalis they would defend their clansmen first but they don't care for the Oromo. I'm pretty sure they have skirmishes with them in S/Galbeed.
  24. Mad_Mullah;981830 wrote: Show us pics of this Garre, if they have the narrow nose, big foreheads then yes they are Somali. War they look like proper Somalis, none of that weird pseudo-bantu look you see in Xamar.
  25. They're Somali but they speak Af Oromo, so there's a language divide. No one looks down upon them it's just some of my relatives are a bit "behind the times" shall we say when it comes to inter-clan marriages. About the Garre, historically they're fierce warriors and very proud. Nowadays, they have Mandheera county on lock and occasionally partake in clan wars. That's about all I know about them